What would you say was the main theme, the moral story and the hidden meaning of Hellsing?
What would you say was the main theme, the moral story and the hidden meaning of Hellsing?
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Nothing. It's just a mediocre show that relies on gore and shock value.
It has many hidden messages:
Vampires are cool
Guns are cool
Crosses are cool
War is cool
Some say there are more hidden messages yet to be found in Hellsing.
But even simple shonen for kids have moral stories hidden inside them (in example, Fullmetal's Alchemist teaches kids that you cannot get cookies if you don't work for them).
Surely a seinen for mature adults is filled with true depth. I have a couple of theories but I don't want to spoil the broth.
There's a video on YouTube about Crispin Freeman talking about that kind of stuff at a con, it's actually a pretty good video, he had alot of neat points to make about it.
Be ready to accept your mortality when the time comes, but don't just lie down like a bitch. Fight to your last dying breath, and die without regrets.
That's what I got out of it.
I'm watching it right now I think?
I'm so far unimpressed about his understanding of Al;ucard.
I think it's more like he wanted to find someone who could kill him.
Well that too, but when much of a character's motivations are about finding people who would give up and either die of trade their humanity for power, it paints a clear picture of what they value.
Edge, edge and edge.
So, basically, according to him
Hellsing is literally anime 50 Shades of Gray (all about BDSM, Alucard is a sub)
okay. Alright.
Yeah, I think that's it. I especially like the part where he talks about Seras and Alucard's relationship.
Hellsing is completely meaningless. It's just a beautiful wrapper. No more. It's made to look cool and stylish. Not meaningful, but stylish. And it's not bad, such stories are also needed.
Don't treat your butler like a tool of war, sending them off to a god-forsaken battlefield to fight and kill monsters or they'll become so broken inside that decades later they'll betray you.
Integra's father really was a piece of shit.
Also did Walter betray them or not? I didn't get this and there's conflicting opinions everywhere.
Bitches love canons.
He betrayed Hellsing for the chance to kill Alucard, the strongest monster, because hunting monsters was the only thing he knew. He wanted to be the man that killed the unkillable Dracula.
I mean, what was the meaning behind the original Dracula? this is just a "modern" war against dracula
You mean that the chong who made it didn't like Dracula?
>WAaaaaaaaaaaah why would you give up your humanity to kill me an unkillable monster who leaves scores of bodies in his wake and is impervious to all your best weapons
>Waaaaaaaah only human can beat a monster
you know the older I get the less I like Alucard.
Still better then Drifters most likely moral of "aren't brutal Japanese warriors the most inspirational figures ever?" and "the West and it's main religion are bad"
>Being immortal god is boring as fuck. You look for some fun everyday.
>When some dude appears who is seemingly strong you get excited but apparently he's weak as shit
>There is some guy with blades who declares himself your rival, you can rekt him easily but whatever he is a bit of fun to fight with
>You have this one disciple who is awed with you and your power
>You would want to go full out but it would have bad consequences.
Is there a conclusion to this ?
To OPM? no it is ongoing.
OPM is simply comedic jokes from the concept of all powerful immortal being.
Hellisng on the other hand treats the premise of such being seriously.
The logic is sound though. Monsters cannot kill monsters because regardless who of the two wins you are left with nothing but a bigger monster. Alucard wanted to die by a worthy human's hand because he came to feel that he chose wrongly when faced with death or becoming a vampire.
My favorite anime.
how did the major turned into a robot anyway
The Doctor made him
German science.
Logic doesn't follow when dealing with monsters. You can't pull that Nietzsche crap and then have the power level bullshit Alucard has it doesn't gel and any attempt to make it do so comes off as disingenuous
What does he honestly expect a Human to do? He's not even the same Vampire he was when he fought the original Hellsing
The message is Hitler was right
I think at some point there is also a subtle implication that bayonets are cool
>war is tanoshii
Don't trust a Catholic
Keep away from brit chicks
Rip taught us that being raped to death with a rifle is fun
Was Schroedinger a girl or a boy
50 percent of people involved in rape typically enjoy it
[citation requiered]
Schroedinger gender.
you can't tell until you have sex with
>being homo raped will make you cool
He was one of the few people who should have understood how fucking retarded that was though.
This joke had potential user. Maybe next time.
