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Kek willed it

The whole thread is full of gets

just like two clintons that lied under oath, right guys?

What the fuck is going on

Fake news

Obama was a tyrant but he's retired, he won't see a day inside of a cell

This was only the first domino fuckface.

>*goat sounds*.mp3

Yes, he will, and if YOU'RE inside the United States and paid to shill on this board you're going to prison as well.

Has any of your presidents done jail time?

I wish. The greatest chimpout in all of history would ensue, it would be glorious.

>Clintons will be in jail
Highly fucking doubt it. When it happens, I'll believe you, but instead, fuck off and stop ruining my hopes and dreams.

This post is winner and doesn't need trips. Obama never sees prison over the details of the memo, this was a counter-intelligence investigation and was due diligence.

It is a shame that both parties are SO MAD at each other that they both sabotaged the release.

jackson used to be a degenerate and got into a lot of legal trouble. but during his presidency or after, he was never jailed

Shhh... dont give away our ICE cover story for the raids against shareblue and other groups.

Clinton isn't even the highest rung in the ladder.

Israel is FUCKED and so are you.

Thank God for President Trump.
You all ready to work and Serve on the Moon Base and Mars Colony ?

There's no basis to this story, you're literally defending nothing,

like a shill.

I think the reason people are so certain of shills, is because that's what they do.


As much as I'd like to believe the Kind Negro himself was going to be put to justice, there is no way this would ever happen.

In your dreams white boi

We have names dates places and receipts
A Good couple million people are going to prison.

This is false. Israel is a country, but there ARE individuals within the country that are absolutely fucked.

So you are saying that people need to be paid to hold the opinion that king nigger needs to be put back in chains? You are delusional

It's all tumblring down

praise kek

what happened now?

How am I fucked you retard? You think I'm a DC shill or something?

They're not going to jail. We've been saying they would be locked up for fucking years AND IT NEVER HAPPENS NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF EVIDENCE WE HAVE.

Let me know when they're thrown in the slammer, until then, fuck off T_D.

If you have any affiliation with any group here now or in the past You will be spending 5 to life behind bars.
Black lives matter
Purple Revolution
Clinton Foundation
Obama Foundation
Theres a bunch more but these are the obvious ones.

the clintons won't be imprisoned because they will be being executed by firing squad on live tv.

Speaking strictly statistics he is a black man. He is either gonna be shot be another black or go to jail. Can't escape what he was born to do

Says white boy hiding behind meme flag hahah leaf

I can only fucking wish


don't let your dreams be memes JUST DO IT



>Praise be

Man I just want Trump to throw out there he will pardon them if they came forward and leave politics for good.

I wish he would do this for the Imran Aman shit since that's the best place to poke.


You've been saying that since January of 2016. This political bullshit is just a puppet show to keep you idiots entertained. Same thing with gay rights, same thing with marijuana legalization. Even you "redpilled" children have no idea what is going on. They will keep setting these up and watching you retards cheer like a circus. Then the curtain will go down and the facade will end. Nothing more.

>no basis
lmao where have you been over the last 2 years


remember the one rule anons: nothing ever happens.

>Israel is a country
You need to leave. Anyone that recognizes Israel as a legitimate state needs to be shot.

I know Trump. He will pardon Obama for Clinton Imprisonment. He will not stain the office of the president.

Only takes one domino to fall.

Trump isn't one of them. But you keep thinking that he is. It's best if all of ((them)) continue to think that. That way when destiny inevitable comes knocking at their door, it'll be an easy kill.

Nothing as usual

Well done Sup Forums

After what Obama put him through? Hohohoho.

do you mean shekel?
Because Domino is child sex term.


i had to laugh so hard at that gif that shit flew out my nose


It shows compassion to the black community. I just dont see him putting Obama in jail and really want to see it, but No for me.

News to me


nope, just said 'LIKE' a shill. That's the qualifier that talks about the similarities but that it's obviously not the identical situation. Keep up with your homework and maybe one day you'll understand english too!

