Six episodes left, can they save it?

Six episodes left, can they save it?

I'm avoiding watching the show because I prefer to marathon SoL stuff rather than following it week-to-week but I keep seeing threads asking can it be saved.

What does it need saving from? I'm assuming the OPs are largely just shitposting and the show isn't lower than a solid 6/10 at worst but I'm confused what it could be that is causing these threads to spring up since they're a specific type of shitposting I don't really see used very often for SoL iyashikei.

Did Trigger go full retard and try to make it an action series? Is it just bombing in sales? Is it full of QUALITY that only the BDs could fix? Did it get up its own ass with bad melodrama?

Enlighten me, please.

LWA isn't SoL or iyashikei.

It doesn't need "saving" either.

>can they save it
Nigger last week episode was so fucking HYPE that both Sup Forums and the normie crowd exploded, what are you even talking about.

It's not a SoL, it's an episodic show with about half the episodes self contained and the other half related to plot.
Some episodes have been hit or miss like it usually happens in this cases.

Oh, makes sense.

Kinda disappointing though, but I guess I should have paid more attention when info started being dropped about the show before it started airing rather than just accepting what Sup Forums said after the announcement as fact.

Why did you even expect it to be a SoL?
The OVAs were extremely tightly paced little adventures already.

Because for whatever reason a few anons were saying/talking about it being a SoL series set in back when it was announced and I guess I just latched onto that before I through up my filters and went on a blackout of any info about it to avoid spoilers.

>Last minute of the show
>Sucy kills Akko and says she is the final boss
>"See you next season"
>Next season NEVER come

>I'm assuming the OPs are largely just shitposting
Yes, always.

No. The second half of this show was too fucking weak.

>Nigger last week episode was so fucking HYPE that both Sup Forums and the normie crowd exploded, what are you even talking about.
pls, stop lying to yourself

to be continued in kickstarter

It was a mistake. It shouldn've been made.

>The second half of this show was too fucking weak.
I thought first half was weaker I only really liked episode 8, but I dropped the series so idk

Fuck off newfag kid.

Fuck off newfag kid.

>dropping this amazing show

fuck off back to your shounen shit

What do you find so amazing about it? I thought compared to the OVA it was lacking

Nothing to save.

and /m/ .dont group us with the normies

Why does it need to be saved?

despite what these two anons said, it IS SoL, just with magic in it. There is a hidden plot implied, but from the entire show up until now, maybe only like 10 minutes alltogether are about it, the rest is just "How did Akko get into wacky hijinks today?" and each episode up until now is self contained

>amazing show

>conflict is usually created by whoever gets to hold the "retard" ball that week

>Most of the conflict is resolved or undermined by the story/setting itself, removing agency from the characters and undermining any potential tension

>setting is ill thought, most of the "responsible" adults seem completely incapable of running a school or even securing dangerous/powerful artifacts.

why so "defensive"?

Overall it's been rather boring to say the least

>waiting for all the episodes to air in order to binge it
Wow, I honestly really should've have done this.

There going to have an great animated finale but it wont save the series if you think its boring I'm in the same boat

People expect a masterpiece from this?

I think this series worked better as OVAs. For example the broom race could had been grouped with another story and could had been released into an OVA.

no just something entertaining/fun to watch.

It was cringy as fuck.

The episode was saved by constanze's cuteness

I can't stand Akko as a MC and thus am not the target demographic for this show at all, but I came back for the Constanze episode and was not too disappoint.

It would take a miracle for me to have a final rating above "meh" for me though.

I have no idea how they could at this point. I like this show, but the conflict is so fucking boring. Akko's "chosen one" status in the series is so lame. She hasn't matured at all in 19 episodes because she's been handed everything by Chariot

All I know that the finale going to be animated great, that's all I care about

This. It was a 10/10 episode.

Only Sup Forumsedditors like this trash

So can we all agree that Imaishi > Yoshinari now?

Sup Forumstards don't even know it exist