Continuing from the previous thread. I'll answer as many questions as I can before I leave. Since none of you were able to figure out the true reason I was here - here it is. It's my assignment to analyze all the posters on this and the previous thread. There were two of my associates who were embedded with you in the thread. The goal is to analyze your response after telling you this. Sup Forums is not our concern. I love you guys.
Deep state and I love you guys
Other urls found in this thread:
Previous thread from where I'll continue to answer the questions
George Webb
Jason Goodman
Quinn Michaels
Jordan Sather
David Wilcock
Corey Goode
Nathan Stolpman
David Seaman
Laura Loomer
Tracey Beanz
You're all traitors.
Is marijuana schedule 1 because it somehow poses a threat to govt ops?
I think my friend is in the deep state, he is an actuary and his family are high level bankers in a particular Nordic country. Could there be telltale signs that I am correct?
why are you LARPing so hard? why would a govt official have a strong emotional connection to a shit posting image board forum? please fuck off and stop spamming
Should I be afraid of the future? I’m not that smart man I have potential but all this deep state shit makes me scared.
No. The deep state goes only after people with power. As long as you lead a normal life, you're of no concern to the deep state.
>Like do they stop some REALLY bad shit from happening to keep themselves, and us by association, alive?
I've heard stories of good actors saving the homeland from chemical weapons. But nothing like in the spy movies. Just analysis of data and determining where the location of the weapon was.
>This "Analyst" can't even name the security certificate used for EOP communications. Doesnt know who secures them. Cant explain who they are or what they do, yet he wants us to believe that he is intercepting communications blah blah blah.
You must be under the impression that I mine for all my data myself. The data is handed to me.
>What are the colors and where do they take you?
Why are YOU asking me this?
>Will we ever get to know what was the "insurance" on Weiner's laptop?
It was on Sup Forums and multiple anons discussed it and deduced what was on Weiner's laptop. I mean, at least some anons on Sup Forums have already deduced what's on Tony's laptop.
Where is previous three threads only saw previous two?
Does the deep state understand that a lot of psychological traits are genetic and not merely learned, so if you promote a multicultural/multiethnic state it won't lead to a stable society?
Yes, it does.
>Moreover why would it matter if someone is a U.S. citizen or not
That's the policy for hiring unless you're a person of high IQ and have defected from your country of birth.
>Does the 7th floor group in the state department have such unmatched power now that DJT is here compared to when Hillary folks ran it?
They are human beings just like everyone else. They can be taken down like I can be taken down. They are not invincible. In fact, they're extremely fragile to the point where even I won't be reprimanded for saying so.
>Also, PhD stem here and working on a professional degree atm. Looking at an internship in my field for a summer position next summer. Any advice?
Good, you have a bright future. What is your concentration?
when will you fuckers leave me alone
what did skinner by "steamed hams"?
Can't spell analyst without anal am I right
What are the inter agencies plans in neutering certain aspects of technology that will lead to mass unemployment but still have the capability of establishing passivity?
This is some fringe stuff. The deep state is not out to destabilize society intentionally. Unemployment levels are controlled for a reason.
>1000% chance OP is a sophisticated AI put to the test here. If it passes Sup Forums it can pass anywhere.
I already said I wasn't an AI and AIs are not used on Sup Forums.
>op 1 question can i get a h1b1 3cp0 visa to work undercover
No, you don't get a visa for working undercover. You have other clearances. Visa may be given to you for a cover, but it serves no real purpose otherwise.
>how do i get a cool government job like working for the intelligence agency so i can say "sorry thats classified information" and sound cool to my friends and family
I don't talk to my friends or family. It's not a good life.
>You're clearly a HoneyPot or you're too stupid to realize you're setting up a HoneyPot for whoever you're hoping shows up to your thread that doesn't need to be spoonfed, and potentially intellectually valuable.
