Streaming anime

>streaming anime

What choice do plebs not in any private tracker have?

Wait, so are you for or against streaming? Your image doesn't make much sense.

what did you mean by this

What encode is the best of Outlaw Star? I'm assuming you researched on the topic beforehand and are now willing to share this knowledge?

The biggest one is the best, of course,
I have a [CBM] though.

Man, that show was gorgeous.
Shame it was so boring.

Not true when hevc, 10-bit and dual audio all result in filesize discrepancies

>Not true when
I was being capricious, user.

What the fuck? This anime ripped off Firefly?

You might want to visit a shrink then.

CBM is shit, yify tier.

getting from groups
getting from public trackers that pop up when other popular public trackers go down
getting from IRC, XDCC, usenet, wherever else one may go to obtain anime in higher quality they may consume at their own pace without ads or buffering issues or without ceding the market to singular sources that'll cut you off from your hobby eventually unless you play into their mass distribution economics because they at all value these things over what they'll get from stream sites

Always go with [EG]

Nice quids. But I'll just check CTR, Rukia, EG and Deanzel myself. EG sounds too similar to ED so I'm not trusting it.

No one can afford that.
In my experience has even less than nyaa does for older content. And newer content is still on nyaa.


Such an odd choice of unit.

Fight me.

The quads don't lie, EG is the good one. It's about 80gb but that's the price you pay.

>EG is the good one
Why would I trust the outdated encode?

What do you think it's going to do? Permanently retard your RAM to 2005 levels?

look like shit

I stream anime and I'm proud of it. The dirty quick and easy.

you elitist faggots can go fuck yourself

>elitist faggots
thats 90% of Sup Forums dude, oh and go back to tumblr please.
Serius qustion to you here. You can A : have a delcius icecream with topping, or you can B: have no topping and the icecream got some dirt on it, what do you think people will choose AND should choose when both are free?

Yeah, just enjoy your throttled video with shit encode and flashplayer.

I didn't know that they made a Firefly anime.

>no one can afford 8 dollars a month

Few years ago you probably would have been publicly banned and we'd all be laughing at you by now.

>food analogy
Drink bleach.

if you can afford that just pay your way into a private tracker.

then do a better analogy please.
otherwise you are full of shit

Private trackers are a pain in the ass.

If they've got monthly sitewide FL and everything 1080p is permanently FL they seriously become a walk in the ballpark.

Point being people should be motivated to apply themselves in sourcing their anime until they can make it onto those private trackers that does hosts what they want, including the older stuff, and not give into the streamjew. Like this trollish fuck () who can even have the thought to characterize people who download anime as "elite."

If you're on AB you'll often find yourself browsing nyaa for content not on AB

Aisha best cat gurl ever right Sup Forums?

Option A: You can wait in line for a amusement park ride, anytime you want, but the catch is that you getting to enjoy it is limited by how long the line is (internet speed). Sometimes the lines might be long or the park is shut down altogether.

Option B: You can get all the paperwork for a quick pass done, which takes a little bit, but you can skip all the lines once the paperwork is done, also, you don't have to worry about the park being closed because you can go anytime you want.

I stream anime, but only because my internet is reliable and I neither have the time nor patience for waiting for a download.

>Posting a censored version

what a bunch of faggots lol. You all need to take a good look at yourselves in the mirror.

>muh tumblr!!!
I googled avia butler and downloaded the google link w/o changing the file name. Such aspies on Sup Forums

>only response is to call someone a faggot istead of a real answer
wow you sure told me man, you got me good

>but the catch is that you getting to enjoy it is limited by how long the line is (internet speed)
I'm not that guy, but internet speed is an issue regardless of which you choose if you're into more impulsive watching. In fact streaming works better in that regard because you only have to buffer a bit ahead and then watch while the rest of it downloads, although I think some torrent clients can do that too, though I'm not sure since it hasn't been a big enough issue for me to look into it.

>8 dollars a month
>converting the currency it's 24 a month
must be nice living where everything is so cheap it's almost free

Just get OZC

I prefer streaming over downloading. I don't have to deal with the nonsensical arguments about which video player to use and blah blah blah.

24 what?

I do too enjoy 70gb releases.


>i prefer being a ignorant fuck because I cant bother to better myself because it seems hard therefore i wont even try
thats how you sound you underage fuck

I'm using free CR on my phone nowadays. The screen is small enough that 480p isn't bothersome and it's IPS unlike my laptop's TN panel.

cat girl best girl (after the dead one)

>I am bettering myself by downloading anime

>Downloads Anime: Have to go to illicit, shadowy sites run by autists that get shut down constantly. Have to download shit using IRC/Torrents. Have to be be a sperg and download special autismo video players and even more autismo codecs. Clog your hard drive with a bunch of literal cartoons.

>Streams anime: Go to site, watch anime. Never have yo waorry because there's tons of sites and they're in other countries. Offer HD streams.


Take your aspergers pills.

>adult swim version

again no real answer just memes and insults
try again kiddo


I'd watch it. Link?

>tfw I watched Turn A back when I had a shitty laptop with a 120gb hard drive
I had to download it in parts, it was awful.

