Tell me you faggots aren't flat earthers

I believe in (((one conspiracy that is demonstrably true))), and I know most of Sup Forums does too either ironically or not. I also think Sandy Hook was a hoax, the holocaust was a fucking lie (maybe some of it happened but definitely not the way we are told it happened), and Las Vegas is also a cover up or false flag. I'm sure some people on here think all politicians are lizard people or whatever other seriously crazy theories are out there, but is anyone here a flat earther? I just found out someone I've known for a few years is a flat earther and I don't even know how to react.

Are you flat earthers Sup Forums? Say it isn't so Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I'm not a flat Earther but I can tell you I've never once in my life seen a real picture full globe of Earth from space. I don't know what the earth is, it could be flat it could be a cube. I don't fucking know!

I'm a dont carer.

no, we are not flat earthers. we are bombarded by flat earth threads when (((they))) need to hide some real life happenings

earth is flat they brainwashed you from birth to believe we live on some spaceship ball earth flying through space at 67,000 miles per hour

Have you ever gone to some place and earth ended?

They just went to some very ice place and got to the other side, so they assumed it was round, when they realized the truth it already made sense, so they pushed for the lie, and we fell for it.

Earth it's endless.


fuck off shill pol is a flat earth board

I've believed it's flat for the past 3 years. Everything makes sense once you go flat.

I can't be a flat earther since my job relies on the world being round.



No person of reasonable intelligence is a flat earther. All the flat earthers we get here are larpers, shills, or velcro shoe wearing retards



If the earth was round, levels wouldn't work.

FE could be proved/disproved by a vertical flight(pole to pole) around the Earth.

Earth theories all relate to perspective and how it's controlled. Did a KB thread a while back about it.

[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Go die NASA scum. Sup Forums is a flat earth board

I asked last night, I'll ask again:
Why are there no flights across the entirety of Antarctica, that cross the south pole? Not even for tourism. The only available flights go a ways inland, then turn around immediately and head back.
And why are there no videos of probes and such leaving Earth? How hard is it to point a camera backward?
Among many other things.

t. shill faggot.



Earth is Flat. Denied by only the blind and low IQ

You do know Lincoln Ellsworth flew over it before right?

Paid shill

Flat earth is kike bullshit

I don't know the answer and neither do you. I only know what they told me.

Earth isn't flat that's why spherical trigonometry works and why when you get on a plane or nogs get on a ship across a ocean they don't travel in a straight line but actually make lots of little course corrections search great circle sailings dipshits shill sage fucktards trying to distract from the memo

You should do your research better. Here in Argentina the flag carrier Aerolíneas Argentinas used to do flights between Buenos Aires and Sydney through Antarctica.

This kind of thinking is not going to get you anywhere

What is water
What is refraction

I am simply a seeker of truth.

I work with radio signals and design antennas and radio systems for companies. Depending on the type of signal I'm sending I have to keep the curvature of the earth in mind.

Of course it's flat.
It only appears round because of the warping of space-time by gravity.

This might be the dumbest shit I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of dumb shit.

So you're saying no such flights exist today, and I'll have to made do with (((claims))) that they used to exist? Okay...

>stop thinking critically goy

i still think that 80-90% of flat earthers are ironically trolling, the others are just that retarded.
in that picture if you maintained a correct ratio and stretched out that curved piece of paper it would 10s of thousands of miles long. the sun on the lake in picture would take up less than a centimeter on the paper

Your whole life you have been lied to. Remember this.

I'm telling you what happened in my country, I don't know about other airlines. Those flights ceased because the company's president was a corrupt moron. Here you have video proof of a flight from 2013:

Much like valid thought process, EM propagation does slow down in materials other than the vacuum. On another note, in this regard, there isn't much difference between vacuum-head and air-head. Almost identical propagation.

Tell me why you globalists shill so hard to keep this lie afloat? What it is it for you to deny flat earth truth?

Here's another good example:

How about you refute the example? It should be easy for someone of such superior intellect.

Nice 9 minute video of a flight over ice with no proof of location. Sigh.


Shhh, don't tell the plebs that. That's white man magic.

We are now entering into the next expansion phase, prepare no for major earth changes
Buys survival seeds especially cold tolerant ones as we unfortunately are entering into a new mini ice age

No his flight path went round the edge only

LOL this is hopeless. The definitive proof that the
Earth is round is the rotation of the stars in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. That settles the "debate" but flat earthers just ignore the evidence.

also start rethinking housing architecture

prepare NOW*

Also the US dollar will collapse soon enough buy cryptocurrencies now

OP is a shill, take note of tactics like this used to discredit the board.
Now you will see moderate-extreme responses from other "flat earthers" that hold the same belief set as the majority of Sup Forums.