Wow, I actually never expected anyone to figure it out. This user actually surpassed my expectations. Good job user. But just in case, Sup Forums is not a board of concern for us. At least, not anymore. Most of you can't differentiate between actors and real posters. So it's ok. Nothing of value here.
But I still love you guys. That was true. I wasn't lying about that.
>How does a leaf get involved in your line of work ?
You have to be an asset or get U.S. citizenship.
>Text me if you are real
Sure, and compromise both you and me. Why not?
>Will there ever be a happening that causes the American Public, at large, to have to choke down a huge fucking red pill?
>I mean something so big, that the secret will be let out of the bag? Opening Pantera's Box?
No, never. DJT had to make a choice, and he chose to keep the american people sane.
I'm not here to toot my horn, I am working at a startup hedgefund that is operating in secrecy and generates roughyl ~152% a year.
Will I be contacted in the near future?
10:1 this is an obvious larp
nonetheless, I'll put forth my 2 cents
>it's not a code, in the trad sense
>I do not doubt it is actually factual
So what is the concern of DS?
Controlling information dissemination
>CIA niggers have hatched a plan to subvert Sup Forums by, in a sense, becoming Sup Forums, and they are confident in their abilities now
>I already said I wasn't an AI and AIs are not used on Sup Forums.
That's just what an AI would say.
Thank you and God Bless you for staying silent about 9/11 & Anthrax. Your service to the Bush Family is patriotic and noble. We love you
Quick question:
Do you ever feel like there are leagues of intelligent and capable people who never have a chance to give to society because stupid power hungry fucks in the high seats of society are too dumb to realize that life isnt a zero sum game?
God help us. It's fucking embarrassing how silly we are. Im ashamed.
Cheers for your efforts, hope you do right.
What was it like to single handedly get destroyed by this guy?
Ǝ┴IHMN∩∀˥S ʞN∀ɹℲ
This is a anon5 larp thread pt.2
kek it was fun to watch
>Quit being a vague cunt and give us something or GTFO faggot
I'm sorry. I can't just give you stuff and not face adverse consequences.
>What does this quote mean (in your opinion)?
It means we took JFK out.
>How would one be contacted / contact any of your groups for a job anyway?
You have to get into my agency through the standard entrance exams, and then you're put on a team depending on your skills. It's pretty well defined with little potential for deviation.
>Did the DS learn a lot about how to make war with information from extraterrestrials since most of their sightings are planned events for that purpose?
Don't have access to that level of info.
>What percentage of your agency are Freemasons?
Hahaha. I would estimate it in the range of about 20-30%. I'm a freemason.
>Do you glow in the dark?
>Why did Bush’s EPA push all brass manufacturers out of the United States....?
To get China to produce stuff for the U.S. and to ensure the Chinese economy was dependent on the U.S. economy.
>That seemed to be the first move of communism in America
The opposite.
>Any practical advice for us? I'm just a soldier, not too good at puzzling through all these things.
You're better than me. I just sit behind a desk and analyze data.
>Why hasn't the CIA extradited the, arguably, greatest hacker in the world?
I don't know. They have plans, and there are plans on top of plans. If they haven't sniped him or extracted him or extradited him, then she's more useful where she is rather than in the U.S.
>how much longer (and by proxy, lucrative) are the opium fields overseas and how is the pharmaceutical industry funding the government to continue this practice of guarding, enforcement, etc.
Excellent question. For a quite few years. About 20-30 more.
>Do you have proof you're from the deep state?
>Hopefully they are being downplayed and the people are getting speedy trials and executions.
There are speedy trials going on.
Of all the coverups that you've been a part of, which was your favorite and why?
>I'm a freemason.
This is a dogwhistle for disinfo, thank you for outing yourself as an enemy
>>Did the DS learn a lot about how to make war with information from extraterrestrials since most of their sightings are planned events for that purpose?
>Don't have access to that level of info.
If you haven't figured that out, there's no way you're a qualified data analyst nor decent at deceit detection, it's the most obvious series of psyops ever
With the advent of complex analytical AI if you are the good guys why the hell are we not using it as the body uses an immune system to improve the lives of those who need it?
