Krautgate - Warski edition

Vee isnt a doctor

Sargon Dont Know What He Is Anymore

Centrists Death Squad

Styx Vs Greg Johnson

Sargon Is Black

Liberalist Debunked

Academic Agent vs David Cedarwood

Sargons new homepage

Sargon and Metokur talks about Doxing

Sargon the Liberalist


>Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before The Storm
>Tales of Trout Part 2: Academy of Discord

>Tales of Trout Part 3: Ballpits Closed

>Tales of Trout Part 4: Dox, and Doxxes, and Doxxxing Oh my

>Could it get any worse? (It could)

>The Fall Of Kraut Explained in Under 6 Minutes
>Top Skeptic Jew “Kraut & Tea” Deletes Channel After Failed Jihad Against the Alt-Right

Kraut was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.

Other urls found in this thread:

link up the live warski


Warski gonna get Mossaded

>Rags co-opts the stream and directs Brainletski to read his superchats.

It hurts knowing that no matter how nice, loving, kind, compassionate, and decent you are to people, that if they knew about your philosophical or ideological views they would instantly see you as a Demon who needed to be expunged, purged, fired, destroyed, or killed. And every single moment you spent with them until then - all the things you shared - would become meaningless in their minds. You would be nothing but a criminal in their eyes from that point on, completely devoid of the right to be even remotely considered forgivable. Your humanity would disappear in an instant.

All because of philosophy and ideas. Words. Thoughts.

And living that way every single day, around them.

That's what it's like. That's the reality we're dealing with. And that's what we have to fight. Because we deserve better.

But it's understandable why some people back out.




Can't wait. I'm going to be reporting him to Canadian authorities, because what he did was illegal having all those Daily Shoah Nazis on his podcasts: advocating for genocide against minorities and denying the Holocaust. Got plenty of redditfriends that are going to mass report him for it.

Well I think the money whoring and cucking on core issues of some of the "alt-light" celebs/media created a sort of purity spiraling in some parts of when it comes to the usage of the term. MSM focusing on the most extreme parts and presenting as majority view did the rest.

Ok 9% might be on the high end. I'd prefer a lower number but I would be a lot less concerned about 9% Asians than about 5% Middle easterners or Africans.

Asian as in east asian. CJK mostly.

>TFW when a manlet quebecois seems like the most sensible person you've heard in a while



>Sargon Dont Know What He Is Anymore
Anyone send this to Sargon yet?

Andy "cucked to oblivion" Warski

Andy "Tranny pleaser" Warski

JF is baby's first introduction to libertarianism. He's barely scratched the surface, and lots of the things he sees as "impossible" (e.g., creating ethnostates without violating rights) is perfectly possible and even easy. It's frustrating if you actually know about the subject matter.

I feel the need to say something about Sargon.

I must admit that it does hurt me to say anything which might lead to Sargon maintaining and kind of serious authority or influence and the ability to gatekeep people like me. His words travel further than most, and for him to slander the Alt-Right is something I don't treat lightly for its widespread effects.

That said, he's right that we need to fight. And that the Alt-Right is not as powerful an idea to defeat the PC culture we are living in (on a very serious level that hurts us all in a very tangible, real way) as the idea of freedom and liberty, which is what liberalists are pushing for.

I also agree with him that these things (PC/SJWism/anti-white shit) are not funny. They're real. So I disagree with Jim that it's just "cringe" to want to actually solve the problem.

This isn't all a joke. My ability to keep a job isn't a joke. My ability to find a woman who isn't completely fucking indoctrinated isn't a joke. These things aren't funny. They aren't just silly. They're real.

And therefor I do want to actually, seriously win this. Realistically, as much as I agree with the Alt-Right on some things, I also agree with liberalists on some things. A bit.

I don't agree that freedom of speech should ever be restricted. I don't agree with authoritarianism. This is how I personally feel. I don't like the idea of repressing gays, or not allowing any non-whites to live in the ethno-state at all. I believe in - at the very least - a balance.

That's all I wanted to say. At the very fucking least, I just want my fucking life back. I want a world I can fucking BREATHE in. And maybe, just maybe, the liberalists actually can offer REAL solutions, whereas the Alt-Right can offer nothing much more than thoughts.

>Do you consider yourself a Liberalist?
>How is that any different than Classical Liberalism?


its a weird world snek, its a weird world

>Theyrn Meyer
Gib khazar boimilkers


Fucking pathetic.

