Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. God bless you all.
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Reminder Protestants aren’t Christian.
Jesus is a prophet of god not god himself.
Fuck I ate chipotle and now I'm shitting with a burning asshole. Why did got make chipotle so good but it hurts to get rid of it.
Are you going to pray in the name of Jesus tonight or what
Humans don't have free will. Christianity BTFO.
Well homie, this is what I believe. Jesus Christ born of the virgin Marry, lived a sinless life, was crucified tho he had no sin, was resurrected on the third day, and all we have to do to gain salvation is admit we are sinners, ask for forgiveness, and admit/believe he is our Lord and Savior. But with that being said know that i'm completely forgiven for every sin i have ever done and will ever do, and nothing i do can ever make me lose my salvation. Also Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, And God the creator are one. (Trinity)
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
cool man, see you one day. this is one of my favorite verses it talks of chillin in the clouds forever... so sick.
13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
yee yee i get your point,, but every single decision we make is our own decision, we know it to be true free will to do whatever you want, but yes God already knows what we are going to do. it's a trip
Fuck. I need help and prayers guys I fell off the wagon. Love you brothers. I fear Jesus will say he does not know me when I die.
you'll be alright bro, we all make mistakes, it will only make you stronger in the future and more wise to be able to help somebody else one day you see going through what you already beat.
also like i said if you truly believed at any moment he was who i said he is you can never lose your salvation. The gift of salvation is INSTANT THE SECOND YOU BELIEVE! AND CAN NEVER BE TAKEN FROM YOU
Thanks bro
remember the prodigal son story...this is what he was referring to......a backslider that realizes his errors and comes home again.
While Jesus does state that what has been given to him he will keep jealously...that doesn't mean that if you turn your back on him you can't lose salvation...consider this...even Satan believes in Jesus and can quote the bible better than most Preachers
Correct, the Father, the same as melchizedek spoke of. Allah of the muslims. Shangdi of the daoists and confucists.
We believe he became God. That the transfiguration was literally his atttainment of Universe Godhood.
I love you brother. Gods potential for mercy is well nigh inexhaustible.
You got this!
Thank you for scaring me. Satan knows all our weapons against him better than we do.
Jesus fulfills the roles of prophet, priest, and king. Jesus is the incarnation of the logos.
we don't believe in the same god
God does not bless. God does not meddle. Jesus never existed.
So is that pic proof niggers aren't human?
Alright , i believe this to be false doctrine. so how long do i have to turn my back on him to lose my salvation, a week, 2 weeks, 20 years? and then what do i have to do to get it back? ask him back in again or do more works? it doesn't work that way. no amount of good works can get you into heaven, and no amount of bad works can keep you out of heaven,,, as long as like i said you admit Jesus Christ is the son of man and died and rose again. I don't want to give any false doctrine but i invite the conversation if anyone else can chime in.
this is wrong, no man can ever become God same thing that jehovah witness believe, or mormons i dont really care it's all wrong.. im talking about mormons,, joseph smith thought he became God too... good luck with your god. no but seriously man the God of the Holy Bible is the only true and eternal God.
Every single soul on earth needs salvation. We are all the same. We are not little gods, we are human beings , created in the image of the father, and we are little sinners, but that's ok, God wants us to have a good fun life and he knows we are going to make mistakes sometimes and he doesn't care, honestly i don't think he does, but he does care thats the thing, he wants nothing but the best for us ,, and will let us get there however we want to get there,,... And he LOVES US FOR US, and he will never change.
He was born of man, he was the universe creator son incarnate. It wasnt Gods sperm, it was Josephs. The soul that took that Body was the Son of God.
Son of God, Son of Man.
I agree. However the choice is free will. Many will choose material death over spiritual immortality.
Everyone as heard the message.
You think this because you misunderstand the meaning of ”believe". Satan knows Jesus but he doesn't trust him and he never will.