You're a CIA nigger and you don't want to give us anything, but expect something from us.
>Was the pizzagate shit released to the public to generate some buzz about it?
It wasn't our work. But yes, that was its purpose.
>Is that some sort of internal machination to locate and trap corrupt officials, and, not necessarily prosecute them, but use them as a means to an end to bring some of the dissident "factions" into line?
>Name the community who secures wh communications?
Why do you ask such specific questions that can give away who I am? Do you really expect me to take your bait?
>How can I join the CIA
We recruit from multiple universities and we have an exam for most applicants.
>Where is my text message?
Stuck in my outbox.
>lmao more vague larps, please fuck right off. Thanks.
Sorry to disappoint you.
>No, the intelligence agencies are staffed by abject retards.
>Is RSA encryption compromised?
Not yet. With quantum computers, there will be a finite probability of hacking all transactions and communications in finite time.
>Since a different generation is in charge. No longer nationalists, now they're "globalist" sociopaths who want to merge with machines and widen the gap between the masses and themselves...Question for you though- how far ahead is everything planned? Not the details, but big picture? At least as far as you know.
Some are nationalists and some are globalists. Things are planned for the next 40-100 years. But it's always a dynamic plan. The deep state adapts according to the current situation and developments.
>dude you would know is hilllary a rapist and also how big of a faggot is she?
Yeah I know, but I spoke to much the last time about her and her association with my agency and that was the primary reason for my demotion. Not doing it again.
>Wrong, there are bad actors and complicit actors
It's not that simple anymore.
>with all of that said, 95% chance you're just a fucking LARP.
You may think so, I cannot comment.
> Are you on the nice or naughty list.
I'm currently on the naughty list
>It's my assignment to analyze all the posters on this and the previous thread.
I’ll bite... analyze for what specifically.
You've alluded in past replies about native/immigration replacement in western countries
my hypothesis is that this is to ensure a clash of cultures/race war where the deep state powers that be can secure the final steps to take control of western civilization and use their knowledge to unify factions and be the "new religion"???
my bad for the run on sentence, i'm just spitt-ballin from what you've said in your previous thread
>Did the cia start their black fund so that they dont ever lose funding and depend on congress causing another vietnam.
>Lets face it. It was the democrats pulling the money that caused us to lose vietnam.
>Fake and gay no txt message
Do you want a gay text message?
>You don't even know the certificate used by eop employees (pro tip: you need to know the certs to send and receive emails. It has nothing to do with degrees).
Hahahahaha. Ok. If you say so.
The CIA recruits from multiple universities during their career fair and you can also apply online.
This is a LARP
I was reading last thread and at the beginning, OP was stiff and professional.
Once he realized that people calling his LARP had no effect, he began loosening up.
The only thing this guy can give you is a (you).
Thoughts on Paul Nehlen???
You watch them, but I watch you.
Built for them, by them.
Couldn't say what agency was apart of....
Part of the CIA ....
Which is it?
>It's my assignment to analyze all the posters on this and the previous thread.
And your test will be to tell me which user I was in the previous thread.
What are your thoughts on richard stallman?
Are you people ultimately trying to cultivate controlled civil wars in the West to usher in a totalitarian police state?
>Who are the white and dark knights? Are they agencies? Or people within agencies with certain philosophical codes or agendas?
People within agencies with different philosophies. The deep state is a collection of multiple intelligence agencies.
>How many different factions are there within ur organization?
About 5 I would say. Or atleast 5 loyalties.
>Are ur factions loyal to each other or is loyalty to the organization.
Loyalty to all other faction members and to the country at best. Not many of us care for our organization after we've been in it for a long time.
>Are u simple children bickering still at the welm of ur parents?
>My hypothesis is that all electronic data is vulnerable to manipulation and therefore not useful.
