He's literally a deep state controlled opposition fuckface.
Other urls found in this thread:
He is connects to the bush family...
> Implying Richard Spencer and his merry band of degenerates is actually relevant to anyone or anything.
Spencer and Destiny agree on ethical child porn.
Horseshoe theory is real! Sargon was right all along.
I have always wondered who this guy is, what accomplishments he's made. Has he even written any literature or books? Everybody keeps telling me he represent white interests, even though I have no idea who he is. Also I find the fact that media follows him wherever he goes unsettling.
Only time I hear about Richard Spencer is when the salt-left collectively bitch about the faggot.
He's a nobody, the fact people knows his name at all or gives him any attention at all is because the fucking commie antifag soyboys wont shut up about him.
The fact he gets attention is because his job is to be an easy target for the left to attack.
Either case, It's really getting fucking fucking old hearing about him.
Damn! They gave him Milo's script by mistake!
Everyone on the right is a deep state ship except me
He did some shit to get attention and the media latched onto him cause he’s not actually someone who can turn people with the power of his arguments. he’s a troll
He's making a point about how child molesters who have access to child porn may curb their desire to have sex with actual children. Even if this was true you still have to molest and exploit children. It's totally unethical either way.
ah, of course, the last stand of implicit white identity
Maybe if it's drawn porn(even then you run into the risk of real CP being traced)That's the only way you could defend that shit. When it involves real children all bets are off and you're getting the rope. Damn, and I was starting to warm up to egghead spence.
You don't go out and make child porn dude. You would find adults who had nudes taken of them as a child and compensate them.
Come on, that's not fair. He was not defending child molestation or child porn. He was simply pointing out the fact that pornography has been shown to reduce the likelihood of offending in child molesters. Which is a fact, whether we like it or not. My problem with that stream was it was billed as some discussion on gender relations, and it was barely even superficially discussed. It seems impossible to have a frank, honest, and deep conversation about gender realism among alt-right e-celebs.
Greg and Richard are great. I love how instead of pre-game power hour, they just started filming and were basically ripping shots of bourbon, beer, wine the entire live stream.
All and all solid. They could have been better organized. It looked like they were just going off the top of the head instead of planning out segments. Tighten it up a bit next time
No it hasn't you goon. There is no facts that prove giving pedos child porn stops them from molesting kids.
You cunts still hoping people like Spencer, Woes etc will help save white people need to give your heads a check.
Spencer is a faggot who glows in the dark and so are you.
I don't even like spencer but I took it in the way that the guy you replied to did. This sounds like a bunch of down syndrome autists sperging over nothing.
You are stupid. His statement molester deterrence may have been incorrect but he wasn't defending child porn. You losers are desperate because Spencer just won a major court case today to speech at U Mich.
Daily reminder the guy making these threads said this
Alright fine. I don't even give a shit about that point, that's not why I watched. And I don't think Spencer or any e-celeb can save the white race. I just know it's clear he wasn't trying to defend child porn.
destiny and his gang of defamation clowns are so pathetic
that's what you get for watching e-celebs instead of browsing Sup Forums
He's saying if you give 'certain' types of porn to pedos then they'll stop molesting kids and also said hes not against doing it. Lads, what kind of porn do you think he's referring to seriously? Richard advocated for child porn being used lmao.
BTW now Enoch is defending him. I really don't see what's been taken out of context here. This movement is fucked.
>impossible to infiltrate/subvert
so i just realized all the kids who photoshop richards head are destiny shills?
these skeptics seem really sus to me. they're operating on a almost militarastic playing field with all this online slander. i have no doubt some of these people are being paid by higher ups
you should take a step back and think about how you are jumping to CP when he said that. Says more about you than anything. Maybe give them shit with some young pornstars Rping or something? plenty of other bullshit could be there. You jumping to CP says more about you than about what he said.
just because shills post here doesn't mean they have an authority over thoughts. there is constant competition of ideas here. meanwhile e-celebs are completely centralized.
young as in 18 and yound looking? who the fuck knows? you're putting words in his mouth from your own corrupt mind. I dont even like richard but this stuff is bullshit.
No wonder this cunt keeps a hat on.