“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24
Alright look you goat fucker, I'm going to debunk your little new age we're all buddies while I cut your head off dumbfuck theory about Jesus right now. Jesus was granted the ability to do miracles by God. You and I can agree on this. But Jesus said; "I am the Son of God." Now why would God grant the ability to do miracles to a liar so he can pervert the word of the Lord? Exactly. Now go back to Pakistan.
you are choosing to believe in a god who is not the God of the Holy Bible. Born of the virgin marry, you believe joseph is the father, he was only the father of jesus' brothers.
Man can only beget man. That is all we are and ever will be. The creator of the universe, begets the creator of the universe.
Or better put,,
Now that is the first thing to get clear. What God begets is God; just as what man begets is man. What God creates is not God; just as what man makes is not man. That is why men are not Son's of God in the sense that Christ is. They may be like God in certain ways, but they are not things of the same kind. They are more like statues or pictures of God.”
― C.S. Lewis
Here is the full quote,
“We don't use the words begetting or begotten much in modern English, but everyone still knows what they mean. To beget is to become the father of: to create is to make. And the difference is this. When you beget, you beget something o the same kind as yourself. A man begets human babies, a beaver begets little beavers and a bird begets eggs which turn into little birds. But when you make, you make something of a different kind from yourself. A bird makes a nest, a beaver builds a dam, a man makes a wireless set – or he may make something more like himself than a wireless set: say, a statue. If he is clever enough carver he may make a statue which is very like man indeed. But, of course, it is not a ream man; it only looks like one. It cannot breathe or think. It is not alive.
Now that is the first thing to get clear. What God begets is God; just as what man begets is man. What God creates is not God; just as what man makes is not man. That is why men are not Son's of God in the sense that Christ is. They may be like God in certain ways, but they are not things of the same kind. They are more like statues or pictures of God.”
― C.S. Lewis
Wrong. Jesus is fully a man and fully god together in one entity.
Virgin mary was adaptation from mythras.
You seem to be dismissing the spiritual realm, we are born as the resident auperanimal, we choose to join God on our ascension.
Jesus is the trinitzed son of God the Father, who exists outside of our universe. Jesus is the universal creation. We exist within him, and our ascension is rejoining him in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Praise Lord Jesus Christ.
lol so fuckin funny, preach the truth, and nothing but the truth. Truly we can speak however the fuck we want because ultimately we are forgiven for everything we have done and ever will do,, and God makes everything work out the way he planned. but remember we are supposed to be loving.
i believe there is a spiritual realm of some sort co existing with us/ among us that we can't see.., as well as i believe in spirits. but those spirits are angels or demons. i don't believe anything you're on. We do not become God, we never will, and we never have.
We join him in the Heavenly Kingdom.
Matthew 5:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus was a model human and I'll do everything in my power to emulate him. Worship accomplishes nothing.
Collosians 1
The Supremacy of the Son of God
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of[g] your evil behavior. 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation— 23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.
Amen get right with God before its to late boys
matthew 19:18-24, not john 3:16
for you
a shit ton of people in the bible were called 'son of god'. it was a sign of giving oneself over to god. 'god's only son' is something completely different, and a much later addition, once they were trying to turn it into a religion with rites, celebrations, idol worship etc.
thanks for the verse, why did you go with KJV?, i appreciate your help, tho i truly do, but josephs sperm did not impregnate marry for the birth of Jesus Christ of Bethlehem. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahha
Matthew 7:6 "¶ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
Kjv Because its preferred.
In reality these details are not important, as long as we are enhancing ourselves we are on the right path. Im a big fan of the letters to the churches. Written from prison with plenty of time to think.
Do you also believe that harod would hold a census requiring massive travel during winter solstice, coincidentally Jesus being born the same birth date of mythras?
What would you say about their questions
no you're wrong, because in reality there is only ONE TRUE KING AND THIS IS WHO HE IS, you already know that tho lollololol.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."
who are you to answer them? who are you to give interpretations? give them a link to the the bible.
Read verboten 11 biblical essays
They killed mistranslated the Bible on purpose
Incorrect, Sons of God referred to specific divine beings. Where are you getting your information?
