Niggers in anime

Why are there barely any black anime characters? There's a metric fuckton of white characters.

Also are there any actual interesting or memorable black characters?

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Anime often portrays a utopic society where everyones having a good time.

notto disu shito again.jpg

because japan, like most of asia don't like black people. Europe and NA did the whole slavery thing so now they have to pretend to like blacks due to guilt or some shit. But in reality most of the world don't like blacks.

Black men's purpose is to impregnate your waifu in doujins, that's it.

Watch Boondocks

Because niggers are irrelevant and not muh blonde aryans.
There is fair share of good black chars tho, like the one from Black Lagoon.

That would be faceless bald fat men. Why can never be a cool strong guy the one doing the rappin?



Same reason you don't find that many Amerindians in anime.

Because white anime characters and white people look better than black ones?


Check out Bob from Tenjou Tenge

They're more prominent in doujins.

>only Europe and NA enslaved Africans

Most anime characters are supposed to be Japanese (not white). There aren't many black people in Japan. The foreign characters that aren't like Chinese are almost always stereotypes; most often they are white with blonde hair.

Mugi is my waifu

not my point retard. They are the only ones who feel guilty about it. rest of the world don't give a fuck.

that handsome black actor from the movie

Jews didnt enslave africans yet they make sure every hollywood program has nigger quota that must be fullfilled. Cant explain that.

that's very easy to explain though




>Jews didnt enslave africans

The black who blacked theblakedswordsman.

Because niggers aren't smart enough to make a character.

maybe anime drug dealers?

People want to see beautiful people on TV, so no.


Bobby is fucking amazing.

She was a pacific islander though.

she's brown, not black
ypu know blacks have different features right?

Asian hate niggers

t. Gook

Jews are white though.

Dumb trump supporter

We all know asians are racist as fuck but is there any race you dont hate all that much?

>All blacks have the same features
Here we go again.

>jews are white

i wonder who is behind this post

Every act of the Jews is to subvert and undermine whites, ultimately leading to its destruction.

Because in most of Asia the beauty standard is light skin>darker skin since lighter skin to them signifies higher status. There are so many skin whitening/lightening products over there and they even made an ad where they put a black guy in a freaking washing machine and then comes back out as a light-skinned asian dude, which caused lots of controversy in the West.
Also this is Japan we're talking about, where everyone's light-skinned. It's really rare to encounter a darker skinned person aside from people who tan a lot.

No I fucking hate all of you cunts

T. Chink

that's a good example of black facial features
if you changed the skin to white, he still wouldn't look white
this thread should probably be moved to Sup Forums or /bant/ or something, this is getting away from anime

If I wanted to look at niggers, I'd just go onto the streets.

Niggers are always trying to claim brown SE Asian, Indian or even Mexican characters as their own. I don't get it, are they not aware of how their own people look like? Pic related is how an actual black character looks in anime.

Every act of the shitposter is to subvert and undermine threads, ultimately leading to his favorite website's destruction.

We ain't talking about the face, but the face alone proves my point.

>half the thread is genuine responses about there not being many black people in Japan

makes you think


What's wrong with Chiba?

Yeah now take this shit back to Sup Forums you stinky nigger

This isn't fucking anime


Mugi abducted all japanese niggers

monitoring this thread if only because i believe it will be deleted

> neo/a/


are you fucking joking? they're not doing that to atone for their array of sins, its to normalise replacement of whites


Best boy


Because the elevens know that including niggers will make anything worse.

>Jews are white

Choi is supposed to be from an island in the pacific ocean where the main language is Japanese. I'm sorry that you niggers can't comprehend such simple facts and have to co-opt other cultures.

Same reason as representation of anything nonJapanese in anime. Majority of the nation is composed of ignorant and/or nationalist fucks who don't give a single fuck about the world outside Japan and don't care to learn anything about it. Also the ratio of ignorant to nonignorant people is even higher among anime producers and consumers as they have higher than average ratio of lower to upper class people.

(You) for effort

Cool arguments bro.

And just like in horror movies, the black guy dies soon after appearing.

I'm glad to see that someone agrees with me

Wow, you're pretty racist.

Why is this off topic trash not deleted yet?

Is this created by that one jap on YouTube who nitpicks his video so it's full of things about how Japanese want more foreigners and how japs aren't racist shirts?

Looks like an ordinary black to me, though I've seen only about 5 of them irl.

Here's how they got their hair. Not even kidding.

>off topic
What? It's anime related

In other news, water is wet and fire is hot.

> I believe the world is as Walmart as my murrikan ass


>thinly veiled pol bait with anime threw at the end of the sentence
Kill yourself nigger

Escaping into a better world is a central theme many anime and manga share.

>murrifats don't even know what racism is anymore
I generally like the Japanese culture for what it is and how they kept their national identity and rational policy unlike European nations, but I can't just turn a blind eye on some of its legitimately vile parts, like their widespread ignorance and repressed psychopathy.

Why do you fucking care? You're not Japanese, stop appropriating Japanese culture

kuso thread desu

Glad someone posted Bobby, there's hope yet for this site in 2017.


Japan is majority Japanese. As for why their character always look caucasian, I hate to break it to you but that's the standard of beauty for majority of the world. Asian cultures in particular don't find black skin attractive. Go cry about representation elsewhere, both Japan and anime don't need blacks.


Fuck off back to

I'm entitled to having an opinion on subject as easy to research as national mentality and also entitled to expressing said opinion in a thread that asked a question whose answer lies in this issue. If you don't have any arguments that refute my opinion then fuck off.

Shut the fuck up, If Japs don't want Niggers in there entertainment or culture what fucking right do you have to force your stupid opinions upon them. If they hated themselves and culture like cuck whites do today, maybe they would allow literal sub-humans to destroy everything they've built. We should be in awe of their pride and self-respect not shit on their desire for sustainability. You people make me sick. You claim you love multiculturalism but in reality you want the whole world to be the same shade of beige. You want everyone the same, so you can ignore your own inferiority. Most people are better than you get over it, Faggot.

Whenever you think Sup Forums can't sink any further, someone new brings in the racebait of the day

No one likes niggers, and Japan doesn't have as many Jews pressuring them to include them for diversity's sake.

pls go and stay go


Just report and move on.

I thought you people liked anime? Tell me what happens when the Japs are bred out of existence for the sake of diversity? What are you gonna watch, what are you going to shitpost about then? Fucking Steven universe?

Best fight commentator.

Looks more Aboriginal than African, honestly, but that interpretation might be colored by the fact that he's drunk off his ass.

Wouldn't you like to imagine that niggers didn't exist?

I think its offensive to compare a hairless gorilla to aboriginals.

I like this meme.

Kengan Ashua?

Please stop saying hurtful things about black people. As a black person you really are hurting my feelings and making me feel alienated from this community.

There aren't many white characters in anime compared with japanese ones, despite how it might look to westerners. White characters usually have enormous noses and blonde hair.