Daily Mod Approved Met/a/ General

> front page exclusively anime generals

How do we fix this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't fix it. Don't be like the nazis.

too late


By creating compelling non-generals. And promoting discussion in already existing non-generals. Maybe making some original content and posting it outside of generals would also work.


Sup Forums is fine compared to other boards like Sup Forums
At least there's only one thread per manga/anime
The mods should allow sadpanda threads

Considering the mods allow eternal Kemono Friends and Boko no Hero generals I'm pretty sure they don't care

We need /ag/ and mods actually hearing that /e/ and /h/ exist. That would fix everything wrong about this board. The only problem is how much traffic it would lose, though I assume it'd be minimal.

>How do we fix this?

Stop being a fag and start using the catalog? No ones given a shit about the front page in years.

>The only problem is how much traffic it would lose

Fuck off.

Yeah, you're right. Mods need to delete more things, faggot.

There are no more than like 5 or 6 /ag/-worthy generals out there, and I'm pretty sure Boku no Hero is an ongoing now so it doesn't really count as a general. These can be dealt with on a individual basis: left in place or declared cancer and purged altogether. /ag/ would do more harm than good, I'm afraid.

It would kill Sup Forums and makes it become like Sup Forums, don't change anything about Sup Forums, and generals about airing anime or shows with lots of new contents isn't a problem, generals like what Yuru yuri or monmusu used to be is the real problem, also that fucking jojo general, there is one chapter every month it doesn't need a thread every fucking day.

Not like mods will do anything about it, they're too busy deleting loli threads that doesn't break any rules and aren't general.

I agree. I'm a pedophile that wants to see what I don't like deleted and good natured fapbait of children flood the board.

Back to your jojo general, faggot.

As the other one said - losing traffic is not a problem. It's a positive. What *really* needs to happen, though, is the reinstitution of permanent (or semi-permanent) bans for less-significant offenses. As it is now, people see that they can make shitposts and not get banned, so they shitpost. They see that they can make generals and not get banned, so they make generals. Public or not, if the old school of banning were to be reinstated, the quality of the board would improve. It wouldn't be the board you've always dreamed of, but it would be better than what we have at present. Currently, I have 100+ threads either filtered or hidden - and this is an average number to me. Sup Forums needs to change, one way or another. It can either become better, now, or it can become like certain other boards and lose the potential for future improvement.

>There are no more than like 5 or 6 /ag/-worthy generals out there

Why do you guys give so much fuck about generals?
Most threads aren't generals, and most self contain autism of shit series or very niche ones.
Also, if you have a thread that reaches bump limit, and then people take it over to another one and so on ad infinitum, it basically becomes a general... so what? aren't people allowed to discuss things in fear of turning into generals?

Back to lusting over toddlers, serious meta poster.


>Most threads aren't generals


>that OP image
More proof that the people who make these threads don't even browse Sup Forums.

Allow Digibro threads

>What do we do about people talking about anime on the anime board?
Does everyone just subconsciously wish that their board was as spicy fresh and dank as Sup Forums?

dumb jojoposter

Precure, Aikatsu, Drawfags, Kemono Friends, Buyfag, One Page thread... Go on, list other generals right now and show me Sup Forums is mostly generals.
Protip you can't.
If you're gonna be a faggot and list recurring threads of shit that's airing or weekly manga then you're a retard, what are people supposed to do, not discuss freely what they want?

>being triggered by black people


Friendly reminder to sage and ignore this thread.

>and mods actually hearing that /e/ and /h/ exist.
This so much fuck

I wish these retards posting ecchi crap would go to the board designated for it

anime general when?

Fuck off you stupid piece of shit, sage.

/qa/ was colonized by /jp/ though, it's anime random now, go take a look, it's beatiful.

>what are people supposed to do, not discuss freely what they want?
No because my rules start where my feelings begin. I'm a special snowflake because my mom told me so and this talking about airing anime needs to stop. It's Mother's Day. Is nothing sacred?

>They see that they can make generals and not get banned, so they make generals.
Generals aren't forbidden by site rules, that's just personal preference of whatever mod is power-tripping at the moment.
I don't prefer generals, but also neither do I hate them, but it makes no sense to let mods dictate site culture just because some people dislike how other discuss things within the established rules of the site and specific board.

Manga board when?
I'm tired of this seasonal shitters.

And generals are cancer when they have no purpose or points for discussion, and are basically glorified chats. That exempts drawfags and buyfags, and also OPT.

Except /e/ and /h/ are strictly for image dumps

/ag/ would be a welcome addition. Then I can discuss anime without having to sift through the 100th "why are JCs so fuckable" thread of the day.

You wouldn't have to sift through them if mods didn't keep nuking loli threads

I see someone is mad he gets banned when he makes a rec thread.

Mods are meant to follow the culture of the board, in fact, the only moderation that works in the whole of Sup Forums is Sup Forums's, and for that reason, even if there are some disagreements about loli as there have been since the dawn of days, mods on Sup Forums are attuned to the userbase and delete shitposters from the rest of this cancerous normalfag infested website.