Same guy. Jesus is our connection to the trinity. Since christ is the creation we exist in, we reach God through him. Literally. Welp its been fun. Good night. Find peace brother.
im just a man. many men have given their interpretations of the bible. if anyone else out there sees where i have gone wrong i invite any and all corrections. this is part of the post. im just talking
peace be the journey!
and not same guy, you said josephs sperm bore christ. joseph can only beget jospeh because he is not God. GOD BEGETS GOD
בני האלהים bene elphim 'sons of god' is found through the torah, or as you like to call it, the old testament
Genesis 6 1-4
Job 1:6
Job 2:1
Job 38:7
Deuteronomy 32:8
Psalms 29:1
Psalms 89:6
Daniel 3:25
>many men have given their interpretations of the bible
and look where we are. kek. the church is a fucking disgrace. the great moral teachings of jesus are buried under fear and hate.
no fear or hate hear man. its only freedom
yeah, i know. but you encourage someone to go to church and listen to an old pedophile teach about something he has probably ignored his whole life. how many rich people in this country completely disregard the parable of the rich man? it is a central teaching. welp, guess we are just gonna forget about that one. god fucking forbid any rich person ever try to act like a good christian around me.
lol fuck off, i havent gone to church in like 3 years. its not about the church, or the money, or anything its about a personal relationship with christ, he will guide you through spiritual ways once you start believing in him.
They even try the mental gymnastics of claiming that the parable of the rich man isn't really what it sounds like... pathetic.
you must know a lot more about it then i do, why not educate all of us.
May God bless us all with fulfilling lives and enriching next lives.
One would think that because it appears in THREE GOSPELS, people would take it seriously, but instead they want to split hairs about just how big a needle really is...
Matthew 19:24
Mark 10:25
Luke 18:25
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. ... Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:23-26. Parallel versions appear in Mark 10:24-27, and Luke 18:24-27.
My interpretation of this is, there is nothing wrong with being rich or having a tremendous amount of money. but with great money it can make you seem like you don't need any help or saving, or maybe you feel you're on top of the world. Money is a very powerful thing it can be used for good or it can be used for evil.. If you're heart is not set on righteous intentions, the money can ultimately destroy you, because the fact of the matter is. no matter how much money you have, you are still a man and we are all men alike and it always comes back to this,, we all need a savior. and that savior is Jesus Christ. Once we accept this we are forgiven. and the journey starts. I am not an expert at all on this trust me. but i would say perhaps thats why its harder for a rich person to get into heaven than it is for a poor person, perhaps they look to a God earlier in life, but the fact is we still all need the same God he is not different to anyone. And with God all things are possible. Anyone can make it to heaven. Even Hillary Clinton if she repents and accepts Jesus Christ as her savior. But i still want a a trial among her peers and if shes found guilty of treason i want her hung. lol so my friends can finally wake the fuck up
Thanks for sharing your interpretation. Worth looking at how one is saved, by exercising faith in Jesus, which includes conforming to God’s moral code. The text immediately before these passages is about someone who is reluctant to sell his belongings to follow Jesus, so you could also interpret it to mean that people cling to material wealth while neglecting the more important matter of salvation.
yeah thank you, it's hard to work towards the important things in life sometimes. im struggling with doing what i feel im called to be, because when i was younger i made some dumb decisions that i think limits me to what im supposed to be. i could use prayers in that regard.
Yeah, what is your point? Sons of God does not mean what you just claimed. Explain what you are talking about.
Amen. God bless you too, OP and everyone in this thread.
The Creator will make Himself known only when you release your love for this world.
has The Creator in it.. Sounds COOL. What do you mean by this
Will pray for you. A bit of advice: I've found happiness and contentment within, and work to keep the external world from *getting in the way* by staying healthy and financially secure. I you first found happiness and contentment within, not in the external world, you might find a way to do what you feel called to do by seeing everything more clearly.
thank you for the prayers/ advice. will try to step towards them
Reminder Catholics are heretics who let women into the clergy
They would never do that.
Praise Jewsus.
>no digits
Muhammad thought he was talking to an Angel, it was a Demon. He even admitted it during the Satanic Verses. You cant contact angels without getting demons too. John Dee learned that too.
Your imaginary friend isn't real.
do you hate him?
Jesus isn't even a real person, dude
>pic related
do you wish it to be so?