Typical D&C tactic, keep an eye on this thread to learn if you're a newfriend.


Please explain exactly what you mean about the stars and why, specifically, it's incompatible with the flat earth model. Please understand that just insulting people or repeating things you were indoctrinated with, without understanding them, is not sufficient. If you want to prove your point you need to understand what is being asserted and why it's wrong, then clearly explain it.

atmospheric refraction

there I btfo your gay little image with 2 words.

Flat earth is a bad explanation for the way the world is.
If we accept the flat earth then gravity, black holes, theory of relativity, light bending etc all goes out the window.
You fellas better come up with better explanations for those phenomena than the ones we have now.

This is the stupidest thing I've seen all day. Congrats user.

If you look at the sky in the Northern jemisphere, you will notice that the stars rotate following a counterclockwise motion. In the Southern hemisphere, if you do the same experiment, the stars rotate clockwise. There is no way to explain that unless you accept that the Earth is a rotating sphere.

>atmospheric refraction
>there I btfo your gay little image with 2 words.
10 words, 1 acronym and one number. And you call yourself a scientist!


If the earth was round, levels would only work on the poles. Prove me wrong.

People are so goddamn stupid.
I've actually seen a rare case of refraction on land, I had never seen it before where I live.
Driving home one night, same route as the other ten thousand times, and saw tons of lights on the horizon. Blew my mind, finally figured out I was seeing a city about 50 miles away.

There are many false redpills on the way to true enlightenment. Flat earth is one such false redpill.

One of the true redpills is race realism.

My suspicion is that all this 'science' shit is just kike lies. Consider that we only ever see the same side of the moon from Earth. Since it's supposedly orbiting us as a sphere this would make people question. So the kikes just say that it's rotational period is exactly the same as its orbital period. Possible, yes. But is it true? Same goes for what you posted. They just come up with plausible explanations and teach them to children, and we never question. Is that plausible? Yes. Is it true? I don't know. Do you?

Explain precisely how the theory of gravity is incompatible with a flat earth model please. Have you ever seen a black hole, or is what you 'know' of them simply the result of entertainment media and (((theory)))?

Get a Physics book and read the chapter about gravity. Then read about Cavendish experiment and then post what you learned.

Tits prove the earth is round

Flat earth is a meme.
Like the flying spaghetti monster.
Try to not get sucked into obvious shitposting.

Race realism it's a nice goal but in reality it's selfprofound bullshit with no relevance.

The burden of proof lies with the faggot making wild and unfounded claims.


That is called a disinfo campaign, and you're falling for it. I suggest you read this text on discrediting reasonable conspiracy theories:

Pretty much sums it up


Says the shitskin

Firm believer in flat earth. No it isn't paper flat. It does have depth and is hollow too.

I would never argue with any flat- or globe-earther, who's using name-calling or emotional tactics to prove his point.

None of that pseudoscience sci-fi bullshit exists. Density, bouyancy, and electromagnetism explain everything gravity does, no pseudoscience terms or spinning, wobbling ball needed. NASA and all government space programs worldwide are lying to you, and me, and everyone so they can pocket that sweet sweet space budget. Tell me, how is the "orbiting altitude" of satellites said to be 4000°F+ yet satellites are supposedly made with aluminum, gold, and silver, all with melting points well below 4000°F? Btw find me a picture of an actual satellite, not a cartoon or artist rendition... The shit's flat yo and their own "math" and "science" proves it, Pythagoras of Samos was the first* freemason and he pushed the heliocentric lie, along with other notable freemasons Galileo and Caepernicus.
Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of god, the firmament showeth his handiwork."

>NASA photo
is this a joke

If the earth is flat, gravity would attract us to the center of the plane.
You would be pulled more vertically the further you go out on the plane up to the point where it would be like climbing a building.
Not to mention gravity would force the earth back into a ball-shape like every other celestial object in the universe.


Yes all science is kike lies. Oooga Booga we iz witch doctors n mystics n sheit now.

It's is the best conspiracy theory because it's so nonsensical. It's the perfect "fuck you" to the normalfag internet culture that needs to attack and prune every single little thing that upsets them. Celebrities on Twitter argue with teenagers about feminism. Bill Nye posted a refutation on the flat Earth. That's why it exists as a popular theory.

