hey america, uhmm, i'm not sure exactly how to put this but... uh... when are you going to.. you know... GET RID OF THE FUCKING GUNS??? HELLO?? JUST FUCKING GET RID OF THEM ALREADY!!!
Hey america, uhmm, i'm not sure exactly how to put this but... uh... when are you going to.. you know...
Never, it will never happen
Truly one of the greatest thinkers of our time
When you stop with the whole no food thing, commie. But we know that will never fucking happen.
You can start with the niggers, and end with the niggers. You will never get responsible white people's guns. Not in any of our lifetimes.
Serious question for people who follow this trainwreck; has he changed his views since getting on testosterone?
If I threw away my Gun RIGHT NOW, some nigger would find it and shoot me with it
I just bought two more today.
it surprises me how few subscribers he has considering how often I see him posted on here.
Fuck, is that why he's got such crusty, female tits?
Is he still at his dad's?
Our 2nd Amendment codifying the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a wonderful symbol of our little "r" republican values. Most of us aren't ashamed of our liberty.
With that said, Europeans make some extraordinary firearms. The Beretta Serpentina makes my dick hard.
thats would be racist
What flag is that, friend?
Waiting for my m10x to arrive I can barely stand the wait
>in all fields
>Andorra does not have its own armed forces, although there is a small ceremonial army. ... This is why all Andorrans, and especially the head of each house (usually the eldest able-bodied man of a house) should, by law, keep a rifle, even though the law also states that the police will offer a firearm in case of need.
Just look at those teeth. Look at them!
>Fuck, is that why he's got such crusty, female tits?
This guy has a condition where he's had literally 0 testosterone, which is less than what women have.
Come and try to take it off me faggot
I agree. America needs to step up and admit that they've fucked up. Their guns cannot protect them from the government realistically. What they should do is forfeit all their weapons to the government and smelt them into a BIG Trayvon Martin statue. Imagine what a third world shit hole America will be when all the whites have been whiped out and you just have a bunch of guerilla niggers and mutts yielding guns to protect their "hoods"
Solve the problem now. Ban guns!
He's going to need cosmetic surgery to get those tits off. No amount of exercise is going to do it, you can tell.
It says the flag is unknown. An unknown flag, how rare is that?!
Fuck off commie swine. As long as we are armed, you degenerates can't send us off to the gulags.
Not very rare friendo
how do we defeat him
What a perfect meme face this lad has. He's like a real life caraciture.
You can have my guns when you pry them from my dead fingers
That’s so funny, tell another one!
>.22 pot metal / plastic knockoffs
nah that's ok, I meant real guns
Only one of them is a .22 fag
and the rest are still pot metal knockoffs, that are for your LARPING tiki torch fantasy
It's more than enough to smoke pussy commies like yourself
I'm going to maybe buy my first shotgun next month for trap shooting.
Any recommendations Sup Forums?
>Being this triggered when some commie pop's your LARPING delusion
BTFO status
[ ] not BTFO
protip, buy an AR15 or an AK, then you might be taken more seriously
your no communist if you want to get rid of guns if you were an actual communist you would support arming the working class your nothing but a libtard larping as a commie fuck off kike your no real revolutionary
It isn't the guns, it's the people. Switzerland has a fuck ton of guns, and they don't have a huge problem with them. Private gun ownership is illegal in Honduras, and they have one of the highest murder rates in the world.
If you remove the crime committed by blacks and Hispanics the crime/murder rate in the US would be on par with that of pre-immigrant Europe. Complaining about America's crime rate is racist.
>buy an AR15
>implying I don't already own one
AKs are trash
>owning an AR15
You can't call yourself a Patriot unless you own a minimum of 6, up your game there annon
He's using an anonymous proxy. Why Andorra is used as the placeholder I have no idea
Nice bait shit sucker, go fuck an open fire hydrant.
Sorry, they need them to gun down commies and anybody else who represents a threat to their way of living them. So now what?
$20 for a fucking Panzershreck? Holy shit, sign me up!
I wonder if these were demilled paperweights? Either way yeah $20.00 is a fucking steal
>Fuck the future sucks
I miss Jahan memes
Is this "man" still making videos?
A hard red pill to swallow is that these degenerate liberals desperately want to emulate an authoritative figure.
Their softness and weakness is the exact opposite of what they want to be.
small 10 full choke
thanks, bought a gun