>Technology exists to realistically and convincingly alter/create seemingly incontrovertible electronic data that could prove or disprove anything. Do you have any tips for establishing the veracity of any given data?
Yes, but you need access to the logs. At least that's what we do to see if the data we receive has been tampered with.
>You know our real-life identities, don't you.
No. But the mods on Sup Forums know your IPs and they can trace you if needed. At least that's how it works on Sup Forums which is actively monitored by some intelligence agency personnel.
>Also, what kinds of things do you get out of the 'unsupervised learning'?
Specifically, clustering of words of interest at a given time during the week/month or the news cycle. I mostly use k-means clustering.
>is satanism just a cover for the organ harvesting/life extension for the elite or do they believe it
Smart. Excellent question. As far as I can analyze, it's just a cover. However, they are more fragile than people on Sup Forums think. The "elites" as you refer to them have dirt on may of my superiors, and in turn we have dirt on them. The key differentiator here is money.
do you agree that common people must be ruled by an organization?that's rhetorical but it leed me to ask an other question,because i know you agree with my statament. If you are part of such an organization,their crimes makes you moral perpetrator,right?
you implied Sup Forums is created by dapra and their successors,your analyzations will lead your deep state to control more and more the information given. If yours organization ideals change and be more worse for the american people ,are you gonna quit your job or you gonna hang yourself?
Sup Forums it's a copied bad idea.
Darpa just got interested in it like anyone else.
Former career criminal here, user. If I say, wanted to put some of my old skills to use for you assholes, how much would I have to watch my back? Could I even get into the agency? I can do lots of shit.
Fuck off counterintelligence kike
What if by portraying a strong emotional connection to Sup Forums he can manipulate the manner in which anons respond to his posts? Would he be able to extract additional information? Would he be able to more strongly influence Sup Forums when planting information.
It's not like there is no situation in doing so would be valuable.
>this is a distraction thread to sway your attention from the FISA memo happening
Like I said, I don't engage in that type of information warfare. Some of my associates do.
>I'm a data analyst who's still in school, what would you suggest to someone like me if I would like to work in your field?
Stats and C.S. Good luck.
>this isn't even the second best LARP on /pol at the moment. try harder or fuck off.
>Three Branches Will Become One.
Good, smart. But don't pay too much attention to prophecies in the future. This may just be a coincidence.
>how do you not know if traps are gay? what kind of deep stage intelligence man can’t figure that out? wtf what’s your gut feeling
Ok, fine. I think they're gay. They have a penis, so I think they're gay. But they're human beings, and perhaps God would let a trap into heaven before me.
Redpill me on this
I'm a data analyst and I'm still in school. Is there any way I could ever get a job in your field even though I'm not well connected? And if so, got any advice?
I'm ready for this recruitment. Fuck it I enlist.
You can find me .
I could be some D.U.M.B tech .
I would go balls deep.
They are literally a group of people that spread disinfo and manipulate plebs into never ending riddles and rabbit holes, puzzles and questions in order to neutralize them and pacify them.
>Specifically, clustering of words of interest at a given time during the week/month or the news cycle.
The news cycle? Why would that be relevant? Is there something in the news involving the CIA?
But they are the Q larper?
You've alluded in past replies about native/immigration replacement in western countries
my hypothesis is that this is to ensure a clash of cultures/race war where the deep state powers that be can secure the final steps to take control of western civilization and use their knowledge to unify factions and be the "new religion"?
reposting because i can't even see my old post anymore
>Thoughts on "far-right" rise in East Europe.
Nothing on that level happens without someone controlling it.
>When you say strong economies do you refer to the numbers game or the real concrete things like manufacturing capability and a sufficiently capable workforce?
Manufacturing, innovation, and workforce.
>If that is intentional then it suggests the missile alert was real, does not confirm or deny whether a real missile was involved.
Figure out the rest on your own. You have enough info.