Just filter them

>implying those threads aren't image dumps

Better idea would be /gg/ - General Generals. Would fix all of the other boards plagued with those kind of threads.

generals have their own "rules" and lingo. that's why some blatantly unacceptable stuff has been spreading through the whole board lately
anyway, an anime/random board would solve most problems - Sup Forums would naturally become the general board and we'd have a place to talk about what we really want to

And what would that discussion be? SnK? Those thread don't bother me because i've been on this board for ages and they are part of the culture by now, you sound lile a crossboarding faggot that just wants to discuss his three entrylevel anime, go to reddit for that.

Why do the draw and buyfag threads even exist?

Perhaps he was triggered by the anime girl. Ever think about that?

>list recurring threads of shit that's airing or weekly manga then you're a retard,
The problem is that sometimes there are multiple threads for each series, just like now, 4 DBS threads up at a time. That means 3 threads died because retards don't browse the catalog.
And don't forget that Sup Forums is too fast right now, any threads that don't get reply within 2 hours will end up archived.

Just rename /vg/ to /various generals/ and make it a deportation place for the most notorious generals. They have the /kfg/ so nothing would make /vg/ worse.

So, /qa/, really, it has no stated purpose and /jp/ has been gangrapping it for a while, if we banded we could claim that board.

It's also not listed, so it has little visibility, no one would notice until it was too late.

Generals are chat rooms for retards, not places where people talk about anime.

Was posting like a crossboarder the point you were trying to make?

Please post in manhwa threads Sup Forums

Because they're protected board culture like sad panda threads and Daily Japanese threads.

Because they are the part of this board's culture, and also because they are obviously anime-related. As was /djt/, but mods are faggots.


>The problem is that sometimes there are multiple threads for each series
That is literally not an issue newfag kun

>That exempts drawfags and buyfags, and also OPT
Why do you exempt them?
Where do you draw the conclusion that generals are cancer?
Where do they become chats?
The only general that I know of that was pure cancer was the monster musume one when they started to write fanfiction and so it was basically not related to Sup Forums at all. The rest of the generals do discuss or shitpost about the series in question or the theme of the thread at least. AFAIK, I don't take much part in generals, so I wouldn't really know.

I've never been banned, I've never made or have taken part in one page threads or the like.
Also, I remind you that Moot said that "the board should dictate it's own culture". Mods aren't supposed to enforce culture, but only site rules and handling forbidden content.


Djt was becoming very circlejerky though, so was sadpanda.

>front page
What's that?

Delete JC threads, literally cringe incarnate.

Posting a nigger facebook meme sure is a good way huh.


Mods do not enforce culture on Sup Forums though faggot, Sup Forums enforces it and mods follow, i have rarely seen a thread delete that wasn't spammed by fuck offs.
Why do you think every public ban is followed by MODS = GODS? Go do that at a normalfsg board and see how everyone tells the mod to fuck off.

But sad panda and DJT were nuked, so why accept those garbage people.

>Generals are chat rooms for retards, not places where people talk about anime.
You can say that about any fucking thread, because it's how a lot of people want to use this fucking site. Lots of back and forth, short posts.

We should delete every thread lusting over minors no matter how womanly their bodies are.

>How do we fix this?
Learn the actual definition of "general"

No, DJT was filled with blogshit and retards were asking about Fakku rips in sadpanda so both got banned.


Manhwa isn't against the rules though.

>i have rarely seen a thread delete that wasn't spammed by fuck offs.

>talking about anime is bad

blame the nips for drawing sexy children


Because despite some kinks mods are the only wall between Sup Forums and the hordes of normalfag underaged b& that fill most big boards like OP here.

Wow sweetie, might as well aply EU rules to UK right?

Board quality will improve ten-fold by starting with the removal of 3DPD junk that isn't rightfully subject to the vacuum of outer space.

This is your buyfag thread for tonight

You seem upset

3dpd triggers me.

That's what's wrong, moot himself took the stance of the boards enforce the culture, but the mods SHOULDN'T step in.
As in, you're free to tell people to fuck off or whatever, but mods shouldn't step in and enforce that.
You're showing your newfagness btw.

Bring /djt/ back

Deliciously checked.


Except loli, name one.


>we shouldn't follow these rules because they're too old

You are retarded, last I checked stealing and murder have been illegal since the dawn of civilization

Remove Imouto Threads and other degenerate fetishes like flat chests.

You know most Sup Forums rules were created in 2004? Just because time passes doesn't make them invalid.

delicious dubs


Ayyo newfag


Maybe if you didn't only hang in the loli threads, you'd see it for yourself, loligeneralfag.

This is Sup Forums's rule on generals:

>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.

Transpose this logic to Sup Forums, and you lose like 300 cancer threads a day. "Long-term, recurring threads" have plagued Sup Forums for far too long.

>defending niggers
>with a fucking trump pic
Reddit's calling, nigger.

Sort of meta. Can anyone tell me why AB has been down for so long? It's been doing server maintenance for days now.


Moot is gone, his opinion is meaningless considering how disinterested he was in his last years.
At this point if you let sheer numbers dictate policy you end up with Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and each year it will be harder to keep them at least contained because of the sheer numerical difference between them and Sup Forumsnons