>I'm neutral. That's why I'm harboring vampires and helping them take down other humans, because that's the neutral thing to do.
I'm neutral. That's why I'm harboring vampires and helping them take down other humans...
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Fuck that guy, in the end he made all the deaths meaningless, since that loli will repeat it all over again somewhere else.
lolis have the right have to have their wishes fulfilled
To be fair, he didn't help them take down humans until the end, did he?
No, they don't.
>You guys are killing other people to live
>hurr you kill cows to eat
>Implying there aren't laws that protect sentient beings
Holy shit this was the stupidest part. The logical solution is to come out as vampires and come together with a conclusion so that both sides can exist. Why is communication so fucking hard in this show?
You seem to forget they were killing the townspeople to increase their numbers, communication would be impossible when you realize half the town wants bloody revenge.
That's my point. Instead of coming out and saying. Hey can we live here? They kill people which is what you don't want to do to piss off people.
>Hey these beings that eat people want to live with us, what could possibly go wrong.
These people live in a town with legends of the undead killing people, of course they wouldn't be able to communicate.
Again, there are peaceful solutions to this. Provide incentives for donors or find a way to create a substitute for blood. Work together instead of killing each other.
I'm pretty sure Natsuno asks Tohru this exact question and he just shuts it down by saying Sunako would never allow it.
The shittest part of this show was that all the characters are nothing but autism, thus talking about communication is just hilarious
top 10 most hated anime characters. Seriously though, there are characters I dislike but he's one of the few that I actually hate.
Giving your blood slowly to your enemies, making them gradually stronger until they kill you. This gives you a short life of servitude.
Or use your blood to fight your enemies and risk dying immediately or killing them and living free.
The monk had the defeatist mentality that leads nations to slavery. Don't be like him.
I don't know why anyone followed her. She literally brought death to everyone she got close too.
>vampires come and kill your neighbors
>there's a peaceful solution, guys!
If people in general worked that way, conflict would be a lot less common.
He just hated the rest of the villagers. Neutrality and beauty and shit are but excuses. Were it happening 20 years later, he would've been too busy shitposting on 2channel about normies to acquaint with strange lolis.
In the manga werewolf-kun said that it's clear Sunako's plan is unsustainable, and he's doing it for lulz basically. Others who came with Sunako probably were too busy worshipping her to question the plan.
It's Shikabane Hime friend.
You know what's funny, is that earlier in the show, the doctor mocked the monk by saying "What are we going to do? Give them to the Justice Department?" And I sat there and said, "Why yes that would be the most logical solution considering there could possibly be more vampires out there and you can have proof that vampires exist. Yes it might cause an uphill battle but it is better than hiding in the shadows picking off people one by one like an animal."
It's sad that there wasn't one person on the team who thought, wait a minute there should be another way to approach this.
>If people in general worked that way, conflict would be a lot less common.
no, you'd have even more murder than we already have. I went mad over True Blood and The Vampire diaries several times bc I think it's brainwashing that was supposed to indoctrinate younger generations to the idea that a minority can just kill you at random and get away with it - and if you see anything wrong with that you are a racist bigot.
True Blood:
>every single vamp is a murderer without exception. most are mass murderers
>it's racist and wrong to kill them in self defense
>one main heroine kills several 8 year old girls and gets away with it, nobody bats an eye
>It's sad that there wasn't one person on the team who thought, wait a minute there should be another way to approach this.
Indeed. But after all, they were just a bunch of psychopaths or broken people. I think that maybe Sunako knew all along it'd end in this way, but wanted to experience a normal life among those who are like her, just once. Hence the stupid vampire village plan.
Google it retard.
Based old man, fucking faggot monk ruined everything.
What's sad is that if she did the right thing she would have had that normal life.
Tatsumi was in it because he admired her, Seishirou was in it because he was nuts and worshipped Chizuru, Chizuru and the maid were in it because I don't know, and the rest were in it because they had shit chances of surviving on their own even if the main family didn't kill them for defecting.
I think it was the werewolf guy who ordered around the other Shiki to kill
I am sure that a normal shiki could survive by circling through different people without killing anyone
but werewolf-guy wanted them to eradicate each other
Nah, he was going along with Sunako's plan, that's made very clear.
Not quite. Even if she tried her best to coexist with humans she'd always remain a vampire, hiding her existence and accepted by humans only as an exception. That wasn't what she wanted. Of course, nowadays we can at least imagine a society free of prejudice and discrimination towards vampires as long as they don't hurt anybody and live off blood donations and such. But for the girl born in XIX century that image would've never occurred at all.
>True Blood and The Vampire diaries
I dropped those because in those shows vampires can kill people and still be presented as main good guys. In every fucking episode you had one of those main vampire characters stop a car and kill a random innocent person. It was making me so mad that I had to drop them both.
the loli said that she wanted to have a vampire city. how would that be achieved?
human cattle
Yes but she isn't completely severed from the world. She could easily look around and see that gays and blacks are treated as equal people in the Americas and people are more accepting of different types of people nowadays.
>vampire city
>human cattle
This reminds me of Seraph of the end.
Fuck him. Fuck this show.
Do you know how long it took for blacks to be even considered people? How can a vampire be a person in people's eyes?