>Let's just say that if there was a psy-op being run on the American people to turn them into gay robots
No one wants everyone in the U.S. to turn gay. You wouldn't have a sustainable population then.
>I would have an easier time believing it was another nation other than Russia, does that seem plausible to you as well?
No. But then again, I know more stuff than you.
>I know people like to blame the jews on media control, but if you follow the money it I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up in China or Saud. Depending which ladder you climbed.
>To reach Jeff Bezos/Bill Gates/Mark Zuckerberg level of success, do you need to come from a deep state connected family, or will the deep state reach out to you if what you're working on has promise and gains traction?
Hahaha. Wow. This is perhaps the best question I've ever come across in any of my threads. You know, fuck it. Google is CIA, but it wasn't CIA when it began. Deduce the rest on your own.
I took their bait at first. But then they started their crowdsourcing bullshit and I noticed they'd spend way too much time chasing down small details. Constant derailment. They also get extra sensitive when people call them out.
And technically Loomer is not a traitor. She is a Jew and Mossad agent, so perfectly loyal to her people.
>What's the role of places like Sup Forums exactly?
It used to be a place where anons would drop bread crumbs and citizen journalists would do the rest. Eventually, all the anons who dropped bread crumbs were found out and removed fro their place of work. Now, it's a containment board on Sup Forums, but I like it here. I like you guys.
>It's not like you can post here in secret.
No, as a punishment for my transgression, I was supposed to start a thread and tell you guys that I'm deep state to evaluate how much you know.
I know that you guys don't have enough info to start a revolt, but now my superiors need to know that as well.
These two threads are sufficient to show them that.
>How clued in are the boomers above you with regard to the chans and their influence?
At lot of them are now coming here after the election. Sup Forums will be an interesting influence on them.
>>t. AI
Hello to you too, but I'm not an A.I.
>Some info is hidden from the pres, even if he expresses an interest.
Good. Smart.
>Thoughts on Alex Jones.
I could have a beer with Alex Jones. He wouldn't like me, but I like him.
>You fucking retard. Its common knowledge. You don't know because you are larping.
You may say so, I cannot comment.
>It's not like you can post here in secret.
No, as a punishment for my transgression, I was supposed to start a thread and tell you guys that I'm deep state to evaluate how much you know.
I know that you guys don't have enough info to start a revolt, but now my superiors need to know that as well.
These two threads are sufficient to show them that.
He's lying here with that. Whether or not they actually know is irrelevant. That's an attempt to pacify people and get them to oust themselves as troublemakers. Ever noticed the large amount of supposedly regular anons trying to rile people up into violence and insinuating they commit other illegal acts lately?
t. former idiot who's dealt with enough detectives and snitches to know.
If someone wanted to expose a pedoring but required amnesty/anonymity in addition to a guarantee that ALL of the proposed perpetrators are brought down and NONE are allowed to escape, how could they accomplish this
>Stats and C.S. Good luck.
bit of a generic answer, it can't just be knowledge of stats and cs that'll get me the job. ive got better data analyst skills than about anyone here. got anything more specific? where do i even look??
Stephen Paddock was a gun runner and he was doing a deal with someone that went badly for him. He didn't shoot all of those people, or if he did, he was forced to. Also, the missing HDD from his laptop is filled with CP from child traffickers in the government. How close am I?
>Does the deep state understand that a lot of psychological traits are genetic and not merely learned, so if you promote a multicultural/multiethnic state it won't lead to a stable society?
>Yes, it does.
And thats why they promote it .
>So when are they going to announce where people like you come from?
Most likely never.
>why do you need to LARP and shill so much on pol lateley
I'm doing is as a part of my restitution.
>Is this because homogeneity reduces risks, and risks are beneficial to the agencies?
Good. Smart. Also involve money in your analysis next time. No one does anything for free.
>Along the way, we let our addictions get the better of us. However, we didn't lose access to information. Thus, you have an unfortunate situation were addicts are in power.
>What are you/they addicted to?
