Little Witch Academia

Reminder to hold your mother close if you still can today, LW/a/.

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Diana is getting married! MARRIED!

to me

She needs to stay pure to summon all the unicorns, so she has to settle with this goof.

I don't think you can hold a funeral and a wedding on the same day, user.

I want to do illegal things to this yay ridden loli

This episode felt like Lotte and Sucy got NTR'd.

>Andrew's Dad in this episode.
Our Villain ladies and gentlemen.

cube snek soon

that's just a regular snake familiar



Thats what they want you to think

Not after Croix lays her cubes on it.

Akko's building a harem, user. There's enough YAY for everyone.

Yes, I'm Akko is what I'm saying

I want to tease the everloving shit out of her and have fights day and night where she calls me a dummy and I call her a brat.

I wonder if we'll get a scenario where Akko and Diana end up in a recreation/memory of Chariot's show and see that both of them were in the audience as children rather than just them telling each other that. It would be cute.

best of akko1

best of akko2

Prove it

Guess the episode 19 shots:

Akko in the car
Akko getting dressed up


I wonder if the Shiny Broom is coming in episode 21

I get the feeling the broom is the 6th word.

>Akko nopan in that car

Disgusting but arousing.

Hope he does one pic from this.

I need Akko to restore Diana's lost yay by the end of episode 21.

I bet the whole car stinks of Akko now.

The dilemma between not taking the opportunity, or shooting it there and be stuck for 18 years raising a guaranteed retard.

The best you'll get is something close to OVA Diana.

>Due to staff unavailability, episode 19 of Little Witch Academia will be delayed by an unknown amount of hours.
The estimated delay will be updated as soon as we get a confirmation on it.

>We thank you for your continued understanding and patience.

Asenshi was a mistake

But the OP promised me consensual handholding!

>they don't even know how long it'll be delayed


>Trusting OP's

Sorry, I and other anons kinda mindbroke the translator a while ago. We didn't mean to though.

Someone just link me the raws


They're on Ohys Raws' website.


Did we get the relative's names? At least they'd be in the credits right


>Do not rate this episode before watching the next episode user.
why not?


yfw she declares akko her husband at the end of episode 21

Masumoto Kazuya is scheduled to be appear in Niconama.
Maybe he doesn't involved much with LWA but USPi PR tweet teasing with "好評放映中の「リトルウィッチアカデミア」のお話も聞けるかも?"

Diana needs sex NOW


Good job Gaijin user. Good job.

Why didn´t she just sell her used pantsu to Andrew?

So Croix intends to take advantage of the football riots and give them anger energy do what exactly?

>the maid's face

she just KNOWS

Help Akko revive more words.

Subs are out!
In spanish
I'm really tempted to watch them this time instead for waiting indefinitely for Asenshi

She'd feel shame and has pride, unlike Akko


>no red eyes
one job

It's my birthday

Please post cute Witches

Do they count as witches if they're not witches at the time?

Just watched the ep.
Diana's relatives were even more cartoonishly villainous than I thought they'd be. I'm a little disappointed. In both that and the animation quality.
Other than that, Akko with her hair completely down was p cute. Too bad she didn't keep it that way.


lmao the look on hanbridge's face, he can smell akko's stench

>Let's test your transformation skill, Akko. Show me a fox

>A fox? Why?

>No reason in particular

they are destined to each other

haven't seen the episode since i just got back from work, but as promised if the drama is stupid i am going to rant!

Of course!

Happy birthday, user. Enjoy your last year of being a teenager.

Endgame right here

It is, plus Mr.Shoehorn was shoehorned into this episode too, making it even worse.

Guy on the left.

why would i trust you, you didn't even enjoy episode 17

that's too low.

I kinda wanna use this and google translate everything since I can't into Spanish

The younger man is probably his son, too. I'd bet it's a family of servants serving them.

Here's a fun and interesting option - how about you don't?

the butler had to ...

I'm too late.

Gloves meme with Meriru and Mariru when?

how about you fly a kite

That's heartwarming

Sadly I bet he will show up in every episode till the end now, Trigger loves their only male representative in LWA, Andrew is like Cross Ange Tusk on much minor scale.

>that little laugh when she spots bread
Megumi Han had a lot of fun this episode.

>Consider the following

We did.
Thankfully those are not it. Not like the real ones are much better, of course.




so far i want to hug hannah

inb4 Ep.20 has Akko & Diana doing the excited Gaijin poses

Thanks, Peru*.

>The younger man is probably his son, too. I'd bet it's a family of servants serving them.
That's how it works in the classic past. In fact, "family" originally meant the servants working for you and not meant to be blood relatives. Servants of your home are not employees, they are your people. This is both good and bad, of course. A bad master can abuse servants.

Why didn´t Diana just take Hanna-Barbera to bully Meriru and Mariru?

>Kengo Saito, a Trigger animator, posted Diana in a swimsuit and a grey hoodie
>19 hours after Bokujoukun, a prominent Dianafag fanartist, posted Diana in a swimsuit and a grey hoodie
What did the professional animator mean by this?

>5, 9, 16, and 20 gaijin not amused

W..what I'm I supposed to do with this?

They mean Diana looks really good in a swimsuit.


How long do you think Asenshi will be this week?

Who's your favourite witch user? Asking for a friend.

fuck Asenshi

We already got fanservice episode

H&B are beta bullies, they only get away with that stuff at Luna Nova because of Diana. They also only bully Akko, the easiest target in the school.
M&M would destroy them if they tried to start shit.