Convince me god exists. The only argument I ever hear is have faith.
Convince me god exists. The only argument I ever hear is have faith
Mods don't exist.
OP the year is 2018
Discussion religion on the Internet should have died with AOL chatrooms
Convince me real communism has never been tried.
KYS and find out
Obvious bait is obvious, but I second OPs request. Have a bump comrade.
Convince me justice exists.
God is consciousness
I can't convince you God exists if you're not willing to believe
Communism by defintion is stateless, classless, and moneyless. This has never existed.
The muslim says the same thing.
Nor will it ever exist, as long as humans are human. NEXT!
Remember when that faggot got kicked out?
I do.
Nothing cannot become something without a prime mover that exists outside natural laws. Prime mover=God. You’re welcone
He was retarded. All of us Marxists know when you infiltrate the government to keep quiet so no one knows we are doing it.
If Communism is so great, why hasn't it defeated Capitalism yet? After all, a system that can't protect itself is objectively inferior to one that can.
That argument is not really proving the existence of god. It is just making the definition of god so vague that you can apply it to almost anything you like.
Muslims say submit.
>muh human nature
If I had a dollar every time I heard that one, I wouldn't be a anarchist.
Convince me you exist.
Why are Marxists typically so stupid? They're literally almost as bad, if not worse, than most religious people
Capitalism is obviously the dominant ideology. Every time socialist societies tries to start they get bombed/infiltrated/sanctioned by the capitalist countries.
You are avoiding the argument.
Best one so far.
Look at it like this. The universe, even existence, would literally have to break its own rules in order to just appear.
Odds are that didn't happen.
Marxists make actual arguments while you guys go off about 100 MILLION DEAD. JEWS ARE COMMUNISTS.
Read the works of Marx and Engels.
Not only has communism never been tried, it's never been approached. Communism as described and defined by Marx and Engels only exists after a society has transitioned to a post-currency socialist state.
No national professing to be communism has even fucking tried to reach post-currency.
Because it's not fucking possible. There is literally no way for an actual communism state to exist.
Maybe OP here will try to chime in, maybe not, but ask any communist and they can talk for hours on any subject except for how to achieve post-currency. They'll sout dogma, thell discuss grand sweeping concepts and archetypes.
What they won't do is tell you specifically step by step how a nation approaches post-currency.
Because there is no godamn way.
Communism isn't fucking real. It's like Rand's objectivity garbage where it doesn't even work within the confines of her own fiction without employ of the dues ex machima of infinite energy.
It's a fucking larp and it always has been.
> Nothing cannot become something without a prime mover
Then your god would require it's own prime mover as well. And THAT prime mover would also require a prime mover. Etc...etc...etc.
Have faith.
1. Who Created God
2. How do you know there was nothing.
Socialists sound like a bunch of bitches that shouldn’t be in charge of nations
>I can't prove it unless you believe in it
kek, keep worshiping that kike on a stick
Read Mere Christianity. CS Lewis, an atheist, believed in God after studying him.
Also fascists and """liberal""" democracies tend to be two sides of a very familiar coin, when talking about revolutionary Catalonia.
No one can convince you that God exist. Only you can. You do not understand faith. You do not understand God.
Once we are ready to get rid of the currency the people will just stop. What's the problem?
I died, and was brought back to life.
You would not believe me anyways.
Why ask for proof about something you
don't believe in?
What started everything? A couple gases dont just get tossed together, something pushed them. Nothing randomly happens, where did the first materials to create everything come from and what spawned them, something or some entity created them.
Same thing I hear about communism
It's human invention. Whether it exists or not depends entirely on humans.
>"But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun — the plane of the earth around the sun — the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe."
communism requires more faith and fervor than God. Since i'm shit at philosophy and can't prove it to you with logic, i'd recommend you to go see the supernatural by yourself. The West has almost no spiritual manifestations because Satan decided it was better to make kids like you think that the spiritual world doesn't exist, but if you went deep into Africa you'd see some serious shit. It's not by chance that they aren't able to sort themselves out even if they tried.
Are you trying to suggest that mods don't exist because we can't see them? The only argument I ever hear is "mods = gods"
For your argument to be valid, you would have to prove that you already know all of the Universe's laws. But you can't because you don't.
So how does this process happen?
It is vague since it can be applied to nature at large, but I'd suggest peering into your mind's eye
I'm glad you acknowledge that their must be one initial prime mover called God
We don't care what you believe
Try a revolution so we can kill you rat
No, this god exists outside the natural laws. It has always existed and does not require its own prime mover. It is beyond human comprehension because it is supernatural.
Look into the start of everything God is needed to create everything somthing can not exist out of nothing
aint no god unfortunately
but the truth isn't far off
Google revolutionary Catalonia, certain parts of the state achieved separation from artificial material value.
