If your waifu is posted do the last two digits in pushups
Dubs mean double the pushups
If your waifu is posted do the last two digits in pushups
Posting mine, I need to sleep anyway.
>so used to the "if your waifu is posted, you go sleep" that I didn't even read the thread
Fuck me.
You can do your pushups and go to bed, user
It's what she would want anyway.
Seasonal fags, get fit for your slut
Heh, my waifu if so obscure... I'd do 100x the digits if it shows up before the thread is on autosage.
I did it although 7 pushups is nothing being into fitness and all
You could always consider it 107
>Someone other than me finally posted the thread.
Life is good.
Sup Forumsermin deserve this
Apple whores need to get fit
>Starting off with the autsim magnet
You're ruthless OP
Assassinating those with absolutely god tier taste.
84.5% of neo-Sup Forums just got killed
Seven minutes. Seven Minutes is all I can spare to play with you before I go to bed. Start posting.
> 09
Kill yourself after you do these, snakefag
Posting my own waifu
I could use the extra exercise
I'll never forget you user
I suicided the last few threads, cmon lads.
>He doesn't know about suicides
I need exercise. Please someone post my waifu. She is from a shoujo series from the 90s.
Post her yourself then.
I posted my own
Same. Mine was and I did it with a smile on my face.
Onisama e or Utena?
She is from Utena.
Please help my arms are so weak.
Damn, now I have to exercise. I'm going to take a guess with this one and say pic related? Second choice would be Juri.
phew. only 5.
>five pushups
Oh boy. Thad's going to be /fit/ by the end of this.
If someone posts my husbando from the big 3, I'll do crunches as well.
Hint: I have never seen or read Naruto. Will give more hints after 3 attempts.
People have had husbandos & waifus from shows they've never watched before.
>yfw That will be out soon
I don't have any from Naruto. I'm keeping up with One Piece and Bleach.
I want someone to have this minor character as their waifu just to crush their hopes of being safe of doing a minor amount of push-ups.
Thank god it's not like a hundred or something
Literally no one
Get fit for her
I remember the thread from when he was put away like it was yesterday.
Challenge accepted.
Close. I used to be sorta into him, but not so much anymore.
He used to be my husbando. Nice one. You're quite good at reading my mind. However, he's a thing of the past. You can try again if you wish and I'll narrow it down for you.
Well that's lame. Well, already did over 100 today, another 6 is nothing
Remember me boys
Fickle! I see right through you!
You're husbando is Foxy, isn't it?!?!
Okay, that's three attempts.
Hint #1: He is from Bleach.
Hint #2: He is introduced early on.
I want Sucy to poison and rape me
fuck off user i got shit to do tomorrow
I fucking swear to god, if Ichigo is your husbando...
This is acceptable
Get fucked sayakafags
If you're in here, tyrone.
Isn't perfect?
Best I can do is 30
Fuck you
Gonna go ahead and say these both count.
My waifu is here to save the planet.
Takeuchi going to get /fit/ tonight
time to exercise something other than your eyes bookfags
Can I do it for both?
>multiple waifus
>at the same time
user, I...
I can't do fucking pushups I don't know what it is but that always ends up making me self aware as to how pathetic I truly am
I did 60 push ups last night. Hopefully i'll roll lower tonight.
it's hard for me to do over 30 and I haven't done it in months
Most satisfying workout of my life
Why do i go to these threads? She never gets mentioned ever.