What the fuck do you think pedos want to watch ffs man, Tranny porn? Interracial? You think that's what pedos get off on? God you niggas are dumb as fuck at times. It's blatantly obvious he's talking about child porn, even destiny is on twitter asking if people will attack spencer as much as they attacked him for having the same views.
Wow, the Warski thing really rattled the kikes, didn't it? This is the sirt of the thing they go to out of total desperation.
I'm saying like the incest port that is just two 18+ unrelated people RPing, you absolute fucking autist. Some degenerates get off to that otherwise it wouldn't be plastered all over. Jesus are you literally a retard or just a fucking leftist?
so if a pedophile makes photos of richard spencers children to gett off on it, would he allow it so the pedophile doesn't rape his children? would he send him naked pictures of his children, so he doesn't rape them?
child porn might be ok to him, because it's not his children.
he's talking about RP younger porn like the RP incest porn you absolute autist.
Oh yes I'm the autist for thinking that pedos are attracted to 18+ year olds role playing lmfao. Oh yeah nigga, I'm a weird ass leftist that's against legalising child porn for pedos lmao only Jews and leftists would be against that amirite? Fucking dumbass
how can i know? it's not stated in the clip or thread.
Fucking christ yeah you are retarded. Go eat some tide pods fucking dolt. You can't follow a conversation worth a shit - autism.
It's pretty obvious when he said ethical. Shithead who are into incest wack it to fake incest shit and it's ethical. Same with Rping being younger.
>wahhh let CP be legal you fucking retard
gas yourself you degenerate
I may be an autistic tide pod eater but atleast my argument isn't defending child porn.
Yeah thats what I said, autist. holy shit learn to read or mask your mental illness
And I never did ya illiterate. This is because you had too much soy and medication.
Incest porn is real too, eh? are you that fucking dumb?
Dump the retarded faggot already, Spencer is such a fucking clown it's unbelievable. What good thing has the faggot done? Enough is enough, he's making the right look completely retarded.
Kid touching creeps should be executed immediately. Not every life is valuable.
>argument is for pedos having access to 'certain' types of porn
>isn't defending use of child porn for pedos
I've never especially liked Spencer either personally or ideologically -- and I want him to clarify these comments -- but this "the AR is OVAH" meme is very obviously being pushed by shawn and the other ironybros on frogtwitter to boost Fuentes after his falling out with Allsup.
>certain kinds of porn
What did Spencer mean by this?
Getting real fucking tired of Nick the Spic Fuentes starting shit every week
so you think incest porn is real
He can join Milo in creating the Pedo Right.
Ethical CP with the consent of the children, did you not listen to Destiny the eternal manlet explaining ethical CP?
Don't you see? BASED Catholicism is the only way you can keep yourself from raping little kids.
so you arn't against it ?
Interesting to note.
Yeah I don't see what (((certain types of porn))) could have meant. It takes a certain... phenotype... to get a pedophile off. Dunno how you can roleplay as a kid when you're an adult. Absolutely disgusting imo.
All he does is make our interests look bad and unsympathetic.
Why wont he fucking just go away?
He's fired.
shawn's voice sounds like he took steroids too much and his balls are in his throat. guys a wrecked faggot
Reminder these are legal:
>Watching videos of ISIS throwing gays off of rooftop
>Watching videos of people using drugs
>Watching videos of Blacks throwing females into walls and suplexing them in the name of dancing
>Watching videos of chinese boil dogs alive
>Watching JFK assassination video
>Watching Budhist monks burn themselves alive
It is almost like watching a digital reproduction of an event is not equivalent to participating in the event.
all of those videos featured heinous, illegal acts. creating CP requires performing a heinous, illegal act or at least finding somebody to do it while you let it happen. wtf are you arguing dude?
nobody shot JFK so people could watch it later. CP is produced precisely for the purpose of consumption
That's the worst possible defense of Spencer's ambiguous comments, you absolute faggot. It concedes the still tenuous frame that Spencer was talking about child porn. You may as well be defending Destiny's degeneracy. Stop it.
He's a severely irritating person. In my opinion, he's 50% fair and constructive criticism of the alt right and 50% totally disingenuous sabotage. More weighted toward the former, recently.
"latter" fug
That's simply incorrect. All of them require no participation from the viewer, or even knowledge that the viewer exists, or even the possessor of contraband media knowing they are in possession of it. (Coming into possession of storage device but never accessing it)
I believe Lee Harvey Oswald's public assassination was specifically done so people around the world would consume it later, for generations. Perhaps not in the same way as pornography, but still your point is moot. All media is produced for consumption.
