Do not organize any more poster campaigns on here. Communist faggots are watching this board.

Other urls found in this thread:"Dumb black asses"/

Switch tactics, organize fake ops, to keep them busy, one person can do it while they have to take 20-30 people to counter it.

>Poster campaign organizer faggots are watching this board.

ftfy faggot

Before you start a poster campaign -- THINK:

"Does this campaign still work if a significant minority know it's a troll-op?"

What the fuck... never heard if this complete fake-ops. Is this a Sup Forums shitfest?

Hey Schlomo, whatchya doin?

>literally not knowing where we organize



Stop nerd bashing.

dumb black asses? i dont get it

is this even real or are "we" being framed?

who's crhis Poole anyway

How have I never heard of this? Could it be (((fake)))?

I don't really know how he is called.


i need to see this poster. if it's not even funny then it wasn't Sup Forums. liberals framing us will have no humour or subtlety

Like IOTBW, the content of our position is irrelevant. Any dissent from leftist opinion is fascistic radicalism.
We are the enemy, give them no quarter.

>Communist faggots are watching this board.

Imagine spending your time watching this board and slowly being introduced to ideas you were kept safe from by your fellow Leftists.
What miserable fucks these people must be deep down inside.

there was one thread on this 3 days ago
it's an onion juice scam
sage and ignore

Is this actually one of ours or is the (((media))) pulling storeies out of their ass again?

Regardless of their faggotry shit like this stills works, no point in stopping poster memes especially since they will know anyways.

Is that this "chris-chan" guy i keep hearing about?

>meme flag
you're a shill.

too lazy, you do it

Sure thing, Schlomo.

>populating pol with lefties, only to lose them to the enemy
Is shareblue /ourblue/?

I hope anons post some Eat Box, Get Pox meme posters

It doesn't matter. No matter how well behaved members of this board are it makes absolutely no difference because hack "journalists" will come in and make a couple threads about onions and be told to fuck off and then post articles about the "Alt-Right's New Obsession with Onions! Exclusive story by Israel Shekelberg!"

I think anything organized on here is retarded because of the nature of an anonymous board, but I also never try to stop it because it makes no difference. We're just the heap of cow shit that some nice stuff grows out of once in awhile but otherwise just stinks.

oh wow so u r saying that just anybody can come here and see what we are talking about like they dont have to even do anything oh wow really my neurons are really revving up the activation into high gear my bro wow

Should make up some ridiculous posters about a bring back slavery in America campaign and spread them to make the commies look like retarded assholes

>ur a shill
Disprove what I said remember when that "it's okay to be white" meme was around and the generals it spawned? Anyone that knows about this open wound of a board would know who's behind it. Even so the ((media)) and ((liberals)) walked right into it.

>maymay flags
Meme flags have been a thing since before the election lurk more of go back to T_D

> Dumb Black Asses
That's not even our posters though.

Unite the RIght is doing a false flag march tomorrow. They're gonna try to blaem it on Sup Forums.

It's all over Twitter Goldberg. Tons of people know about it and will be participating in it.

You aren't going to scare anyone away and we will continue these IRL shit posting ops well into the future.

Cry more.

Anyone who’s been here longer than six weeks knows the media monitors this board. Anyone who’s been here longer than a year has seen the media make threads here and then report on the crap THEY posted.
To plan something here is dumb. I’ll bump your thread, but it’s just as likely THEY made the thread to report on a story they manufactured.

>thinks spying on autists means all the stats against niggers and kikes are wrong

My god. Who keeps leaking our shit?

Who gives a fuck?

All they do is kvetch

They reading this too.
How about no organizing anything too brash out loud here

aren't they having another women's march tomorrow? possible false flag imminent given this #releasethememo shit going down, also spencer just came out in support of child pornography

Shit, so much happening at once. Is something happening tomorrow?


bumping since reddit cancer has gotten so unbelievably dumb that they're actually letting Spencer infiltrate their dumb youtube guys


Welp. Now what?

no, quite the contrary, organize thousands of them and make media scream wolf.

Not /ourposters/"Dumb black asses"/

gee, I wonder who could be behind this

Wrong answer. The correct answer is to organize MORE campaigns.

Nigga you got pys-op'd if you think OP's message is even remotely relevant.

Sup Forums has always been monitored yet it has always managed to pull hilarious stunts like this and blind-sight tons of people.

Your Newfag is showing.

Let them watch. They cant stop us. Its like cuckolding behavior, they sit and watch as we fuck their ideologie.

Why not? Our loudness is our strength. It makes them paranoid.

This. You newfags who think survailance will stop our meme campaigns need to fuck off or lurk more to learn the board culture a bit more.

We crave infamy.