Is it just me, or is Lauren looking a lot uglier lately? She is not aging well.

>not being intellectually cucked by memes on an anime website you take at face value like an idiot makes you a cuck

Too much alcohol and makeup will do that

Liberalists represent a specific movement of people, whereas the term Liberal represents (in the minds of most people) a simple blanket concept for "Left/Democrat" etc.

Liberalists are attempting to restore the deeper concepts of liberalism to the political and social sphere with enlightenment concepts of freedom of thought and expression.

Liberals (as we know them today) are just anyone who listens to NPR or watches MSNBC. That's not the liberalists. Liberalists hate the modern day "Liberal" and are much closer to someone like Hans Herman Hoppe (libertarian).

But they aren't so much focused on economics and libertarianism as they are SPECIFICALLY on culture. In other words: freedom of speech and thought as a cultural ideal rather than simply a law.

That's just my take on it.

So you bet on winning by convincing tribal black and brown people to follow abstract liberty focused ideologies that offer them the end of welfare?
You do realise that these people are so tribal that they will even riot when a gangster who was in the process of robbing a shop is shot by police.
Basically you are voting for the end for your bloodline, because there is no future for us if this is the thing that we are going to push for.

I don't really think worrying about the "how" is the main priority right now anyways. The biggest issue right now is reestablishing the idea in the cultural sphere and JF is doing good there.

Any links on the right-libertarian position on the "how to ethnostate" question besides hoppe?


Seems to be the common opinion. I think she's OD'ing on botox

Sargon's Liberalists+ is such a cavalcade of contradictions. Was he actually working before he piggybacked on Gamergate or was he a jobless 35 year old welfare sponge?

>Warski is too scared to bring Destiny on again

I say this all as someone who DESPISES the way Sargon mocks the Alt-Right.

I've just decided that I actually do kind of agree with some aspects of what Sargon is saying. He has done some decent things in the past as well, it's just the way he calls the Alt-Right nothing more than horseshoe SJWs that pushed me to feel extremely angry and disgusted with him.

I doubt he'll stop doing that, but at the very least I can definitely agree with him on some things. I just think he fails to recognize the nuance in many of the Alt-Right positions enough to realize that simply calling them SJWs or racists yada yada is objectively illogical.

nice blogpost. i only read that last 2 lines but i can tell you're a complete faggot.

>I identify as a liberalist
>Though I don't know what that means when you ask

How obvious are these sargon dick riders. Sweet fuck it's transparent as all hell.

TRS always goes to far for normies. Andy was foolish to think people actually care about free speech.

He's meme, but Stefan Molyneux was correct in his explanations. If you abolish the welfare state, the country will naturally select individuals who are productive and can survive on their own. Without state interference, people will act racist (which is human nature) and will discriminate against non-whites, causing them to self-deport. Multiculturalism can only exist if it's enforced by the state.

Jf would be a fascist if the state didn't cuck him and take is autist gf away.


Why do people talk about this gay shit for? GET SOMEONE FROM OUR SIDE ON THERE NOW!!!!!

>when humanity's moral, demographic and spiritual future and the defeat of the Jews depends on a bunch of disgruntled and angry young people from all over the world on a Mongolian basketweaving forum and their braver contemporaries and spokespeople

God help us

Polite bump.

HAPPENING: Democrats Vote Against CHIP Funding Ahead of ‘Schumer Shutdown’
Paul Ryan's inbox is full, call your own house members.
#FusionCollusion 19th and Happening

He has served his purpose and he's upset that he's fading out of relevance. There's probably many habitual Sup Forumsacks today that got their way into the Right Wing through e-thots like Sargon. We should recognize what he's done historically while discarding him now for "punching right" not being extreme enough.

I used to hate Styx, but he honestly is the only libertarian on these streams so far that doesn't annoy the shit outta me. He really showed how much of an annoying twat Sargon is, considering Styx is capable of speaking his piece then allowing his opponent the same courtesy to finish a point, while not using dumb debate tactics to win an argument.


fuck no. sjws are the best thing that evwr happened to white people, they are creating a monster and i dont want them to stop

This is the original pic you pathetic meme appropriating shill

I agree to some extent.

At the same time, you completely ignore the literal fucking retarded white people everywhere who don't understand concepts either. They exist.