Addicted to what we do. I'm addicted to analyzing data because I believe I'm helping my country. The bad actors are addicted to being cynical about life - the U.S. is a prosperous place and it doesn't matter if the deep state strikes deals on the side to subvert the nation. The nation can take it. The good actors are addicted to being the heroes of the movie. Heck, most of us have poor family and social lives. I used to hate all the bad actors before. Now I realize that I just got lucky, and if I had met the people they met and worked on the assignments they worked on, I would be a bad actor too.
Obviously not him but I can tell you this: I've had people close to me get brought down in pretty big drug indictments and they almost never get everyone involved and they almost always find out who the informant was. It's kind of hard not to expose the informant because of testimony in court, etc. Defense attorneys are really good about getting all that information brought out in the discovery phase of the trial.
Is Satoshi Nakamoto a deep state moniker? Was the Blockchain created and released in order to pre-mine huge amounts of currency let it inflate in order reduce dependence on tax dollars to fund black budgets and create a global currency that you have back doors into? Perhaps a way to do cheap distributed data processing for complex queries?
>I know that you guys don't have enough info to start a revolt, but now my superiors need to know that as well.
This is a poorly deduced rational, everyone with a good hand plays it close to their chest
No, if this is for data analysis, it is for another sort, likely bot control over a period of time/understanding shilling
>It means we took JFK out.
Jackie O was put with JFK by the CIA to "keep an eye on him" / take him out . Yes ?
This is my hypothesis:
>Are you an A.I and are you property of Google, or other large tech giant?
Oh my god. I'm not an AI. AIs are powerful and require resources. We don't release A.I for Sup Forums. We have humans to analyze that data.
>If you could give us a hint with a numerical value, an equation, or a macro image, would you?
No, and that's why I say you guys should wise up. Anyone who's anything in any deep state agency would never reveal anything that would compromise them. Grow up you guys. Would you send a pic of your feet to Sup Forums if you knew you could be compromised with it? No, you wouldn't.
>How old is your agency?
Formed in early 1950s as an offshoot of another agency.
>How important is the truth in which you speak of? What will knowing the truth accomplish for us?
Reduce your suffering and empower you to make better decisions. You will no longer be a pawn and will instead play the game on your own terms.
>How would the truth be hidden from us?
You're kidding right? I mean the answer is obvious. If we deal in information warfare, and we want to hide the truth from you, there are tons of ways for us to do it. The onus is on you to determine inconsistencies in what you receive from your media.
>Should I be afraid of the future? I’m not that smart man I have potential but all this deep state shit makes me scared.
No, just don't start a revolution and lead a normal life. You'll be left alone like most Americans.
>So you do not see the deep state as an issue?
It's been there for more than 50 years. It's no more of an issue than poverty or hunger. We have learnt to live with it, and the sooner the citizenry learns of it and adapts to it, the better.
>Did the deep state play a part in the Mandalay bay shooting. If so how?
>Is assange ok
You may think that. I cannot comment.
>What type of jet shot down Flight 93? What type of missile was used? What organization owned the jet? Where was the jet stationed?
Sorry, too specific.
Was the downfall of Blackberry natural or was that to make more room for google, or punishment for not playing (their) game?
Oh, but entrapment is "illegal" and is supposed to be fruit from the poisonous tree, haha. I know a couple of assholes right now on the softball team at FCI Texarkana that thought the same thing, kek
So the deep State is actually getting Arrested?
An offshoot of the Office of Strategic Services. Common history knowledge there. They ever let you shoot a Welrod motherfucker?
Is the marxism in the US a Soviet psyop like Yuri Bezmenov said ?
nice larp.
britfag, larp failed
If you loved me you would post tits
>>Are current methods of population pacification maintaining their effectiveness or has there been been a substantial slip?
They were perfected in the 1990s and will always be effective even if the population is aware of them.
>>tell me about blousing here on Sup Forums. Am I safe? Anonymous? I just shit post for fun. Do they know who I am ?
