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Anderson Cooper "Haiti Is One Of The Richest Countries I've Ever Been To"
Oops, forgot link to video
He's the biggest liar ever or insane. Pick.
literally a cia agent working for a cia media front, also haiti IS a shithole, ask the clintons why its still that way after the earthquake
he means rich in penis length
He's a liberal. That means he's both.
Because he raped children there
Rich in "culture"
These people need to die. They are evil
>the silver fox
such shitty shill techniques...
I haven't seen anything like it since the Night of SJW tears....
In every way except, you know, actual riches, success, clean water, reliable health care, decent housing, education, power distribution, public sanitation, environmental preservation, and so on. But apart from that, very rich indeed.
What a faggot
That is a fucking bold ass claim. People literally eating dirt to survive is far from being classifiable as "rich"... unless you by rich he means rich in AIDS infected blacks... Haiti is the "richest" country I have ever seen in the amount of AIDS infected blacks.
The left is so stupid.
>opposite of truth
>"here's the truth"
Exactly what I would expect from a CIA asset and member of the mainstream media.
These faggots are your fellow countrymen. They should be fucking shamed every moment they show their face in public.
He meant rich in pathogens clearly
this vanderbilt-bloodline CIA pedo nigger will be the first to hang on the day of the rope.
So very rich that sending them back there is a Crime Against Humanity and even the threat of it taking place is enough to send them scurrying across the Canadian border in the dead of winter. But so terribly rich.
Great, good to see Haiti so wealthy and prosperous. Time to cut off their handouts.
cnn really is just a big propaganda box. funny though when they come up with shit like this. They will say anything. worse than politicians.
His only other job before becoming a talking head was CIA Spook.
What do you think?
Best dirt cookies on their entire island, I'm told. Yummy.
anderson coopers initials backwards is CIA
>rich liberal goes on vacation to haiti
>never leaves his luxury resort
>wow is it like this everywhere? what a rich country!
This. He was trained to lie by the best.
no it's not you sanctimonious faggot
The slums have so much.... SOUL
I'm sure he's saying something gay like "oh they're rich in spirit" or something, which everyone knows is also bullshit, they're living walking feces
He was the host of "The Mole".
He means he only saw rich people at the resort
yeah thats what he means. resort looked good. nothing to see here.
What a load of crap. I was born there. Haiti is a shithole.
Yep, AC is a fuckin retard of the highest order.
Let me guess. He believes Haiti is rich not in money, but culture and "spirit"?
He's a liars liar.
Didn't watch the video, but I'll bet he is talking about natural resources.
Like the Congo, Haiti is rich with natural resources. Still a shithole due to management though.
Rich in "human resources".
I think he only saw the parts built by the white colonizers, who kept the niggers in line on the island.
Rich in shit and superstition.
Is Conan O'brien still on TV?
what fucking spirit? like how could you argue that a group of people who havent rebuilt a single building after an earthquake that happened 6 years ago. they clearly have no sense of community or compassion for their fellow man. liberals set the bar so low for culture that people who basically just barely exist among the absolute squalor they have created for themselves are somehow "resilient" or "brave".
What natural resources?
>Haiti is the rich in culture
What a fucking sellout.
Looks more and more like John McCain every day.
wtf I guess they can go back then!
Conan O'Brien is catholic, isn't he?
His producer is a Jew though. And he's had the same producer since the start of his late night show.
Pretty pathetic that he's cucking to the kikes after what they did to his dream of hosting The Tonight Show.
>be haiti in the 1800's
>be rich as fuck
>run by whites
>mulattos aren't happy
>hatch a plan to kill all white people
>the dark niggers agree
>they slaughter every white man, woman, and child
>darkies turn on the mulattos after and slaughter them too
>country turns into shithole
>1915 comes around
>America sends in marines to rebuild their country
>they fix it and stay until 1937 and then leave
>country turns back into shithole
>Americans return in the 50's
>fix it again and train them to fight commies
>leave and it reverts to shithole
>go back again in the 90's to fix it up
>leave and it becomes a shithole
>THEN the earthquake happens
>we have to help these poor haitians
>but its also totally a great country
friendly reminder that Anderson "in the pooper" Cooper will burn in hell eternally for his faggotry
don't forget the people he saw when he left the resort and went on a poor people safari where they smiled and danced for him so that he could come to the conclusion that "theyre actually richer than us if you really think about it"
he is the quintessential operation mockingbird media spook
niggers will believe him
Triple 7's Kek wills it
Check out this strawman.