Thats okay because im watching them too. You Antifaggot commie beta cucks hear this, they call me scat man and i jump you fuckers at your camps in the middle of the night in black ops gear. You should ask your boys over at the fucking PSA if theyve been missing any members lately.

I've never seen this poster campaign. Could it be that the left are intentionally being racist to each other to stoke racial hatred? If so, it would be really funny. Also I guess we're all Nazis still, fucking pathetic.

First time ive heard of it too. Hey, have you ever lured an Antifag into an alley?

I guess I have seen this.
I just thought it was lame. Kinda like IOTBW's younger reddit level brother.

One idea is to trick them with fake events that will cause them trouble after they march against us: have them raid pokemon-no-go-zones, visit "strange" buildings bought by foreign capital, assault children parties, etc.
Another option is guerrilla war, decentralized actions that they literally cannot prepare against, because they don't know when nor where will we act, and being alert 100% will turn them paranoids.
Kekest option is to target one of them, then make their pals think that they are far-right nazis infiltrated in their group.

There should be a campaign to blame r9k.

why are these people so obsessed with browsing Sup Forums and reporting on dumb shit?

It's Okay to Be White was not a troll op.
My Borders My Choice is not a troll op.

The fact that Progressives completely chimp out at the thought of white people being alive and countries regulating migration is simply the icing on a perfectly cromulent cake.


Fake. Sup Forums would never make such retarded posters that have a reverse effect to what Sup Forums wants.

OP is a shill and they will use this thread to character assassinate Sup Forums.

Luckily, it's a tad bit too late and the first website to report on this will expose itself and get into trouble.

>feminist false flagging
We might be an anonymous image board but we're not stupid.

they knew iotbw was a troll op

they still fell for it

>dumb black asses
Which op was this?

Say it's going down on the 21st when it's really happening on the 20th

anyway the campaign will still be effective even if its known.

>Nu/shit/ is so stupid they think Sup Forums is still a super sekrit club
Holy fuck, you dumb niggers, when will you learn? You're not edgy, you're not smart. The media literally browse this board to pick up on what new retarded thing you do so they can sell clickbait with it. What a bunch of god damned retards.

>letting commies win

Who cares what those retarded fucks think.

You're nowhere near as smart as you think. Everyone outside of your hyperpartisan circlejerk knows you're just spewing KKK nonsense. You are seen through every time you do something retarded like this. The funny part is you think you're winning, but every time you do something stupid like this, you hurt your cause more and ensure its irrelevance.

What do you think? See all that excess text? Do you know the saying we have about the left can't meme? It's not rocket surgery.

False flag bullshit. Not Sup Forums's handiwork

That's also not even /pol. Commie fags just want to pin it in /pol. That was clearly written by a retard. Sage. Fuck off shill. Must read news. release the memo.

Bump. Not so fast, tardnigger.

Why has the shilling been so intense these past 3 months or so? Who's panicking?

Hey rabbi whatcha doin

They made this up themselves

>Everyone on pol is a nazi

I hope you all are kidding. Don't make me into the kind of person who posts about newfags

it's funny how satanists think everyone with a grievance against blacks is a nazi

We have to organize things that benefit from this kind of press. Take a page out of Trump's playbook. If they ignore it, we win. If they chimp out, we win.

>communists are so stupid they are hastening the race wars

How do these inbreds even breathe?

never heard about it before either, sounds like a pathetic false flag. I blame sweden

I think it goes beyond that at this point. I think its a pedophile, commie, liberal and satanist fetish to subvert and demoralize. They leither do it purposely or are glowniggers from jdif, isi, cia, mossad, and other evil piece of shit organizations

OP is a Jew shill faggot

>Sup Forums

Most shills who are being sent here aren't white, i can guarantee you. The uptick in desperate shill posts shows as much. White liberals are kept on a tight leash

There are no real need Nazis on here. Just brown kids LARPing their victim fantasies

What's new.
Is OP the shill or the newfag.
Airplane slaps needed.

>never interrupt an enemy while he's making a mistake
If these campaigns were backfiring as badly as (((You))) say, you wouldn't say anything at all.

So what? They can know about our ops all they want, they still can't help but react to them and end up making themselves look stupid in the process.

rabbis are doin it, not 4chin


Same thing. Always a faggpt


OP is a faggot. Who gives a shit if they're watching us. We win because our position is objectively better than theirs.

This is why Sup Forums is Sup Forums.

If he wanted to do it, could Sup Forums meme it to reality?


Some of them are journos hunting for content.

It's pathetic

This is extremely accurate.
It's mostly minorities. Schlohmo is assigning the white wyminz to other projects because they are susceptible to our message.

Once they realise that their empathy is beeing used they get angry as well

Fuck moot.

>he'll run California as well as he ran Sup Forums