It is 2018 everyone, and still, i fear we are dying out as a movement.
For the past 2 years our movement of white identity and nationalism has spread across the face of the west. We have made ourselves known throughout the world!
But there is a problem.
Not only have we had so little demonstrations here in america but our demonstrations aren't as active in europe as well any longer. And we have suffered because of it.
Ever since Charlottesville, we have been branded as a joke, we are no longer skinheads or the typical white nationalists you see on television, we are now branded as antisocial soy boys who made a wrong decision in life. Of course i Do not believe all of that is true.
But some of it is, we do have soy boys in our ranks, we have unintelligent people, neckbeards, edgy 12 year olds, and much more.BUT i urge you to take these insults to heart. I want YOU to really think, what have you been doing to improve our movement around the world, your nations, your schools, communities, families, groups of friends, etc.
A call to all white men
Other urls found in this thread:
DO YOU work out?
DO YOU read books and gain knowledge?
DO YOU present your-self as an individual of good character?
DO YOU participate in as much activism as YOU can?
Or are YOU an insult to our movement?
Do you masturbate?
Do you fester in your own ideas and not seek out new information?
Do you present yourself as a character not be socialized with?
If YOU are any of those, THEN GET UP OFF YOUR ASS, Improve yourself dammit!
DO YOU want europe to survive?
DO YOU want white children?
DO YOU want freedom?
DO YOU want to go down in history as the greatest generation of the european peoples?
Plan meetups, marches, and events!
Go postering!
Plan rallies and activism!
Teach people the truth for Gods sake!
Our ancestors have waged war, took over and destroyed entire continents, built the greatest civilizations known to man! We destroy entire peoples! We've split the atom. Landed a man on the moon! We can do it! But it starts with YOU!
Dont sit around and wait for others to take the fucking initiative!
all this shit does is piss people off who are just trying to live their lives without a bunch of twenty-somethings taking their youtube comment flamewars our into the real world
So you sit by and let us as europeans die out?
Do something productive you cuck.
The activism within the past year has grown our movement 10 fold.
improving yourself and having white children is the only thing you can do that will have an actual effect. whining about it on a site full of people who already agree with you to begin with isn't changing anything
Have a bump for acknowledging that Charlottesville was a disastrous failure that must never ever be repeated
Checked. The Jews will win in the end and the world will be destroyed. This is the way it has always been. This is the way it will always be.
>have white children while jews are making the world that they would inhabit hostile to their existence
Or we could just kill them
It's called motivation bro, just because most people are of like mind here doesn't not mean that motivation is not an essential aspect of promoting any type of ideology.
Yeah...a little insight into women for you...
We realize we are on our own. Switch that
shotgun for a .308
The only way you are motivating men to
do anything, is if we lose power, and our food
supply runs out.
This thread is adorable though. I'll give you that.
A line needs to be drawn between those of us who want to peacefully spread our message and those who are hooligans, mentally ill, or potential terrorists. There has been so much infighting over the past few months but this is the only distinction that really matters.
Charlottesville would have been a win if everyone had been on the same page. Instead we got a bunch of fuckheads who didn't care about optics and wanted to provoke and attack leftists more than winning hearts and minds.
This is the most important issue. Once we address it we can go back to safe and effective activism. We MUST oust unstable violent thugs from our movement. Only then can we start winning again
Then crowdfund a fucking ethnostate
No amount of legislation will save the white man
White women won't side with you because of (((them)))
The fact that you're not doing anything proves that (((they))) haven't forced your hand yet
Activism does nothing, the left is a perfect example of what can be achieved with activism. The only "activism" that gets anything done is the act of driving bullets through foreheads, are you willing to participate in such activities? I doubt it, still got too much to lose right?
if you need an extrinsic source of motivation to keep your head in the game, your goal is probably shit
>attacking Leftist
If you don't see why your optics are never going to work the White race is as good as dead.
>Activism does nothing, the left is a perfect example of what can be achieved with activism
The Left has been winning for the past 50 years and is currently stomping us into the ground, how fucking retarded are you?