I support the ethno-state concept because I support European identity which arises from genetics. However, all I'm saying is that... my personal experience is that there ARE black people (for example) who are smart. Thomas Sowell. Now the general Alt-Right position I struggle with is calling them outliers.

I just don't agree anymore. Maybe I'm a faggot or a cuck or something. I actually am living in the real world and I deal with black people daily and I know that I like them and care about them. And I know that constantly being generalizing leads to irrational behaviors like thinking for instance that because someone is black, they do this or that. It's not FAIR to them to do that and especially as it is stupid.

It's stupid, and even embarrassing to fall for that.

At the same time, I completely acknowledge that a lot of what the Alt Right say really does make sense. Like race is real and shit.

That's why I - at the very least - stand completely for liberty. The only way to truly ever get to figuring things out is by having freedom of debate and thought. I can't say for sure what the truth is. But as long as we can TALK and say whatever the fuck we want and do so rationally, then theoretically we can figure things out.

It's just that we're fighting hordes of zombies who really seem to hate this concept so much that we can't ever hope to stand for it. And they aren't just black. There are white people who are against liberty. Millions and millions of them who don't fucking understand it.

The ethnostate is a comfortable concept. But I don't think it's the final solution. I think the ethno-state is ONLY a solution to the concept of genetic cultural identity (identitarianism).

The solution to liberty and progress is something more like anarcho-capitalist libertarianism.

Allsup nailed it in the Baked Alaska stream desu. People are moving on from Sargon because the SJW crying shit has just lost its flair, much like the atheist debate, who cares about it anymore? on the other hand, race realism becomes more and more relevant by the day.

What annoys me about Sargon at the moment is that he's using libertarian arguments, while not being a libertarian himself. Like nigga, that shit doesn't work like that. Taking his arguments to their logical conclusion would result in anarcho-capitalism, which he clearly is against.

Pooniishd Jjaay-eff. A bioologiist denied eez waifuu in ze pooblic spaze.

I don't hate him at all, I still watch his stuff. He's a nice guy but he is misguided.
He doesn't understand that his theology of converting black and brown people is a phantasy when even Liberalist Facebook group upwards of 95% are white males.
It will never work, Sargon runs with an individualist ideology that only appeals to white people to make us fight as individualist against highly tribal groups.
This will necessarily lead to our societies being taken over by these foreign groups and they WILL NOT ASK YOU if you accept their values as the norm when they take over.
You are lucky if they only force you, Muslims usually even kill all males and take women as slaves to breed the conquered people out of existence.
And this isn't hyperbolic bullshit, they attempted to do this in Syria and we could all watch videos of this on liveleak.

I think in an an-cap society you would still get natural oligarchies in social media, and the media companies would censor opposing views and promote multiculturalism, so we would need a state to break up the oligarchies.

But Whatabout...

If you're not an OG who can laugh at the chaos you're going to suffer, the blackpill is just us autists returning to our self defence mechanisms
>Look at that burning car crash, hilarious

Understand distributions, ethnocentrism and group dynamics please.

kek warski getting btfo on twitter


That's your opinion because you are economically illiterate. Not trying to be rude, but this is very common occurrence. Unlike communism, extreme capitalism is not very intuitive to the average person.

You're a fucking retard, and so is your god Sargon.

>libertarians and the alt-right don't understand their own principles. Now bake the fucking cake bigot and pay for my healthcare, but the alt-right hates individual liberty. Any and all state intervention is authoritarianism and tyranny, but only if that state is an european ethnostate. If it's a liberal democracy it's all fine

>sjws censoring vidya raised a whole generation of neo nazis
it will never not be funny

Non-whites vote against freedom (on average). America will not become liberalist with a white minority.

Not really. No licensing means no regulatory capture and censoriousness leads to losing market share. The only reason competing with Google is impossible is state subsidy to the tune of billions and billions.

What is he talking about? Who's kidnapping babies?

But we will win though. I take this shit seriously and see success every few months. Jokes on you, I guess.

First post was kind of good, but holy fucking reddit.


>we support property rights and free trade
Except you're for a mixed economy like everyone else except far-left and ancaps.

Yeah Liberalists are fucking faggots.

Thanks for keeping me from being blackpilled. I've just gotten back to my super liberal university and I'm really feeling the brunt of the degeneracy.

Have a Hitler, buds.



>you're a big dumb-dumb
Not an argument.