The mods know who you are. We don't know, rather, we don't care who you are.
>Q1: as a data analyst can I get a job there?
Where I work? Yes.
>Q2: the white knights, are they winning?
No. It's even now. They were winning for sometime.
>Is DJT one of them?
>what is a signal that is know to deep state?
That's broad. The deep state controls almost all media on both the left and the right. I can't specifically tell you what to look for.
>Okay, what is this cabal of leaders plan for the world in the next 5 years?
Too broad to answer. Rest assured, other than PC culture, your country won't be severely affected.
>What are the chances of WW3 breaking out in the next decade?
>Why are you a complete faggot, get offline now and never come back op.
That is what's going to happen after this thread.
>>Even if you say globalism, what does that lead to? Who profits?
>People who know how to social engineer.
Good. Smart.
>People who understand psychology and business, and know how to appeal to crowds. People who are ruthless and don't care about culture or morality.
Excellent. Now figure out their financial motivation for doing what they do, and the rest will fall into place. Who gains financially from multiculturalism?
>do you even lift?
No. In horrible shape. I weigh 110lbs and am 6'2''
>analyze all the posters
LARPing as a data miner, Ive fucking seen it all now
why is it asking itself questions
AI is getting scary
>Wow, I actually never expected anyone to figure it out. This user actually surpassed my expectations. Good job user. But just in case, Sup Forums is not a board of concern for us. At least, not anymore. Most of you can't differentiate between actors and real posters. So it's ok. Nothing of value here.
Me again, it's blatantly obvious to genuine Sup Forumsacks. I'm just taking the bait because you glow in the dark clown niggers have probably already keylogged me, recorded my IP address, tapped my webcam, etc. but I'm bored and feel like telling you monkey nigger retards to choke on my dingleberries.
Oh, and also, it doesn't matter the value of the chess piece, they all go back in the same box.
>I know that you guys don't have enough info to start a revolt, but now my superiors need to know that as well.
That would seem obvious.The most we're going to do is make your superior buy a dog.
>Is James alefantis and podesta going to die soon?
NOO. They were powerful to begin with. They're not going to die. They will sacrifice their pawns, however.
>What will they do if there is a large happening (meteor, earthquake, volcano) that destroys part of a nation(s)?
That's the part which Sup Forums gets wrong. The deep state, or its assets, are not going to destroy the country if they don't get it. We're just going to weather DJT and the country comes back to us.
>Chaplin had a healthy kid when he was 72, maybe it's not too late for you after all.
Yeah, but most of us, including me, are fucked in the head. We can never lead normal family lives after the shit we've seen in the world. In fact, we actively avoid family.
>who pushed coiln powell to declare the aluminum tubes at the un were nuclear?
>God, you guys will never learn. It was one of us in the deep state.
>nice one stupidhead mcfuckface you JUST admited that your peers fucked with some stuff
Like I said, I'm not going to get demoted for stuff that can be deduced from publicly available information.
>I have a hypothesis that Sup Forums is more correct than the so-called (((news))). This place is more truthy, no?
Yes, and that's why I love you guys.
>>Who profits?
Good. Smart.
>to an extent a fair proportion of wealthy jews.
You may think so. I can't comment.
>Is the interest group simply a collective of the incredibly rich? Trying to enhance their profits?
Good. Smart. Finally.
>I hypothesize that floor moppers have security clearances.
The average janitor in my agency has higher security clearances than most army colonels.
me again, OP is a LARPing faggot who is not getting bumped by me
What you have done (job,life goals),if you have that knowledge you have from your organization and you had the chance not to be a part of it?
>Can you kill a top dog who is involved in the pedo trafficking?
No. If he's a top dog, then he has connections which would utilize the bad actors in the deep state to protect the top god. It would be a very difficult assignment to kill the top dog.
>If so why aren't you doing it?
Killing everyone but the top dog is easy.