Hard drives are so cheap nowadays. Don't tell me you can't afford them.

if you actually think you're "bettering yourself" by downloading anime then I really do feel sorry for you
my "take a look at yourself in the mirror" still stands...

I have streamed all my life and literally the one and only place where it's usual to find people giving you shit about it it's Sup Forums.
As if 99% of anime wasn't badly drawn and incompetently animated bullshit. Why would you give a golden toilet to an indian if he's gonna shit on the street anyways?

You're willingly submitting yourself to lower quality content.
It still looks like shit compared to a download.

Its no different from going to a doctor with a broken leg and you get treated for a broken arm. You're willingly being fucking retarded.

and if you're just gonna be like
Just leave the fucking board. And get raped by muslims because your country is garbage tier.

But why waste so much space and bandwidth on literal cartoons you're not even gonna watch?

And what's wrong with that?

from personal experience its often girls and people who can barely turn on a computer that streams.
they simply cant be bothered because its "hard" and not worth it in their eyes

When you say stream do you mean ad-infested streaming sites that are just eye cancer or stuff like Netflix/Hulu/Crunchyroll?

>wanting viruses

lmao dont waste my time

Some old shows you can't even find to stream anymore.

Guy who said he'd been streaming his whole life had better have been implying Youtube.

im 25 and got my own apartment and im dating a qt girl. Whats your point?
i enjoy watching my animus with nice quality becuse I watch it in my living room on my 55" tv.
the bottom point is if you cant be bothered downloading you shoudnt even be here since, you can see most part here agrees with me that streaming is shit unless you got a valid reason exept being a retard.

>do you mean ad-infested streaming sites
Is this an american thing? Most spic and russian streaming websites i know have only few non-intrusive ads. Kissanime on the other hand is a mess

Downloading anime is the opposite of convenient, and I think you'd be surprised by the massive, obscure libraries that even shitty sites, like Kissanime have.

how do you allow yourself to get trolled so easily

>Not running adblocker with anti-adblocker custom scripts
And you guys say people stream are the dumb ones

>jokes on you I was only pretending to be a retard.jpg

Bigtime. 9 years ago my PC had 30GB.
I had to download PS2 games in 40 parts from Rapidshare.


>stream anime
Requires internet access (sounds dumb but internet can go down. Fucking ISPs). Go to appropriate websites that's not a clusterfuck to navigate. Streaming site subject to whatever quality they have. Make sure any episodes aren't missing. Have to deal with ads in video players that ad-blocker can't block. No playlist to automatically go to next episode.

>download anime
Download once. Sleep or work or something while it's downloading. Go to downloaded folder. Enjoy?

Gi|B = Giga|byte
Gi|b = Giga|bits
1 byte = 8 bits

wasn't me

>people should be motivated to apply themselves in sourcing their anime until they can make it onto those private trackers that does hosts what they want, including the older stuff, and not give into the streamjew
Oh jesus christ

That's such a beautiful fucking BD remaster too, it's definitely worth the space. Looks goddamned amazing.

This man knows.

>start using mpv
>it really is 10x better than MPC-HC

What is Sup Forums's opinion on actual streaming services?

[EG] is not [ED], fucking idiot and it's always going to give you the best quality possible.

That reminds me, did the second half ever come out?

>the one and only place where it's usual to find people giving you shit about it it's Sup Forums

Good thing you know that. If you still stream, then fuck off.

The Turn-A BD has been done for a long time

>shit subs shit quality >paying for chinese cartoons LOL muh good old fansub times everything done by basement neckbeards with too much free time is better but commiesubs still a shit fuck commiesubs

Audio ranges from passable to decent mostly, subs vary in quality but are mostly livable. Video quality ranges from fucking godawful to passable.

TL;DR you're just burning money if you pay for streaming. Also eye cancer.

Aw shit, looks like I better figure out which of the nyaa replacements has it up.

Most old anime are only available in shit quality anyway, unless is super popular stuff like Gundam or Outlaw Star which can find easily find on public trackers, so there is no real advantage in downloading them over streaming them.

There is though. The bitrate will certainly be higher, and BDs exist for many old series which dramatically improve the quality.

Streaming is last resort.
Usually you wouldn't even need the last resort since there's so many ways to download anime now.

Im still waiting faggot

>thinking NEETs can pay 8 dollars a month

streaming is much more convenient and isn't a drastic drop in quality? Please stop acting like an elitist. I bet you have a really shit personality

>BDs exist for many old series
Not really, only really stuff gets BD, but there are many old mecha series were the only options are low quality avi files, or streaming, same for WMT series.

>really shit personality
You do realise this is the mindset of most people here RIGHT?
How can you be so dense you dont understand this?

Oh and welcome to Sup Forums.

>have to seed to maintain good ratio
>torrent doesn't seed
wat do

Seed freeleech to improve ratio?

>Video quality ranges from fucking godawful to passable
Where do you get this conclusion from? I did the free trial for Crunchyroll and the image quality was 1080p
What's good quality to you, user?

>one big public tracker goes down
>retards go full panic mode

M8, sooner or later most of that stuff will pop up again. Probably on another tracker hosted in some 3rd world country where the only form of piracy recognized as a crime is the one where the pirates start sending body parts via mail if their demands aren't met.