>improving yourself and having white children is the only thing you can do that will have an actual effect
Nah, that's utterly retarded. I mean having a lot of kids is great and should be encouraged, but a fringe group does not have mainstream impact by just sitting on the sidelines and breeding like rabbits. Know who does that? The Amish. And how close is America to becoming an Amish country?
Can't just hide out and pump out kids man. Fringe groups move into the mainstream by normalizing and promoting their ideologies. That means rallies, flyering campaigns, speeches, and eventually running candidates for office. That's how you win.
You need to get your white women under control.
Creampie surprise!
Wrong, most men are weak and need leadership, their is a hierarchy amoungst men. Not all are of equal mental capacity and ability. Motivation by leaders is necessary to influence the weak willed and provide an example of the Truthful way of Life.
Weak. You sound like the cucks who only talk about their 3rd parties but won't ever vote for one because no one else votes for one. Leaders have to actually step up or everyone (millions of whites in the US RIGHT NOW) will be bystanders.
>A call to white men
>Posts white woman
Fuck that shit
They aren't winning by hooting and hollering in the streets though, that was my point. Liberalism creeps forward through the shady dealings of powerful people. This is where the real issue arises, people like college professors, "experts" and (((special interest))) groups. These are the true gears of the Liberal war machine.
t. weak man
>hur duh he bosted wyite wymen what the fugggg
Its to get your attention, why do you think so many threads here now have tits hanging out?
Fuck that. MGTOW
We live in too decadent of times to accomplish anything due to the existence of the internet and cheap legal vices. People are too distracted and it would require an economic collapse of Great Depression proportion and a decline in material conditions to see a large scale shift in the attitudes of many men.
Have some faith. In the coming century the White race will become more and more under threat. With this adversity, we will show our strength. Those genuine Whites that oppose their own people, whether they are liberals, communists, conservatives, normies or whatever, will get into line or they will suffer.
Optics are the only thing which has EVER worked or WILL ever work. You can keep your impotent autist revenge fantasies to yourself.
Did you even go to college? Most of my professors were either Chinese or rich white people who just wanted to fuck off
So not even worth shit because its pure bait.
lol the white race is degenerate and nothing can save it
sorry, i found myself a real cute asian gf, so im out.
MGTOW is Jewish shill, you should know this by now
fucking high energy posting here. hail victory brother.
ogay benin.
Its always interesting to observe how these white men put their own existence in the hands of a white girl in a wheat field holding a shotgun.
Perhaps you should stop idolizing your own degenerate women in the first place and start idolizing yourselves as white men?
Just an observation.
You mean you found a finnish gf.
This is also very true, which is why we need to be participating in electoral politics as well as pushing our own long march through the institutions.
nigger its for getting attention, and that women is obviously not degenerate, dont treat all women as degenerate queer.
You first.
It's easy to type in all caps and tell everyone else to do something, but what are you doing?
You do something first. Then, if you impress me I may consider joining in. Until then you are so much noise.
Look man, you're never going to win the optics battle, these media outlets can spin a story any way they want and fools will eat it up without a second thought. The idea that you will somehow reignite the third Reich by walking the same path isn't going to work, times have changed and everyone is wise to that game. If you were right people like George Rockwell would have sorted things out decades ago.
Promoting MGTOW is actively supporting white genocide. Please explain how you fail to see this
>pic related, your solution
If y'all were smart, you wouldn't just congregate together on forums or on campuses. You wouldn't just post flyers and memes. Create something real. Congregate together in neighborhoods, on farms. Live together. Work together. Fight together.
Fuck off Weston, u ghey
Even in your forsawn autistic defense you still prove my point.
White women holding roses in a pure wheat field and somehow that will make things better?
I have already started participating in activism on a local scale, i have started working out and reading, what about you?
Face it, we're lost.
The last true push-back against the eternal kike failed with WW2.
The only way forward is to implement pro white birth programs, out-right ban on immigration from non European nations; this will NEVER happen with the Comintern Fabian grip on pan-European civilization.
This is just anecdotal evidence, it's well established that college and university campuses are overflowing with Liberal garbage spewed from the mouths of many but not all professors and an environment exists that heavily discourages any form of conservative ideals.