That's common knowledge bub
I loved that no fucks given stupidity
we all should be anally raped then
Stupidity is fine, but he broke Integra's heart. I thought the last exchange between him and Seras was really touching though.
You can't rape the willing etc.
too bad man
I'm kinda' pissed he one shot the katana nun.
>he broke Integra's heart
No; she realized what he was doing at some later point. That's why she doesn't hate/resent/dislike him in the epilogue.
Guess that he was closer to rapefiends like googly eyes and Anderson than regular humans.
intentionally ambiguous because the author likes cute boys for some fucking reason and is the most likely reaso, funny enough
The only regret I have about this is that there aren't enough Rip guro doujins with good art.
>not liking cute boys
>likes cute boys for some fucking reason
Because they're cute.
no homo
Hirano said he needed money to buy chocolate and laze around stalking his oppai neighbor and then hellsing happened
Cute pettanko dude
He's just like Hiroe and Nasu, with the difference that he actually shit out stuff from time to time
Did he really say that?
I remember an omake where he writes about doing a 69 with some hot celebrity, so that seems legit if you ask me
He says a lot of shit in the sidenotes and stuff in the manga, he pretty much always mentions his hobby is jacking off.
>tfw tried to watch Ultimate but dropped it as soon as it turned out that the blonde girl was going to become a main character
Wow, that's some shit taste.
>story introduces the Major as a psycopathic warmonger
>as it continues, it is revealed he is really trying to kill Dracula
>never gave up his humanity, not even to save everything he had fought for
>that feel when you realize the Major was the hero all along
>this entire interview
Has there ever been a manga series more undeserving of success than Hellsing?
I just can't be arsed to sit through her development. Alucard should be enough to carry this show.
Isn't Drifters supposed to show us how apparently all warriors are savages?
Puppy Chow.
dumb cunt, he was a monster
That you should never give up your humanity
Except if you are Seras
Stop being autistic user, and just watch the OVAs.
Sidonia deserves the success
It was alright until the ending
He didn't kill any humans.
Okay, I'll give it another try.
>english arent human
Pretty much the only good thing about the series were the Nazis. I'm no Sup Forums-poster but teh plot twist about them actually making such massive sacrifice just to stop that inhuman monster and save humanity was pretty much the only memorable thing about it.
The fights were all boring as fuck and uninteresting - you already saw everything in episode 2. The Catholics were a total cop out and anticlimactic. The "good guys" were unbearable and Alucard was a Mary Sue.
>murder by his own hand
Except Anderson made it to Alucard when all of the latter's power was unleashed. Sure, Anderson was "upgraded", but he was still fundamentally human. He could have won, but he willingly stopped being human.
>An SS officer
>Running a human experimentation facility
>Not complicit in any deaths
Is this the face of a man who's never gone "I know this test will probably kill the subject, but timetables, you know?"
So Hirano is pretty much ourguy right?
He even started with porn. look up "Legend of the Vampire Hunter" and ""Angel Dust".
>Pretty much the only good thing about the series were the Nazis. I'm no Sup Forums-poster but teh plot twist about them actually making such massive sacrifice just to stop that inhuman monster and save humanity was pretty much the only memorable thing about it.
you didnt get it you little shit
>you didnt get it you little shit
What did I not get? There wasn't anything you were supposed to get, according to the author.
Death makes life meaningful. Alucard became immortal at the cost of his humanity and regretted it ever since. He commented to the Queen of England that she "looked more beautiful than ever before" since despite being an old woman that she lived her life as a human. It's also why Alucard admires Integra so much.
Millennium all just wanted to die having killed as much as possible. And what's a better kill than a being that has walked the earth for five centuries, laughing in the face of death?
aint angel dust gay shit
Yeah and Alucard is worth three bajillion kills
Is it? I only read Legend.
Nazis are bad
Church is bad
No matter how hard you try, you can never beat the an Inmortal Vampire.
Such an original message, wow
>tries to shoot a man at point blank range
>fucking misses
He couldn't kill anyone even if he wanted.
After seeing that much power unleash no one is going to stop and think "Oh well now I totally got a shot"
you can't push your opponent into a corner than then complain when they get desperate
so what nigger
I lost interest at some point after the first season. It was after hearing the Nazi guy going on about how much he loves war.
First season? I thought the OVAs were like movies released once or twice a year.
So it's lame