His face is older compared to 10 years ago. Time is cruel, u guise.
we won't have to listen to these douchbags much longer
Rich in diversity?
Rich in culture?
Sounds about right, he's part of the 2nd generation of brainwashing through academia and the media.
The long march through the institutions has been on autopilot for years and it's pretty much complete, I don't think people actually realize how fucked this country is
He is speaking as a degenerate homosexual here, /po/. It is "rich" to him--rich in bbc for his quivering boipussey to ride. Don't make it more than it actually is dudes.
>only people who believe the media gaslighting are shitlibs
>shitlibs vacation in Haiti and get pozzed and/or cannibalized
loving every laugh
They really do think we’re stupid.
>this is your brain on peroxide
One of the best redpills I have. Read every word, especially if you're American
And viral load. Don't forget that.
Brother, the whites living in Haiti are the same as the so called "white allies" the nogs just decided they would be better off if they just killed them all. Haitian whites were hedonistic and liberal, and they got their just due.
No bullshit there.
is that some gay pedo codeword?
richest = number of male children he can rape
Obvious sensationalist statement meant to trigger conservatives and endear liberals is obvious
>Currently the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti has experienced political instability for most of its history.
Even the CIA admits Haiti is the poorest place ever
Not even the mulattoes were spared
Farm equipment
Can’t Billary be first?
maybe he toured a Clinton Foundation compound? very rich there I am sure
It's funny how they say the Haitians are just amazing fucking people for causing the value of French real estate in America to drop down tremendously so that the USA could buy it.
Umm, they're rich in culture bigot, money isn't everything.
He ment rich metaphorically as rich with semen in his Cooper pooper while sex tourisming while on assignment in hati
Rich in black schlong, he means.
Pic clearly unrelated.
Here is some Haitian culture from the 2004 coup for you.
When you are caught in the revolutionary frenzy all burgueoise must pay.
I second this. Funny thing, I went to Haiti in 2010. It stinks of shit like I imagine Africa does. The inhabitants were filthy and aggressive. People were malnourished despite all of the Caribbean around them. Really made an impact on me and brought about my first real emotions of racism. One day was enough of the island dwellers.
Dude ... CNN could be bottom in the ratings behind Dora the Explorer. Their stock could be worth .01¢ a share, and they’d still be fully funded by the Rothschild’s & the CIA.
These fucking people...
Cucks like Cooper can't just say, "Haiti's not a great country, but calling it a shithole is rude and uncalled for." Oh no! They need to be the complete opposite of Trump, even if it makes no damn sense!
If you'd watch the video, he doesn't mean money rich.
>calls other people stupid
>doesn't even watch the video he is commenting on
if its so rich we can all cut off aid to haiti now, right?
I am posting this before watching.
I predict that this richness will actually be "richness of culture" or some shit. He'll tell some heartwarming story about how he met the nicest Haitian grandma and she cooked him the once available dish that does not contain dirt or human shit. And after eating that, he was just like, "Wow, we're all one people, you know? That's why we should open our borders entirely."
well that settle that
This has to be a psy-op.
At some point all women written articles looked like that and in some places still do.
cant you just send emus to feed them poor hatians
In an way, yes. Her programming is much stronger than her sense of reality
>muh rich in culture and the people r totly awsome
Fuck him. Fuck these empty headed leftists and multicult capitulating "right wingers". Send them all to this shit hole abyss of a "nation" and designate the entire land a nuclear missile testing ground. I grow weary of all this.
I feel I am pretty great and reading people, but I have no idea what the dems are doing? Has trump comply destroyed these people?
He's so glow-in-the-dark his hair is white
A leftist ex-friend I for some reason still have on kikebook went to Haiti recently. He posted a million pictures of what looked like a horrible place to visit, let alone live, each time captioned with some bullshit about how beautiful and amazing it all was.
The delusions of the left are becoming more and more insane. It's pretty scary seeing guys like Cooper lie and be believed by so many.