>Like you said you have no kids and want to do something for your country. That's a noble way. Fucking do it or you'll die user forever.
I try, but most probably, not matter what I do, I'm not going to heaven.
>my "hypothesis" is that this is to ensure a clash of cultures/race war where the deep state powers that be can secure the final steps to take control of western civilization and use their knowledge to unify factions and be the "new religion"???
Partially true - about the new religion. Deep state uses science as a propaganda. The new religion is built on science. Not true about others. There are many financial motivations for doing what the deep state does. We don't work for free, even the bad actors need to be paid.
>Also, none of you guys have figured out the reason why I created this thread.
>And if we can figure it out, will you be truthful in telling us?
Yes, one of you figured it out before I mentioned it on this thread.
>Does your post have something to do with the FISA fiasco?
No. I don't engage in that type of warfare.
>The type of analyzing you do ia currently the type of analyzing artificial intelligence is programmed to do.
Yes, but AIs are not used on Sup Forums. They were initially, for training. But they're not used anymore.
>Why would it be dangerous to associate with smart people?
Smart people invariable figure out stuff they shouldn't figure out.
>Why the effort to dumb down, degrade and force integration of the public at large?
Why did the catholic church keep the population dumb during the middle ages?
>Reduce your suffering and empower you to make better decisions. You will no longer be a pawn and will instead play the game on your own terms.
The logical off shoot of this is that knowing too much is how you end up with CP on your hard drive or dead in a gutter after you took a vacation to Mexico.
>Why not just engage in a humane eugenics program rather than turn the world into some bizarre hunger games mentality clusterfuck?
Some people will always find it in their interest to keep others dumb so that they can stay in power.
Poor you user. You should have done like me and went the crime route. You'd have still gotten to feel super spoopy but you've had made lots of money, fucked lots of throwaway whores, and maybe even chased by the police once or twice. Instead, you chose to essentially sell your soul for .gov and now you feel like shit and you never got to snort coke off a hooker's ass at Tootsie's.
Does Mueller work for Trump?
Whats it like when your boss tells you justice cant be wrought against his associates because it would cause a bloody revolution, do your my little pony watching coworkers get bothered by that or were they happy to fund ISIS in syria as long as a nigger is president.
Was Anatoli Golitzen right about the perestroika reforms?
The only thing I've learned from you is how to think about these problems and questions we are asking you, for the only thing you have told us is how to think for ourselves.
nigga so aliens aren't real? nordics aren't real? blue avians are jews? so what was hitler into then huh? was hitler a (((jew))) too? I truly dont understand why those are all "demonic" if they are here to help us. Jews are aligned with reptilians and their offspring greys
Find me. Recruit me. I'm malleable enough
>Try this one on for size faggot: You already said people you work with are being pardoned not prosecuted for telling the truth, or leading others to it.
>Why in the fuck are you such a pussy that you won't risk a slap on the fucking wrist to tell us what you know?
I primarily analyze web content on multiple sites. There's nothing of importance that I can tell you now. However, I've worked on projects that have sensitive information. If I told you stuff, I wouldn't get a slap on the wrist. I would be incarcerated.
>Did Hitler do anything wrong?
From what I understand, his only mistake was persecuting the Jews. Else, he would have won.
>What would be a solid way to alert the public about the FISA memo without being censored by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook?
You seem to be under the impression that you can exercise a substantial degree of control over the media and other modes of communication.
>Are Christianity and Western traditions inconvenient for the elite?
They were convenient as long as they kept people in line and encouraged them to work for the elites. However, after WW2, the U.S. had unprecedented prosperity. Christians began to get power and the elites who had put christianity in place to subjugate the population were now threatened by their own tool.
Hence the dismantling of western civilization. Many on Sup Forums have figured this out. Nothing special.
>What other boards?
Can't say.
Are you the same user who made a thread earlier today with the same OP image?
What type of jet shot down Flight 93? What type of missile was used? What organization owned the jet? Where was the jet stationed?