There are many nationalistic pro white people out there. But nobody who isn't a brainlet wants to be associated with the idiotic Neo Nazis and Skinhead fags. In fact, many of us wish you would just go away and stop polluting the white race with your presence. You stunt every single pro white movement when you slink your fat asses out of your holes and larp as some kind of SS reject holding a plywood shield in your Cheeto stained fingers.
White man has to choose between his honor and survival of white race. Anyone who not only chooses the second but also promotes it should have his legs skinned, hanged by the ceiling inches from the ground, and have a bucket full of lemon juice put where his legs are.
It's impossible to have any sort of pro-White movement in the United States without potentially being doxed and losing your job. Look at what happened in Charlottesville. The police were instructed to force protestors through Antifa so a fight would break out. Then when a few people retaliated they were arrested.
There doesn't seem to be any peaceful solution and that's exactly what Western governments are pushing for. They want you to get angry and do something stupid. Because then they will be handed over more power and influence.
>concern trolls
>despair shilling
Part of human nature is to struggle and strive.
>Rage, rage against the dying of the light
Being a genetic dead end.
Great selling point.
While I agree we find ourselves in a situation much like inventing a new Internet search engine in the hopes of overtaking Google. It just isn't going to happen, the high ground is just so fortified there's no way to move forward against it without getting cut down instantly. While I really agree with using words to further a cause I'm starting to worry anymore, at what point do we find ourselves at the point of no return where violence becomes the only option, not as a means to win but just as a means to survive. I don't want to end up like Rhodesia.
la creatura...
why do you want weak men in your movement?
calling me a libertarian and changing the subject are both non-arguments
Genetic dead end in a world made for pussies sounds like compliment to me.
Had to reread your shit a couple times because it's so unbelievably stupid.
> White man has to choose between his honor and survival of white race
Show me where this ultimatum is actually presented
>Anyone who not only chooses the second but also promotes it should have his legs skinned, hanged by the ceiling inches from the ground, and have a bucket full of lemon juice put where his legs are.
I can only hope this is bait. Mfw literally promoting white genocide and saying that it is not only stupid to want the survival of your own race, but is also worthy of torture. I can't believe people like you actually exist
Fuck off Jew, some of us aren't content with being replaced and told to tolerate it until becoming a stranger in our own home.
Y'all up there aren't in a position to talk about "hierarchy" and "leadership".
Good thing you're not breeding with a will that weak.
>Show me where this ultimatum is actually presented
Here you go
wow, such good banter, i am eternally BTFO
This. Things were going well until a bunch of retards thought it was a good idea to cosplay like it was the Reich in front of the ((media)). I haven't had any issue convincing people about key points of NatSoc (nationalism, immigration, nationalized economy, ect) but I don't start that conversation goose stepping into the room with an arm band and reeeeeing about da joos.
I think the biggest issue we have right now is organization. There's no real way to convey a message besides for LARPer's or Jewtuber's autistic shenanigans
I'm on your side, leaf. I was calling out the shills.
I don't think you should tolerate it. Defend your homes, and build more.
Check ops post
This is the most insidious type of kike propaganda
>Just give up goyim there is no hope
Join a nationalist group irl
And yet still the white birthrates are non-existent. Either every white man has a weak will or I have a strong will and refuse to have children because of it+a woman will not let a weak willed man like you impregnate her.
>They want you to get angry and do something stupid. Because then they will be handed over more power and influence.
This is absolutely true.
The thing though is that what happened at UTR was not inevitable. The problem was that UTR was held in deep-blue Charlottesville rather than a redder town with a police chief who didn't hate us.
The second problem was that it was a public rally. Anyone could show up. Richard Spencer et al held an exclusive rally in Cville months earlier and nothing bad happened because everyone was vetted and knew enough not to fuck up.
>implying all white women are like pic related
>implying there aren't conservative women
>implying that there is no way to strengthen the white race and it's future generations by marrying, having kids, and raising them with traditional conservative values
did you read my other posts nigger?
