Guys, what happens is the government shutdowns temporarily?
Guys, what happens is the government shutdowns temporarily?
literally nothing
They turn it back on again later. And then next time somebody gets mad they threaten to shut it down again.
It doesn't even shut down all the way.
The government should just be shut down all the time tbqh
you have literally no one to talk to on base if you have contract work for a military base. you still get stopped if you walk onto the flight line though
Some parks close and federal employee leeches won't get paid for a couple of weeks. Aaaaaaaaaaand nothing of value was lost.
Ah, OK, so it's what? Vacation for politicians?
this the last time the American Government shutdown they went into positive GDP growth.
Who even thinks like that? Do they think every government agency just packs up and goes home? What did people do before big government?
the people can lynch cnbc like the niggers they are for running bombs through our airports.
fuck those niggers.
Hey I remember that exact talking point from the morning news. Good thing the military and mlitary contractors NEVER have to plan around government BS and always get flat footed by things they can see coming a mile away.
unpaid vacations for non-essential govt workers. basically, if people wont die if you leave, you leave
Keep your eyes to yourself jewish filth. Goddamn abomination.
We had liberty an prosperity and things like that.
either total chimpouts every fucking where, like fucking galaxy of the apes tier shit that not even a whole fucking peninsula of roof Koreans can fix
or you know, shit goes on as always, no government processes, city hall not open
all bureaucracies slow down, except the fucking DMV of course, that shit might actually speed up a bit as the niggers rush to end the work day early
When government shuts down, all laws are temporarily suspended and we can purge.
Only thing that happens is that it shows the world how dysfunctional we are. Not much else happens outside of that
Literally nothing. Probably only thing is that the MSM have a field with "doomsday coverage". If I remember correctly, the government shut down in 2013 and pretty much all essential services continue as normal.
>Hurrr you can't go see that rock in the national park because the government is shut down
well, every employee literally does just that, unless you have an important job like security, defense, mail, etc...
they send everyone else home
>Government shutdown
happened many times under Obama. Every time it was played up by the media as being the worst thing ever. And every time it happened, literally nothing happened. If anything it should be an eye opener to normies that state government is more than adequate. But it won't be, because it wasn't the first hundred times it happened.
Only question is does Trump barricade the national monuments like Obama did?
-The Military is unpaid and civilian DOD employees have the day(s) off.
-National parks, zoo's, etc are closed.
-No gun permits can be issued.
-Congress will be paid because they passed a law to protect themselves.
-DC garbage collectors stop working.
-No small business loans.
>Everyone gets back pay when the new funding is passed
That shit cuts deep.
Holy shit I forgot about that. What a fucking clown show.
I doubt it. Obama only pulled that shit to try to make the shutdown seem worse than it really was.
Fact: The "government" shuts down every week for two entire days, beginning at 5 PM Friday.
They get a late paycheck, and the govt shutsdown in almost every modern presidential cycle and the democrats blame the republicans and the republicans cave.
When they run out of money they print more. The money is backed by literally nothing and nothing happens. If the government shut down except a few furloughed government workers. Not sure why they need taxes in the first place if they just print more money anyway, but here we are...
Hurr durr
I’m an air traffic controller and I don’t get weekends off. If the government gets shut down I will be working without a paycheck (though I will get back pay)
You should make the planes crash in to each other out of spite.
>being so autistic you talk to drawings and feel compelled to post an image to counter it
I sometimes wonder what it's like
They really believe you owe everything to the government. No government? No monuments. No parks. No mountains (they closed a shoulder of a road so people couldn't pull over and look at a mountain).
Every thing in your life you have because the government provides it. They really believe that.
Basically only shit govt employees will be fucked. TSA agents and other shit agents. Only negative are the good rangers that might be affected.
Panda-cam goes offline
With retroactive back pay. So basically a deferred- paid vacation.
Yeah or they could just agree that our salary has nothing to do with the shutdown and just continue to pay us like they’re going to do when they open it back up
No. If you’re “non-essential” you don’t come to work and don’t get back pay.
If you’re “essential” you come to work and don’t get paid until they reach an agreement, and then you get back pay.
You seem like an ok dude and have your life stable. That's how most government employees are and should be. But I remember a couple of people hurting at my airport from the last time this happened. Most because they were shit and never should have held ANY position of power or be given the benefits of a govt job.
Won't know until we try
Literally nothing that will effect 99% of people.
>Congress will be paid because they passed a law.
Get this - it’s also legal for them to insider trade and California politicians do not have to abide by their own gun regulations.
Daily reminders that Democrats want to shut down the government so children die and our military falls apart all because Trump won't give amnesty to 11 million illegal alien criminals
Basically all the non-essential parts of the government stop functioning and aren't paid for translation a Libertarians wet dream
>excuse me while I fap in anticipation
You'll realize that you're a federalist cocksucker for thinking that the federal government is here to help citizens.
The south was right.
Since I'm considered essential personnel I still have to show up to work. Last time it happened my coworkers said they were back paid for the time of the shutdown.
Veterans get arrested for visiting national monuments.
Roads will cease to exist because roads literally cannot exist without the government. It will be pandemonium as no one is able to drive anywhere. Keep funding the dollars unless you want to see MUH ROOOOOOOOOADS disappear.
dont be a tard, dollars built the road in the first place. you wanna see what under funded roads look like? visit connecticuts backroads after a harsh winter.
Are you 12 it shut down in 2013 and obama had to make The park service block roads and parking lots becuse otherwise there would be 0 indication anything changed
For some reason the news and establishment politicians act like it’s some major concern but unless you live in dc/ work for some federal department, it has absolutely 0 effect on anything at all
>no small business loans
>no gun permits
What ? Neither of those are previews of the fed
lol they still get paid, their checks are just held until they go back to "work"
A bunch of low-maintenance public services get shut down (things like park ranging), and two weeks later they turn on again with backpay. For everyone except the politicians, it's either nothing or some days' free, paid vacation.
nothing, it really means they have to skip their planned break(s) and actually work out a budget deal, not a lazy CR.
Republicucks are just so fucking stupid, they tack on a "CHIP" bill to it so they can claim 'le ebil democrats hate children'
if they can't get the democrats to play ball, they should just say so, instead of playing little games that they always lose because they only have one news channel that (sometimes) will cover for them. democrats will win this by the sheer volume of jewish lies from the press.
>democrats will win this by the sheer volume of jewish lies from the press.
Isn't that how it always goes?