>Firm believer in flat earth.
>It ... is hollow too.

how can a hollow earth be flat?

You seem to be arguing that the flight path in your picture debunks the image you're responding to? Well, it doesn't, as that path only goes over the edge of Antarctica, and this is possible in a flat earth model.

I debunked these claims last night, but you probably weren't here. How many billions of years would be required for the a flat earth to be forced into a rough sphere? It's possible that much time hasn't passed. It's also possible there are unknown forces or substructures helping to maintain the current shape. You say the force of gravity would change over the surface of the sphere. This isn't necessarily true. Consider that gravity's strength lessens exponentially with distance from the source. There are configurations of flat earth that would not show your claimed effect - for example if the mass of land extended far beyond the edge of the firmament, or if the 'undersurface' of the flat earth had a concave or convex areas.

Ouch, destroyed by a mental giant, once again.

>Btw find me a picture of an actual satellite, not a cartoon or artist rendition...
Buy a telescope you fucking peasant


>Tell me, how is the "orbiting altitude" of satellites said to be 4000°F+ yet satellites are supposedly made with aluminum, gold, and silver, all with melting points well below 4000°F?
it's not. who says that?

if we shoot a giant laser, maybe the cat will run fast enough to bring us to another star system

>or if the 'undersurface' of the flat earth had a concave or convex areas.
So was not flat?

sorry for shitty drawing, just really really wanted to prove user wrong.

So, larping then?

Correct. Flat earth model doesn't state that the earth is literally a perfectly flat plane. Think about that for a second - we would then be claiming that mountains do not exist. That's a strawman and an intentionally bad-faith misrepresentation.

It's also possible that what's under us has different density in different places, but the bottom is still flat, just as an example.

Im not a flat earther but I don't think being one is so bad. It means that the person can tell that everything is fucked up, and that they're willing to go against what they've been brought up with. That seems more workable than someone who will always vote democrat no matter what.

Just teach the flat earther to spot logical fallacies and the value of skepticism and they'll sort themselves out eventually

There are a lot of facts out there that really make you think about whether it's all a lie, that the earth really is "Flat".

It's absolutely a serious movement, and one that i hope will get to the real truth of the matter, that the earth probably isn't spherical

hehehe it's fun to discredit Sup Forums goys hehehehe

So you can except that part of the earth curves, but not all of it?

why did you ignore my post?

>believes in retareded conspiracy theories that would take inhuman amounts of proficiency to pull off yet can still somehow be unravelled by autists on youtube but hates on this one other one

You're committing the fallacy of supposing that your system - which is being called into question now - is necessarily correct, so that anyone disagreeing is necessarily committing a fallacy. Should you, too, be skeptical of the oblate spheroid model, or do flat earthers alone require more skepticism in your mind?

I argue for flat earth to see if people can debunk it decisively. What really convinces me is that lack of people to do so, or to answer simple questions like why we can't fly over Antarctica or why there are no videos of probes leaving Earth. The more I see people react with anger and other fallacies the more convinced I become that it's true. Just as I originally did with racial differences and then Jewish dominance.

Did you mean 'accept'? Yes I can accept that as one possibility. I also consider the oblate spheroid model possible, you know. Can you accept the possibility of it being (relatively) flat?

Those are all interesting explanations, but they don't explain any more than the explanations we have already.
There's nothing flat earth model can explain better than round earth model (that I know of).
Round earth model makes sense of seasons, tides, orbiting planets, the shape of planets and stars etc

Also, gravity doesn't get less as you get closer to the edges of the plane, only as you physically leave the plane.
In fact, considering the amount of mass between you and the center, my hunch is it would get considerably stronger the further away you were from the center.

It's very unlikely that the earth is not billions of years old. Half-lives of elements on the planet all indicate it's billions of years old.
Also, on a flat earth all the water would also be attracted to the center of the plane, yet it's somehow spread all over?
No one's ever seen a black hole, we can't.
But it's the only model we have that makes sense of the gaps in space and the bodies moving around it the way they are.

You see science is like this puzzle of explanations, and removing a round earth doesn't just fuck up one thing, it fucks up everything.
And unless you can come come up with an explanation that explains everything it breaks better than the round earth model does, how is anyone suppose to take it seriously?

>Tell me you faggots aren't flat earthers
I'm not. Happy?


theres a simple way to find the validity for any conspiracy theory: is there a benefit to it? and would dumping huge amounts of money to keep it secret be worth it?
so user, what is the benefit of saying the earth is round and keeping everyone out of the know?