As boomers die out, how are millennials going to shape America in the next 10 to 20 years?


Millennials better get over being fucked up idiotic communist, or they're going to make us Boomer looked like genii.
How stupid do you have to be to wanna try a system that killed 100 million people and ALWAYS failed?

Millennials fucked up big time, gen z reflect that

I'm looking forward to the future. I love disappointment.

> how are millenials going to shape..
Round. Round is a shape

How stupid do you have to be to sit on your fat fucking ass and do nothing for decades on end as your own nation's demographics collapse? "Millennials" are barely half-white - what the fuck did you THINK would happen with that kind of demography, grandpa? Enjoy spending your "golden years" in a cut-rate retirement home staffed by the low-wage Salvadorans and Haitians you love so much.

We simply help the left with the anti-whiteness, so much so that it forces whites to become racially aware. Then since the way America is built, we can wait for shit to get heated then convince everyone to move to a certain place then secede and make RealAmerica™

>this is an actual possibility

Millenials will turn conservative as they get older like all generations past

People always become more right-wing as they age and mature. That picture is stupid as fuck

Gosh darn it wippersnappers conservativism will die with us, you need us and it's not like there's liberal boomers. If our one generation dies it will be the end of hundreds of years of right wing ideology, it's not like it will survive as it always has.
Please don't send me to the retirement home, we're still relevant!

If everybody turns conservative as they age, there wouldn't be any liberals.

Well, if most of the country becomes Blue and Pozzed, it'll only make Accelerationism go even faster. Cityfags aren't ready for a collapse. Keep hunting, try to grow a couple of vertical bag gardens and build financial security with family in saving, pooling, investing band acquiring property. On a side note and Whitepill, most of this is contained in their city enclaves, but its always good to mitigate their suicidal altruism & degenerate, hedonistic lifestyles from corrupting the outside.

Don't sleep on Gen X.

Can't wait for muh Yankee ethnostate

>millennials will legalize drugs and watch the country turn into a third world shit hole full of niggers and beaners.

I imagine they will grow up and begin the shift from ideological radical leftism to pragmatic moderate conservatism, like most everyone else. It will start in the late twenties for most.

Show me a woodstock era map

Millennials will take a huge shit on America for generations.

Good luck Sup Forums....I'm leaving.

this is so misinformed that it hurts.Millennials never grow up which is the entire problem with the generation. They get stuck in shit jobs for their entire lives because inside they are children that are more interested in traveling around shithole nations than working and making a living for their children.

At least Gen Z is pretty redpilled. Maybe we're not completely fucked.

There are no millennials in Montana and Nebraska

there are no people in montana or nebraska is what you meant to say.

> how stupid do you have to be to try (((communism)))

Very stupid user. Our generation is very very stupid. Half of the people I know have college degrees and live with their parents, many are in shit jobs or no jobs. Ethics and morals are believed to be innate and we don't need religion or any kind of government to coexist according to those that I know.

Hardwork is nonexistent. People love to share posts on FB, but God forbid they share their precious time helping you (too many posts to share sorrybro). We have no comradery. Friendships are mostly based on personal interest and not genuine caring for others, what can you do for me types. Many people don't give a fuck about their parents or their culture. Everything is about me me me my my my and fb/ig like and shares. Weed is more important than food. Everyone listens to degenerate music. Having kids is for when you're an "adult". More interest in niggers than in engineering or genuine creativity. More theory than practice.

We're fucked user...

LOL are there already more millenials than boomers?

One of you guys should run under the premise of wiping out student loans.

You'd win for sure.

Literally who?

This map is bullshit lol.

>you can be anything you want as long as its exactly what i tell you you dumb piece of shit

Please leave Maryland out of that. We hate all of you.

We hate you too

t. connecticuck

Hm, no :^)

There's a chance that the millennials, in their hatred of the mega bureaucracy we've created, will fix things here.

no intelligent life

The left is going to swing back hard eventually. Don't know if it will be 2020 or 2024, but it's going to happen. Changing demographics is the worst enemy of conservatism/whites.

Wrong. If you look at black voting patterns (for example), older blacks actually vote somewhat MORE Democrat than younger ones, AND they turn out at higher percentages.

The decade or so run of Gen X dominance is going to be a god damn blackpilled affair Gen Xers will definitely give the world over to the machines guaranteed. The oldest of millennials need to strive hard

Gen X got skipped over.

T.Gen X-er.

Lots more soy! :^)

Oh my god. Is this true? What the fuck

imagine 5 swedens

The problem for the democrats is that millennials don’t like either party and don’t vote enough.

They also vote even less when the democrats don’t nominate an overt communist like Bernie Sanders.

And another thing they never mention when making this argument is that the entire population ages, meaning more old farts with economic sense are added every year who vehemently oppose the batshit insane democrats.

Think of all the skilled laborers in maintaining infrastructure, agriculture, construction, energy and all general things involved in a continuing society. I've NEVER met an Anarchist or Marxist in my field (Transportation & Logistics), let alone hipster or soyboy types.

And low unemployment helps conservatives

Comes with easy redpills like seeing how much in tax is going to your government, and how you have to work 9-5 while some leech gets half your paycheck for not participating in the workforce

We just gotta keep the redpill flowing into the people and the reverse might happened.

90% of the 1970s hippies are now Republican. This is just like (((current trend))) making America 100% mexican in 2050

Unfortunately blacks do not become more intelligent as they get older

Big fucking surprise. There are too many shitskins and and limp-wristed white degenerative faggots. We are literally living in the end times. You're either full of yourself and ignorant if you think otherwise.

Good thing the Boomers voted!

Younger people are (almost) always more liberal... give them twenty years and that age group will be voting much more conservative.

>young people vote left

This isn’t shocking nor unusual

Faggot how old are you

You are most likely a millennial unless you are pushing 40 and above or a teenager

This is why only white, property owning males should be allowed to vote. Everyone else is too stupid to feed themselves.

Wait until they all have private sector jobs.

Yea the "workers" party doesn't actually have any workers. Who would have thought huh?

How will the world be like in the future when God-like A.I. & weaponized nanotech is spawned and proliferated?

I.....I'm.. a little _\|/_ (o_0)/high right now, tripping the fugg out. Hmmmm....

>We are the hollow men
>We are the stuffed men
>Leaning together
>Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
>Our dried voices, when
>We whisper together
>Are quiet and meaningless
>As wind in dry grass
>Or rats' feet over broken glass
>In our dry cellar
>Shape without form, shade without >colour,
>Paralysed force, gesture without >motion;
>Those who have crossed
>With direct eyes, to death's other >Kingdom
>Remember us—if at all—not as lost
>Violent souls, but only
>As the hollow men
>The stuffed men.
The game was rigged from the start, the great experiment will fail, and 200 years from now the young people will shout "It wasnt TRUE socialism!!"

here's what the map for Gen Z looks like

Nope. There's crypto currency now. Because of new tech there are so many more ways to avoid my peers ultra taxation schemes.

did the hacker Sup Forums not tinker with this poll?

just a matter of time til all of that is blue and all you have to do is paint a white david's star on there

>those bantz tho
DAAAYUUUM, he haz deh fire!

Kys cuck

Gen Z is small like Gen X and much less white
Millennials didn't breed so there's a demographic hole that's being stuffed by migrants

>Millennials didn't breed so there's a demographic hole that's being stuffed by migrants
>Millennials didn't vote the way they were supposed to so there's a demographic hole that's being stuffed by politicians importing illegal aliens


I wanna race mix with her.