>muh not all women tradcuck
Mfw can no longer debate with reason or logic and now turns to insults. Retire for the night, piratecuck
Are you implying skinheads were a good image? Skinheads are subhuman trash, even Rockwell knew that back then. As you said later in the OP, we need to be seen as respectable people. Good fathers and husbands, leaders, healthy, strong, sharp, well read, etc. When you are a living example of the difference dumping degeneracy and other ills, others will follow. But that will only happen when a large portion of us acts like grown men, and that is not easy.
No demonstration will solve it. You think all it takes to overthrow the puppetmasters is to complain out loud? They are laughing at you idiot. All this accomplishes is identifying yourselves as political enemies. The difference is made by being a living incarnation of our principles and slowly redpilling normies. The truth isn't fancy, but it's reality, and it works, even if it takes a while. There is no easy way out, stop looking for a quick fix
this again
If words won't work, violence DEFINITELY won't work. Our enemies own the police and they own the military and both are far more organized, trained, and numerous than white nationalists. Our enemies want us to resort to violence because they know it won't work and it gives them the pretext to shut us down by force.
>Token white woman is not like that therefore you should take your heart out in gratitute
>Logic and reason
your a fucking idiot. protesting is ghey. all you had was the hope that trump would fix shit. a year of the republicans screwing around and tweets about n korea didnt mean anything to the average american
its a similar problem that obama faced. go give some speech and at a point people just want results. stop trying to be kenedy and get something done faggot
Faggot, are you brainlet. If lets say a grill where to post a trad-esc white man is that generalizing that all white men are trad? No
So long as we keep follow retards like Richard Spencerberg, yeah there is no movement. Keep embarrassing ourselves like we did in Charlottesville and we might as well convert to judaism and become court jews. Literally just stop being fucking faggots and falling for Spencer-tier garbage. Have conviction for your actions and beliefs and be unapologetically white. We have to smarten up. Go listen to Brendan O'Connell. He has the right idea. Enough Hitler memes, and black sun memes, and gas the kike memes.... get serious and expose these fucking criminals for what they are. No mercy. We need a 2nd coming of Christ NOW and it's only going to happen through us, by acting christ-like. Crack your whips on those Pharisees, mother fuckers!
What was that about insults when you have nothing left?
>I haven't had any issue convincing people about key points of NatSoc (nationalism, immigration, nationalized economy, ect) but I don't start that conversation goose stepping into the room with an arm band and reeeeeing about da joos.
This is an important point too. We don't need the superficial trappings of movements that have already been spoiled in the minds of normies. We need their spirit, their living essence.
I made an argument, you just focused on the word "faggot". why?
Go listen to Brendan O'Connell. Use these people to your advantage. Expose the criminality and hypocrisy; remind them of who they truly are and what they're truly fighting for and defending from.
A lot of White men had kids bud, including myself.
But if others who don't have them yet take on the defeated attitude like you have, it will be fast-tracking that way.
So stop fucking moping around and get back out there.
Fight for your race dude.
If you fight agents of the state, you will lose, period, no debate about that. The agents of the state aren't enemies though, they are just people looking for their next paycheck. Consider how an organization like Mossad deals with problem people though, if we find ourselves backed into a corner with no other options left should we not consider the same route or should we sit passively while the beasts devour the last of us and our history and accomplishments lost forever? How many decades do we as a people have left at this rate?
>Couldn't find meaningful female companionship so slapped a label on it acted like it was your own choice
Mfw you decide that bc some white women are degenerate it would be best to abandon the race as a whole. Proper course of action would be for you to try to educate people around you and reinforce the white race
>reason and logic
An argument? More like repeating muh not all women, repeating it on the comment that says fuck that and here is why.
Violence just affirms the broader perception of the movement. We need to be mass red pilling normies. Red pill friends and family. We need people who can talk to more than just autists.
>a lot
>white genocide is real
Pick one faggot
Im fighting for those who have paid their dues for it. White race certainly hasnt done so.
Proper course of action would be for me to skin your legs, hang you from a ceiling and put a bucket of lemon juice on your legs.