The term is defined differently among us.
>just eat the unicorns
Check out this video and this website:
Amazing Evidence for God-
Scientific Evidence for God:
The greatest test of faith is that God gave you Free Will to deny his existence. A Communist cannot look around the natural world and see anything but things that do not benefit the proletariat, whilst a God Fearing man can see the beauty in the Architecture of the World, an impossible design of just the correct amount of gas, liquids, solids, temperatures and science, to know this was not an accident, but rather a very perfect creation by an intelligent designer.
There is no way Kiira Korpi happened by accident when you Commie fuckers wanted to kill her forefathers.
>no one knows we are doing it
Lol out loud, you retards stick out like the degens you are
God has always been
Brainless brainlets cannot fathom it
More real than communism
me on the right
>what a fag
God's a true communist. Why would you need faith to figure that shit out?
top kek
If god exists then it is all powerful. If god is all powerful then it can disprove the existence of itself. If an all powerful god can disprove the existence of itself then it does not exist.
God doesn't exist, Christians are fucking retarded lunatics
1; Pick up a bible if looking to christianity
2: read
3: choose
The hindu tells me to read his book and believe. The muslim says the same thing. How do I know which one is true?
>pick up the bible
>realize how fucking insane it is
>become an atheist
how it actually works
Regardless of your belief in the Christian God, you’d be retarded if you don’t believe in a God
>Convince me god exists
Because it doesn't matter if it's true or not as long as you help your comrade.
You choose. I feel we all worship the same force in the end. We just differ on interpretations. Id suggest skipping the myth and lore and start with Leviticus.... Id say chapter 8:1 - 30 It will kind of context some of what we see today. Remember God tells us to love all no matter what. It is his job to judge.
>Convince me god exists.
Piece of piss...
I even love those who consider me a fool. Atheist is still a belief system. Reversed religion.
>Convince me god exists.
Easy peasy, pimple squeezy...
the old testament is totally insane
the jews were genocidal warmongers who genocided and oppressed all kinds of ancient tribes, if you replaced "god" with "allah" you could scarcely tell the difference between that god and the Muslim god
>Convince me god exists.
Is it not clear for all to see?
That is not what I said at all. What I said was that YOUR argument would require an unending, infinite progression of ever larger 'prime movers'. That is just silly.
>if you replaced "god" with "allah" you could scarcely tell the difference between that god and the Muslim god
Well, that COULD BE because the Qur'an = Deuteronomy... and all Semitic sky-god worship starts with (((them))).
God expands as the universe expands. There is your infinite progression. God created the universe the universe did not create God.
>Convince me god exists.
There is no (((God))) but Allah.
Who invented the fake-as-fuck, laughably debunkable fairy tale stories of Semitic religion...?
That type of argument is called special pleading and it doesn't hold up. You are basically just trying to win the argument by stating that everything needs a cause...except this one thing that you happen to believe in. You are just taking your god and trying to make it off limits to the discussion. That argument refutes itself. If every event needs a cause, then god needs a cause. If god doesn't need a cause then neither does anything else.
The stories are again are myth and lore meant to tell Gods word. It was the only way to pass down the record. At some point you have to read through the words to find the true meaning. As you focus you will begin to hear Gods will. You can try to debunk what you wish, but you cannot debunk what you cannot understand.
What is your concept of god? That is important.
1. We observe that the natural world and things in it are all contingent on some other thing, meaning that things are made up of parts and are the product of past events, and these parts are also made up of parts and these past events are the products of even older events.
2. Thus begs the question, how does a world like ours exist at all? Because it is a world that is by it's nature not self subsistent because of it's contingent nature.
3. Therefore ultimately there must be a reality that is not contingent on anything i.e self subsistent being, beyond time eternal, without parts or absolutely simple. This reality is what men call God.
>you have to read through the words to find the true meaning.
Really makes you eisegesis...
This type of argument is called a straw man, where in the user misrepresents the other persons position and than easily refutes it.
Now you are catching on. Perhaps now you will begin to understand that you are part of God.
>you are part of God
Looking at the world today and the histories that preceded it, we're all indeed a component of (((God)))...
The only thing I'm convinced of us that you need a free helicopter ride.
Exactly... You can exist without God, but God cannot exist without you. Humans themselves were granted a part of God that angered his other creations throughout the universe ( angels ). God instilled into humans part of Gods spirit. The "angels" were creations without souls. They can not exist without God. I have always felt God gave Humanity the ability to destroy God.
trump won last election
you forgot foodless
Jesus was not punished for the sins of mankind, but rather was a perfect sacrifice so the sins of mankind could be forgiven.
This precept is therefore not applicable.