Sup Forums without Mutts

Why is this board so infested with Americans? There's nothing more cringy than a US person talking about any racial purity.

What would Sup Forums be like if we rangebanned the US?

Other urls found in this thread:

>says the turk from germany

I'm just here to save that picture before the mods 404.


>Why is this board so infested with Americans
Maybe because it's an American website?

Obvious shill with meme flag, I bet your from America as well

Ugh. Hapa Nipwhite. If I weren't allowed here, it'd be really awful, peeled away from the screen, out fucking and seeding white girls. Girls just like me. Idk. I'm here for the white race; giving the dozens of white guys here a chance to get some of the white girls without me distracting them.

How original. A person bashing Americans. You are really going to win next election using the same garbage you used last election.


This site would crumble to pieces because the world cannot function without the US.

>rangeban americans from their own website
Europeen stupidity still running rampant, I see

>Why is this board so infested with Americans?
Because it's an english board?

Show your flag faggot.
Remember to sage.

Hello Mr.Juan McGowan-Goldbergstein.

Why don't you go back to Sup Forums and quit whining?

>Japanese-owned website dedicated to Japanese cartoons with an occasional offtopic boards
Roaring post mate

There you go you inbred, obese cuckold

Cause Sup Forums is still infested with Americans and you're not allowed to talk about political events and news over there.

you attack me but this guy is literally shiting on/in your country while also hiding behind a meme flag

this threads going to last about as long as a tax free America did

>infested with americans
There is barely any americans over there, are you high?
>you're not allowed to talk about political events and news over there
Blame the mods not us.

>EU Flag
>Calling others cringey

In 10 years America will be last white homeland.

Europeans will all be half arab.

>There's nothing more cringy than a person talking about any racial purity.

protip: You're not pure you dumb faggot.
double protip: purity cause genetic defects(see purebreed dogs)

99% of this board knows fuck-all about genetics or chemistry.

He's from Poland...

They're the majority, are you nuts? Not even the 56% meme that we went real creative with on Sup Forums made them fuck off

>Blame the mods not us.
Whatever gets posted here immediately gets drowned in American posts containing alien nonsense

Are you shitting me? The Arabs get gulag'd here, and if they don't, our own Muslims (Tatars) wreck them

That's true, there is no such thing as genetic purity, but if there is even such a concept, then Americans are as far away from it as possible.

They should leave Pol. Just create a new board that's pol-mutts.

It's funny to laugh at them. Mutts are an amusing species, they always end up fucking themselves over lol

I guarantee you 100% this is a Canadian

Race war will happen. They are driving white together and forcing them to pick sides.

>Worlds biggest mutt enablers in charged of pol

>in 10 years
Nigger what are you smoking?

You've already lost. They are on the continent, out-breeding you, and miscegenation. Since the Sand nigger is more animal than man, the female naturally is attracted to the more alpha male. Most whites in Europe didn't go through what Poles went through, so they are not as redpilled as you.

You know it's true.

News and statistics.

I think we should ban all Yankees. Spare the Confederates of us here. The Yankees LARP about ancestry because they all have German blood. They want to deny Christ and be a dumbass social welfare snownigger like Varg, or think that NatSoc would ever be relevant in America.

The worst ones are the feminists that worship white women, even if they're complete whores.


Read them, don't smoke them please.

did he said America is going to be the last white homeland? or am I reading that wrong


Op is a kike
What would the world be like workout their subversive filth

>they're the majority over there
That's bullshit and you know it, every time I scroll through there it's nothing but foreign flags.The only threads that usually have a lot of american flags in them are /cum/ and /dixie/ threads.And if you are wondering why they are fucking with you now, is because of the 56% meme you idiots cooked up.I told you dumbasses from the start that it was a terrible idea to antagonize the americans who get up in arms about "racial purity" and you kept on anyway.As they say, what goes around comes around.

Because you are on an American site retard.

Fucking americans.

>56% meme
54% movement

>fuck Americans
>uses an American site
??????? Why are you here then ?????

>i'm telling you the truth
>proceeds to be a prick
You deserve americans "flooding" your board then.

Every single one of your countries outside Poland and Hungary are run by utter cucks. What value is your heritage when you shit all over it and apologize for it and hand it over to jews and muslims? You Euros are the most pathetic self hating cucks. The Jews have fucked your brains for 70 years.


I don't even see why you take offence to it
is it a lie? no most Americans have something that isnt white in them and no i don't just mean the women you are a mixed race people you'll be your own race soon it's ok

the problem with Americans is that most are unfunny but have a feeling of grandeur, so they shitpost relentlessly in order to ruin any real discussion, disrupting every thread and questioning the whiteness of anons (which is ironic). They could at least learn how to properly banter, but all they can do is repeat the same shit over and over.

This thread 100% USA proxy fag

No, that's what he said.

Blow it out your ass.

Fuck you we have a fucking samurai in our parliament.

Not full of regards desu, fuck weimarica and the degeneracy that seeps from it.

not funny. huh? I am joke telling now about hue now, get it!
ps I am great, I am americn pureness

I have done military service in each of your countries, and each time i smashed many of ur women and several of your men. euro bitches are so easy they fell prey to me, my mixed shaft was far more impressive than what they're were used to, these euro boys claimed to b "straight" btw, i didnt even have to ask them most of the time

and then the day dream was ended by the sound of mamá screaming the beans and rice is ready

>Nigger+Jap racetraitor
>Talking about Europe
>Talking bullshit that never happen
Makes sense

I'm not upset about the meme nor am I denying our demographics.I'm just pointing out that antagonizing the crowd of americans who do get upset over it was the dumbest thing you could ever do and you deserve everything you get for it.

