very nice eraser
Boku no Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia
Oedipus complex
Is Endeavor /our hero/ ?
He's pretty cool but he's no Mineta.
endeavor x mineta otp
Can we agree that Eraserhead is unironically the best character?
would you touch a loli like she was never touched before?
What limb will he lose during the raid?
You forgot most importantly
Let's talk more about how dating works in BNHA
>"Girl: We have been dating and I really like you. Oh hey what's your quirk I don't think you told me."
>Boy: "I-I don't have one."
"Girl: I forgot I had to go meet my parents but text me okay"
quirklets btfo
Will they ever learn?
>Second biggest hero
>only power is muh fire
Literally how?
How can this guy be Nr.2?
There are so many ways to hardcounter that guy. And how would his kid having ice even make it close to AllForOne?
It just doesn't make any sense. Half the academy could probably wipe the floor with Endeavor
He unironically got away with it.
I mean, at some point he'll die to Todo but still.
An arm, there fucked anyway.
he is indeed
I wouldn't mind.
>im an ugly slob
>my quirk is op
>my face wen hot girls who are into eugenics want to clean my smegma
Fire is pretty potent. Control of fire gets downplayed in mangas but think about how deadly that shit is.
Start in a room and you kill people just from the heat or suffocation alone.
Todo with just Ice shitted on the majority of his class.
Fire taken to the max is probably a bitch to deal with
>someone somewhere in Hori's universe has a quirk similar to the Irises from Iris zero
Of course, user!
I would seriously pat her head and tell her she's safe while we play in the park.
Detroit smash is the only OfA move named after a city than a state.
Why couldn't it be called "Michigan Smash"?
>Endeavor finds someone who has the quirk to genderbend people
>gets the guy to use it on him
>spends the rest of his life trying to rape AllMighty
>Detroit smash
sounds more badass
too bad detroit is a shithole
I dont think he values all mights quirk that much. He would have just breed with other strength enhancers if that was the case.
his ideal match should be someone whose strength increases the hotter they get
Animedubcuck here
I don't want to wait anymore
Where does the manga start the festival arc
Why the fuck is she such a fatso? >inb4 stress My mom is super stressed too but she's thin. That's not an excuse.
That makes me wonder.
What if someone has a quirk that only makes him fat?
Would Endeavor has approved of this?
Or would he just be mad at All Might for doing exactly what he wanted?
fucker is just manga you can read the whole thing in like 2 days
someone already explained it to you before
Has the power to move objects with her mind. You know how you are sitting on a couch and you have to get up to find the remote or go get something out of fridge. imagine not even having to get up those times.
He didn't abuse his child, he didn't beat his wife, he didn't rape her and he didn't enslave anyone.
The way he raised his son is perfectly legal in Japan (you can hit your kids even in America by the way and most parents consider it normal). The slapping sound was his wife slapping him instead. He never raped his wife, it was always consensual sex.
As for the slavery bit...
>I dont read the manga but I like to comment in the threads
>He didn't abuse his child
He forced his son to start training at 5.
His mother was against it and he abused her for that.
And forced marriage is kinda rapey.
This is a fact
wtf to filler episodes in a row
She was married off to him by her family, for breeding purposes. She hates him and by extent hated her kid. Todoroki's sister is 4 years older than him, which means Endevador had a child, quirk wasn't up to par, let's get another one.
That's not what i was talking about.
>My mom is super stressed too but she's thin
everyone handles stress differently. deku's mom is probably a stress eater
i know you are shitposting but i agree someone shoud have the liberty or rise their childeren as they see it fit, gods know some brats out there need some spanking
>no hero who's quirk is instant teleportation
black-star, what is your opinion on the Kirishima x Bakugou ship?
that is why you shoud smoke and drink like a normal person
It's a terrible yaoi fantasy especially since we already saw what the author/shounen jump has in mind for relationships
Jesusgirl a best
Fujos get out.
Kirishima should be with Tsuyu or Mina. Bakugou should be with Ochako or Kendo.
>giving tripfags the attention they want
Kirishima x Tsuyu is better
>He forced his son to start training at 5.