>my personal experience is that there ARE black people (for example) who are smart. Thomas Sowell
I do not deny the humanity or value of people of other races but I'm not evil because disassociate from their own problems.
Why is it that we have to pay for their survival at a decent level and if we chose to separate from them and their problems we are suddenly evil?
I ask you, could you imagine a situation where blacks would go out of their way to work hard as a collective to provide for the survival of white people?
This doesn't mean that I'd go in there and use gov force to end marriages or split families, no. But the same way the US went from 90% white to 56% white over 50 years in a peaceful way it could be reversed.
Close the border, deport all illegals, allow no more immigration from non European societies, end the parts of the welfare program that act as a breeding programme for people who cannot even support themselves (usually blacks)

Mate, we literally fucking brothers now. I don't care if you are Southerner, we FUCKING share the same problems. Never ever fucking relinquish because some faggots on this obscure board for political enthusiasts say "it's over XD".

not to mention, people like Sargon who criticize people like Spencer for "having to use violence to achieve an ethnostate" have no problem with themselves stating that they too will use violence to enforce their civic nationalism onto the non-whites. i wish someone would bring up to either Sargon or Styxx on one of these streams that what they're really doing, with their positions, is perpetuating the white man's burden.

Styx uses Rome as an example of a multiethnic successful society, yet we can look at recent history, including right now even, and see every time white men have tried to force, pressure, or even just influence the non-whites into liberal society it never works (Amerindians in N/S America are the best example of it, maybe the colonial states in Africa as well). non-whites in general do not have the same appreciation for liberal ideas because they do not share the same history with them as we do. they don't even share the same grasp or concept of private property. Greg Johnson does allude to this sometimes i think, about how it's actually cruel to force non-whites into white society and institutions and expect them to conform when they're better off as masters of their own path and destiny. what we do, and what Sargon seems to want, only depresses the non-white in an alien environment which turns them to crime.

Alt-Hype about to get btfo lol

can i see some vids of muslims taking women?

He basically is saying that is deciding to choosing an autorithy claim vs another autorithy claim.

Is not like he had studied any of the claims in detail.

There are vids where you hear women scream in the background while a bunch of jihadis are laughing and presenting the underwear of these women who are being raped.
And please don't act as if this isn't real you fucking sandnigger. You people have slave markets in Syria and Libya. Just kill yourself.


I think we would still see a small number of companies will most of the market share even without government interference, but I'll admit it's hard to prove either way.

The network effects of social media are so strong.

>The Constitution gets better, like the women's right to vote
KEK civcucks

>JF meets Warski irl

How long until JF decides Warski is the love of his life and he wants to impregnate him? It will of course end with more legal trouble for JF when Warski files a restraining order.

It's really funny too because the group he is arguing against is filled to the brim with guys that can see through his half.assed liberal principles because they come from a libertarian perspective. He seems to know very embarrassingly little about the alt-right beyond the memes.

And then he goes around talking about the alt-right of cucking on their principles.

Jesus Christ these liberalists on warskis stream just blow with the fucking wind and just sit on the fence at the end of the day. Absolute cucks and status quo niggers the lot of them
>what if someone doesn't like what your doing

I'm a gook living in the American South but I own guns, a truck and only wear cowboy boots. I don't care if I don't have a personal stake, this country's not becoming non-white on my watch.

The whole "political ideology" is a joke. They don't even know what the fuck it's about. The only reason they identify as it is because they are dickriding the stepfather. They look like fucking retards and the longer it goes on the funnier it gets. Give it 6 months and they'll be nothing but punchlines.

Most normies don’t even vote. Politics is entirely controlled by Boomers and Dems who bus niggers to the voting booths and give them shit to vote


>You people have slave markets in Syria and Libya
By mere rhetoric, are you willing to take a part in some sort of a global secular jihad to end slavery? Like invading North Korea?

>this country's not becoming non-white on my watch.
wew lad i knew you were kinda based

did not see the stream is it any good has the gypsy been exposed?

No, I only care about what is going on in my country, the fate of Europeans/whites and about realistic outside threats to us.
I sleep very well knowing that North Koreans live in a gigantic concentration camp. That's their problem.
Would North Koreans help and feed us if we ever got into any problems? They'd probably even stab us in the back if they could.

the furry said he had to look up what federalism means

>"we fucked them and its sad"
JF on the indians isnt very positive

To manipulate people properly you can't give them any reason to shut down communication.

JF is fucking finished

take notes, this is how you red pill normies and libertarians.