Obviously he's doing it for free.

fake news was yesterday cletus.

lel imagine trump pardoning him like ford did for Nixon. bet he makes him take a knee lmao


Anyone who recognizes Israel as a state and Jerusalem as it's capital is one of (them). Screencap my post and put it as your desktop. That way, next month when another "HAPPENING HILLARY AND OBAMA WILL BE EXECUTED FOR TREASON" thread happens, I don't have to be around to say I told you so.

Best guesses as to what's in there?

Oh, is there some sort of grand jury or special prosecutor case relating to Obama and his administration i didn't hear about that is verifiable in any tangible way beyond youtube rumors?

First Trump takes a bull dozer to his legacy and now the fucker is going to jail!

My beer came through my nose. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH

And I have a 10 inch cock.

Onigger used FISA to spy on Trump then handed any info found to Hillary who then used it in her campaign against him


Someone give me the tl;dr of it

And these folks aren't going to the local, easy, state prison. Hell no. These people are going to fucked hard in the ass, federal prison.

What information?

>my pond water came through my nose

fixed that for you, american beer isn't beer

This, except the highest ranked officials at the FBI, DOJ and possibly other gov't entities were co-conspirators

No no it's Guantanamo for them.

Everyone knows that shit already tho

the information is irrelevant, the fact is the information was illegally gathered
the democrats spied on a political opponent then gave any info (who fucking knows what) to that party's opposition

Wictor sees the future.


The real question is who will finally be charged with Seth Rich’s murder?

>Tomb Kangz patch notes today
>Trump Rally
>had a nice meal with gf
>now this

If Trump did anything - and I'm not sure he would, he'd do what Obama did with Chelsea Manning. He'd commute his sentence, so whatever he's charged with would stand.

Lol theyll probably just get a fine to party funds and a couple of people banned from holding public office

Your a fucking pussy. Go suck more nigger dick you fairy fucking faggot. Obama has killed innocent Americans with his fucking bullshit! He deserves to hang.
And who gives a fuck about the black community. Nothing he does is going to make them like him

Dominoes commonly fall but I never played dominios on pasta.

Yfw this is the real Fake News Awards and last night was just a bluff from Trump. Mass Media suicide when?

“Hezbollah Rabbi “.......

These space cadets were detached from reality long before Trump ran for president.

Kristol thought that the brutally fascistic "Arab Spring" was a manifestation of Jeffersonian democracy.

Rubin is a Clinton Democrat who discovered that all the liberal columnist positions had been filled so she became a Washington Post Republican, which is kind of like being a Hezbollah rabbi.

Brooks voted for Obama because of the crease in his pants, which I suppose is ever-so-slightly less irrational than believing that socialized medicine would drive down premiums.

And David Frum is a "consekrvative" who insists that conservatives are racist. Never Trump? These shmos are Never Right.

I can see that.
Sorry bud but I am telling you it will have to be bad for Trump to jail Obama. There will be riots in the streets.

Neither of you two understand the prison system. Whoever has the most money, lives the life of most comfort. You think cholos sneak drugs into prison and make toilet wine for the culinary experience?
Of course the information matters. You don't understand what FISA is. The president can authorize electronic surveillance WITHOUT a court order. So long as it is for foreign intelligence. Fun fact, collusion with Russia falls under than. Even if Trump had no collusion with Russia, the simple fact that he *might* have is easily justifiable and not illegal for the purposes of an investigation.

i would be ok with trump not getting a 2nd term if it mean obama was arrested and sent to prison

>the absolute state of the Sup Forums reality distortion field

well, i mean, ok... but the entire left wing believes trump is guaranteed to go to jail for russian collusion.

>he thinks Onigger needed any justification other than "he's a republican"

Fucking Leaf

FISA does not give them power to spy on American citizens without a warrant.


Praise the lord Jesus Christ amen

The white man awakens

If that happens, the race war will start that night, right? We're going to light the biggest chimpout the North (America) has ever seen.