So? It's not illegal. There are pretty much millions of children who had it worse than his kids - they have to work hard from an early age etc (which again isn't abuse).
>His mother was against it and he abused her for that.
How did he abuse her? She tried to stop him from raising his son. She was the abusive one, she legally abused her son.
>And forced marriage is kinda rapey.
She could've said no at the altar. Japan is not India.
She is a horrible mother who blames all of her failures on her husband. She should've encouraged her son with Ganbatte's instead of theatrics.
>Kirishima and Girls
Wow I love this tripfag?
She is a thousand times better tripfag than Lelouch and an above average poster in general.
I didn't know Endeavor apologists were a thing
worst mom by far, i know she was sufering but that is not a excuse to take it out with your kid
>were do you think you are?
It's not an apology to lay the blame where it belongs. If he raised him as a single father, he would be loved by his son.
Who wins?
Endeavor or all the water on Earth?
Guys its Grapefag.
Ignore him.
>tfw your mom isn't like Deku's or Bakugou's
>treat your son like nothing more than a tool to be used
>good person
>muh boogeyman
Grapefag is usually more loudly obnoxious. Anyway, posting best dragon mom.
>i know she was sufering but that is not a excuse to take it out with your kid
Endeavor abused her so hard that looking at her sons red side ends up giving her panic attacks
What a piece of shit
quirk: tail
He has a tail
Reminder that most of these guys will be sidekicks or just get out of hero business altogether (mainly girls getting married cause Japan).
They don't show you all the times he bought him ice-cream and hot dogs after a tough training session and patted him on the head.
look guys kirishima and tsuyu are in love
>yfw someone out there has a quirk which only gives him an additional pair of eyebrows and nothing more
i know user but trowing boling water to akid sems a little exesive to me
Those powers really do ruin Dekus arms
tsuyu with the daam straight otu auwschwitz legs
Sugar exists? Stop making fun of Ojiro now
hori used to draw better
that is more that you will ever had
It's better than Iida's quirk. And depending on good he is, the best close combat quirk in the class.
She wasn't mad at the kid or anything.
She just lost it. Thats why she is in a mental asylum
Endeavor beating her and using her as baby factory only turned her insane.
>yfw someone out there has a quirk related to his dick
>9. Displacement
?Displacement is the redirecting of thoughts feelings and impulses directed at one person or object, but taken out upon another person or object. People often use displacement when they cannot express their feelings in a safe manner to the person they are directed at. The classic example is the man who gets angry at his boss, but can’t express his anger to his boss for fear of being fired. He instead comes home and kicks the dog or starts an argument with his wife. The man is redirecting his anger from his boss to his dog or wife. Naturally, this is a pretty ineffective defense mechanism, because while the anger finds a route for expression, it’s misapplication to other harmless people or objects will cause additional problems for most people.
What page is this from?
bakugo is the best close combat
Todoroki-san, please get off the internet.
It's an extra limb the size of a small child. One whack would be enough to give a villain a concussion.
>micropenis quirk
welp i will never understand normies
I think quirks are always some sort of "upgrade". Someone could have a second pair of eyebrows as a mutation, but their quirk would still be something even slightly useful, like being able to pluck their eyebrows without feeling pain.
its chapter 99 after tsuyu cries
>yfw it's a girl
>Mom has low level Telekinesis
>Dad breathes fire
>implying Deku doesn't have a secret older sibling like pic related
>Someone's quirk is the ability to detect quirks in others
>Doesn't even give info on the quirk, just a quick yes/no when used
drilling penis
>someone has a quirk which lets him predict the weather
>and it doesnt even work as good as technically weather prediction
electric enlarged clitoris
>we already saw what the author/shounen jump has in mind for relationships
Whats that?
>someone has a quirk that it is just a fucking tail
>someone's quirk is just being able to hold their breath underwater for a long time
>some people are born with fucking gills
>Guy comforts female with the rest of his friends while she's upset
>"OMG guys they are in love!!!!"
His Mom's quirk isn't even good telekinises, its just a shitty gravitational pull that can only grab small and light objects.
>Bullies have probably made yo mama jokes about Deku's Mom being so fat, that she has her own gravitational pull