Moar of the hawt Jap in pantyhose please OP

>Posting on an site created and based in the US
>Why is this board so infested with Americans?
Nice flag you got there you fucking leaf


A friend of mine who works as an English professor once told me something interesting.

According to him, southern English is closer to other British dialects than general American, or (even funnier) New England dialects.

Keep in mind this comes from a guy with two doctorates, who can also read and speak old English, old Frisian, and a bunch of other old languages I know jack shit about, so if he says it, I'll believe it.
Just something interesting I heard him talking about the other day.

Go home purebreds.
This is a mutt board

iowa is best ship

>There's nothing more cringy than a US person talking about any racial purity.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't advocate racial purity.

Boy, we're outbreeding Muslims severely, what are you talking about?

Why not?
>argues that race mixing creates genetically superior offspring
>extrapolated everyone is the same and 1 virus wipes us all out.

>I'm just pointing out that antagonizing the crowd of americans who do get upset over it was the dumbest thing you could ever do and you deserve everything you get for it.
i got raw sides

>99% European population
>most genetically uniform if haploshit is to be trusted
>most culturally uniform out of all larger countries in Europe
>women extremely violent towards Muslims
>men somewhat violent towards Muslims
>young people hostile to Muslims
>old people hostile to Muslims
>post-commie adults hostile to Muslims
>government hostile to Muslims
>Lipka Tatar Muslims hostile to Arab Muslims
>Turks hostile to Muslims
>Gypsies hostile to Muslims

>Hungary sets up a wall
>Poland supports Hungary against Muslims
>EU triggers article 7 against Poland, Poland taking one for the team
>Hungary publicly announcing they will veto any sanction resolution EU has in their sleeve, paralysing the Union

And then I come here and the fucking matress flags post "whiter than you Muhammad" to me

Can we just rangeban the entire US from this non-American website

>porn bait pic
>divide and conquer post
>meme flag
Yup that's a shill, don't forget if you post without sage in a shill thread you're no better than a nigger

>that flag
>content of that entire post
I can't take your country seriously desu

Go check out Hispachan. It's the same, but with no Americans. And it's absolute trash.

that's ok most of my country doesn't know your shithole exists

Bought from american

most of your country is brown with last names ending in ski I'm fucking sure they do mate

Most of your country certainly does know my shithole exists, I've know Americunts for too long

You fuckers even know pierogi are Polish, which the Spanish won't know despite the same continent lmao

No amount of race mixing will make everyone "the same". That not how inherited traits works.

Both ethnic nationalists and world Communists who think humans can racemix into a single "same" brown race, either as a horrible outcome to be avoided or a paradisiacal outcome to be demanded, ignore biology.

>American website
>In english
>America is the largest english-speaking country
You know, I can't figure it out either.

>sniff sniff
Fuck it smells JUST like JIDF in here...

>You fuckers even know pierogi are Polish
Damn, I thought those were Italian. The name sounds Italian

>make amerimutt threads
>get retards like the one in your pic pissed off
>they go over to Sup Forums and spam it to death
>come back over to Sup Forums and cry about americans invading your board
>laughing at me for being honest with you
Honestly fuck you man.

The civil war was the war of northern aggression and i do love the south but holy fuck you guys just stop

Actually the largest english speaking country is India.

personally I enjoy this board being full of Americans it makes it better it brings Europeans together and gives us a common enemy and I haven't used that picture for a while I've got a lot of them

I have alleged Jewish heritage somewhere down my family line, nothing solid tho. Shame, I like to larp as a Jew. I was born and raised in Poland, in Catholic culture, next to atheists and Catholics, speaking Polish, so Jews would find me weird desu.

>"Mom, that user surely doesn't know my entire country knows pierogi is from Poland, I will tell him it's Italian so he gets angry!"

>cry about americans invading your board

> it makes it better it brings Europeans together and gives us
>UK flag

sorry I had to

Only the LARPers are giving you a hard time. Many here are pulling for you and Hungary in your Deus Vult with the EU fags. Hang in there, bro.

BTW - I recently heard a preacher on the television say this...
>Bleaching Whites makes them "Whiter". Bleaching "Darks" turns them funny colors!

It's the US

I agree that most Americans do know what Poland is, but I really think you're wrong about the pierogi thing. Tell me that name does not sound Italian.

ghey pic faggot

I appreciate the humour in it
Hope you don't have to economically bow to Americans when you quit, cause they sure won't treat UK as equal

We don't mind bending over to the EU. In many cases it can conveive good things.

Muslim migrants though are crossing the line.

You're wrong, no matter what American I talk to, they know pierogi well. They'd even talk about Polish shops. California, New York, various eastern states, Texas. Doesn't matter.


Ever notice how Duke is like an action hero version of Trump?

even if we have to pay £10 for a loaf of bread mate it will be worth it



How exactly is it that you're speaking to so many Americans? And Americans in Poland obviously have more knowledge of Poland than the ones back home, so you're getting biased answers.
I'm telling you as an American, there's no fucking way the majority of Americans "know pierogis well" or that they come from Poland.

Shame I sell the most to the UK so I'll probably have to fuck off and learn German instead or something

But it was fun while it lasted. I respect your decision and will find sanctuary in laughter at misfortunes that are ahead of the Brittons

Internet communities, vidya and roleplaying.

Kind of reminded me of a cross between Trump and Schwarzenegger.

Freedom of speech yo

>freedom of speech
What are you, some godful capitalist?

BRTD (better red than dead) you blue smurf fucker
hang the cappies
for motha russia

I really like the baby blue hair tie she has in OPs picture. It is also a cute hair style!!!

not a bad idea that mate getting the Germans to find your boiled cabbage partys