Simply playing devils advocate and looking at it clinically. Spencer's point was ignorant, but the stigma of the topic should not bar it from being discussed openly. Treating serial molesters with anything other than a bullet is out of the question in my opinion.
>All of them require no participation from the viewer, or even knowledge that the viewer exists, or even the possessor of contraband media knowing they are in possession of it.
Your honor, I intended for nobody to view this pornography later.
>Perhaps not in the same way as pornography
Thank you for admitting that your pilpul defense was total disingenuous bullshit. Nobody is going around shooting presidents for views.
>Spencer defends CP
>Sup Forums starts to defend CP
yeah guy should just eat a few fentanyl patches and go on his way. he's just doing nothing good.
stfu, Sup Forums does and doesn't defend everything. you can find every oppinion here.
>Nobody is going around shooting presidents for views.
Are you fucking kidding me? LHO executed JFK in the most public possible way just so everyone in the god damn world would see it. It was the "SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD." He was making a huge fucking statement.
My pilpul defense was that all media is made for consumption, however there still exists some pixels that are illegal to view. Blaming the consumer is putting the horse before the buggy, as the media is not made based on demand but solely on the fact that there exist horrible people, or bored people, who happen to posses a camera and ample time.
Spencer once again demonstrates that he is a cancer to anything he touches.
Name me one media organization who killed a president, politician, or hell ANYBODY for views? That's the analogy to child pornography here. And you are failing miserably at addressing it.
Further proof this faggot is controlled opposition
Spencer didnt even defend CP, he's just duimb and doesnt think about what he says
That has nothing to do with my argument. However, Warner bro's made $70MM off of the JFK movie. "BACK AND TO THE LEFT" How many times did they say that? How many times did they show and profit from the assassination of president? However many the number, I'll still defer to LHO as the content creator whose work the adult population of the united states has legally watched.
Not an alt righter, but I always get the feeling he's a plant, he seems to always sabotage himself, and to extension the alt right.
OP is a faggot
>in all fields
>That has nothing to do with my argument.
It had everything to do with my rebuttal.
>Warner bro's made $70MM off of the JFK movie.
Did Warner Brothers kill JFK in order to profit off of the subsequent biopic? Really makes you think, doesn't it?
I agree BUT he didnt defend CP, he said what he said in a way where nazbol guys could take it out of context
>Did Warner Brothers kill JFK in order to profit off of the subsequent biopic? Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Dean Koontz' Odd Thomas series features trans-dimensional beings who go through time to observe tragic events. Kind of like Sup Forums but we only go forward in time.
Spencer is literally FBI, this has been obvious for years.
You should get the point by now though. You HAVE to harm a child or let a child get harmed to create child pornography. You are complicit in the act by default.
If the president gets shot in front of you by an assassin, and you were not part of the plot, then there's usually not much the average witness could have done to prevent it.
That third one is funny as fuck though
He's dumb but all the retards ragging on him right now are even dumber. this is a raid or showing the fact that there a load of autstic faggots round here,
Nick Fuentes even said Spencer denounced CP later on
You're still wrong. My point is you are no more complicit than you are if you watch any other illegal activity. There is nothing you can do because you are watching it after the fact. You are as much removed as anyone watching a news clip that took place half a century ago.
I predicted the future.
he denounced CP later on actually
he said prescribing porn to people might be one way of curing them of their psychological malfunctions
he didn't endorse it, or support it. He just injected it into the conversation
People willing to judge someone on a soundbyte are too stupid to vote
>My point is you are no more complicit than you are if you watch any other illegal activity.
You're not addressing the crux of my argument. Only if your patronage is responsible for the creation of the illegal activity and the filming requires conspiracy to facilitate the crime. No news company hires terrorists so they can record the carnage afterwards for their customers. If creating the footage requires being complicit in the illegal act, and if patronage inspires the creation of the footage, THEN you would have a point. Like I said, you have to address an analogy that is appropriate to the filming of child pornography, and unfortunately you have consistently missed this point over and over again.
>embarrass the movement
no need to worry about that, mexican kid with sunglasses.
he's right that Spencer speaks without thinking...but so does he lol