She was detached enough from the human society. Plus, she's old and not so susceptible to new ideas. Plus, it's Japan. And by the times such ideas became prevalent among humans (post-WW2, so around 60s) she should've killed enough people to never consider living among them openly. So, technically, yes, she could've realised the correct way, but it wasn't realistic.
>I dropped those because in those shows vampires can kill people and still be presented as main good guys. In every fucking episode you had one of those main vampire characters stop a car and kill a random innocent person. It was making me so mad that I had to drop them both.
that's exactly the point I'm making. in TVD the antihero kills Elena's brother twice and he only survives because of unforseen magic plot armour - still, Elena forgives him....
>How can a vampire be a person in people's eyes
Vampires are monsters. You kill monsters. You don't give them rights or place to live.
>Do you know how long it took for blacks to be even considered people? How can a vampire be a person in people's eyes?
Considering how we are accepting of transvestites and people who identify as anything, pretty quick give it is the present.
That's her problem. If you truly want to survive then you have to learn to adapt to society that is ever changing. The whole point of life is change and surely somebody who has lived that long would figure that out.
>t. Sven
The longer you live, the harder it becomes to adapt.
It's sort of a shame Sensei halted Sunako's plans about vampire village. A lot more people would've died, but sooner or later government would've found out what's going on, and there would have been a great Shiki hunt with soldiers, assault helicopters, armored vehicles and so on.
He was right
Humans are shit and vampires are the superior beings so it's better to be one of them.
>The longer you live, the harder it becomes to adapt.
The price you pay for accepting that kind of life.
>it's better to be one of them
You want to be a monster user?
That would probably turn into a horrible witch hunt with everyone suspecting each other of helping vampires.
Tatsumi thought the plan was amusing. Tatsumi, as a werewolf, can easily take down anyone who tries to oppose Sunako, so the rest of the converts eventually fell in line with her ideas.
And of being werewolves.
>civil unrests
>mandatory testing
>werewolves among the richest people of the world, Sup Forums was right again
Ah, now I want a spin-off about that.
It's going to happen anyway, that bitch would try to do the same thing in another place.
I wonder if they would have ganged up on him and killed him eventually.
The purest character in this show was The Fire
Also the hottest.
fuck dis nigga
that loli vampire deserved to die
>be depressed writer who works at at a church in Hicksville, Nowhere
>only friend is a chain-smoking doctor
>suddenly a cute loli shows up who is your biggest fan and has read all your books
>you and her have a bunch of deep chats about life and death and faith and the like
>she wants you to join her in her undead utopia
Hate the man all you want, he made the right choice
Werewolf-chan a cute.
The shiki were like a disease spreading through town, either killing its victims or infecting them so that they could spread the disease. At no point did they try to make a truce for both species to work together.
The doctor found a cure for the disease, maybe not the best but a cure nontheless.
The monk ran away with the source of the disease.
That's all there's to it.
Don't forget who the true hero of Shikitown was.
>shiki thread
>still no one has posted THAT
Mandatory posting
Like pottery
I will never forget.
>he guys, we'll accept a mass murderer as long as they promise not to murder anymore, look at how free of prejudice and discrimination we are
Fuck you.
best boy, I had a retarded grin on my face like him when he tricked that vampire chick.
>things I never said
Of course, even in such optimistic scenario Sunako would've been fucked.
Except they don't need to kill anyone. It's proven they don't even need a whole person to survive.
Someone post THAT face.
Parasyte did it better
No it didn't
Even if she accepts your plan, and even keeps her word to not prey on anyone anymore, she's already murdered as many people as the number of breads the average centenarian has eaten in their lifetime.
That would need investigating yes but again, I'm applying what I'm saying to all the vampires of this series. I know everybody likes Sunako because she is a loli but she does need to face the consequences of her actions.
Let's settle this
A traitor, may he live forever.
Which one is your favorite?
Ragebeard erryday
I think everybody likes Sunako for being loli while at the same time thinking she deserves death.
>saving some useless village
>living an eternal life with your loli waifu
He made the obvious choice.
Join the glorious revolution!
he was just an autist who didnt like people anyway
there wasnt much of a choice for him
>attempted suicide
>gets to live forever
It doesn't add up.
He now has his loli waifu to leave for.
They didn't want to just live there, they wanted to procreate.
he's like the actual real life version of the "they're waiting" meme
Sunako wanted to more shiki which is incredibly selfish and conflicts with people's boundaries.
I forgot about the hairstyles in this show
That's what you get for violating the NAP
It had such a kick ass OP
yeah especially how it spoiled every death
I love both openings equally. And the first ending. OP1 corresponds to the humans' perspective of the events, ED1 is Sunako's perspective. OP2 is for everyone, equally.
He is probably from Sweden.
The Doctor was a badass though.
Thermal updraft, but Gandalf looks easier to wear.
>Do you know how long it took for blacks to be even considered people?
>implying blacks are people
He did the right thing.
It didn't really. There were people who survived but died in the OP.
I love both too, they're pretty catchy. I watched the show with a friend in two days and we got AISHII stuck in our heads for a long time
>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism
He protected the loli. That makes him a hero!
As much as it pains me to say so, not all lolis are worth protecting.