Is Fune wo Amu a masterpiece?

Is Fune wo Amu a masterpiece?

>Timeskip to after marriage
Fucking dropped.

No, it was rather shitty.
How did this autistic hunchback every got that hot broad anyway? It all felt lazy and dumb.

I really enjoyed it. So glad these two got married and started a family.

Not for me, at least. I did really enjoy it though. The main character was just so loveable. Same with the co-worker the previous user mentioned.

But a big problem I had with it was that they finished it in 2015 or something like that, when phones and online dictionaries exist, making physical dictionaries near-useless. So, despite their incredible enthusiasm and desire to finish the dictionary being really charming, that thought was always in the back of my mind.

Still inspiring.

This was also a problem. I thought the main character's relationship with his wife would play a much bigger role than it ended up being. I understand the story is about the dictionary, but the amount of time spent on the main character getting with her made it seem important. She was definitely there for him during hard times, but still basically a non-character after they get together.

I'd compare it to The Wind Rises, but I like this more because the cast was a lot more likeable, even if the goal in The Wind Rises is more practical I guess you could say.

>I'd compare it to The Wind Rises, but I like this more

I thought it was boring and forgettable. It wasn't terrible or anything though

What's wrong with The Wind Rises? I also liked it.

DESU, it was often rather boring and I am usually a fan of these kind of anime.

Nothing, it's comparing it to FwA and claiming the second is better that's the problem.

What's wrong with what I said?

I just didn't feel much for the cast in the movie. They weren't fleshed out enough for me to care that much, thus the only thing I really liked was the fantastic animation, the hilarious man-made sound effects, and the message it was trying to say.

Oh, another problem Fune wo Amu had was it constantly throwing the title in the viewer's face about the sea of words and such. It just seemed a bit silly and annoying at times.

But all the problems I have with Fune wo Amu don't matter much because of how much I enjoyed the cast. The ending theme was also rather lovely. That cast is what makes me enjoy this show more than The Wind Rises though.

A lot of times, a great and loveable cast can save a show or make an okay/great one even better. Fune wo Amu is one such show for me.

9/10 I loved it

I thought it was pretty bad. Another movie-lenght stretched out to 4 hours. I've seen it like last week and honestly I don't remember anything from it >like who those two are or anything.

Leaving quality aside where did the idea of the comparison even came from?
The two were making completely opposite points.

Were they? Maybe I'm an idiot then. Do you mean like how The Wind Rises has the main character try to complete his goal by himself while neglecting those around him whereas Fune wo Amu's realizes his own limits and asks for the help of his co-workers and peers? Something like that?

The reason I brought it up is because both were about a main character striving to achieve a single goal in their life stopping at nothing to make it a reality. They also both have the main character get married along the way who affect their work in different ways.

I mostly just brought it up to say I like Fune wo Amu more because of its characters, but not really to put The Wind Rises down.

The point of The Wind Rises was that the protagonist's obsession brought misery to everyone around him, from the people that eventually would get affected by his invention to his dying wife that he neglected and mistreated (see the fantastic scene where that one time he finally comes home and his wife wants to spend time with him he still fucking works, so she is content of holding his hand, and HE ASKS IF HE CAN FUCKING SMOKE next to her despite her health).
While FwA does nothing but glorify the dream of the protagonists, including the absurd work conditions that apparently don't effect his marriage in any way whatsoever (not that there was any explanation for the girl marrying him in the first place. Actually everything was just handed to him, from the wife to the perfect job for his kind of autism that just lands on his lap).

>not remembering the cutest couple
for shame

Why not 10?


what a loser

He's /our guy/

It was better than I expected, but the second half had too many montages and the finale was lacking.

Nishioka was a top bro. Him telling off the professor about his mistress was the best scene.

It was good.
But I feel like people would hate it just because it doesn't have the "everyone is happy and everything will be allright" denouement(Old man dying hit really hard, and the bro staying out of the project and having a heavy blow dealt to his carriere were also notable points) but it's also what I liked about this show; it's not a tragedy, but it has many sad moments, it's not a slice of life, but it has it's simple moments, it's not heavily ported on romance but it has nice love stories unfolding, and more than anything, it's a solid story.

It was unmemorably okay.

It was pretty decent but leaves absolutely zero lasting impact.

It was boring and unbelievable that everyone was so excited for a fucking dictionary. The girl who joined would've quit within a week, imagine being a hot young Stacy and being moved from writing fashion articles to dictionary making?

What do they have to be proud of anyway? They slaved over it for years and all they made was a totally unnecessary dictionary that no one will buy, has an overdramatic offputting name, wasn't fun to make and adds nothing of value to society. The company had every right to shut down the project and somehow we're meant to root for the main characters disrespecting their wishes and doing everything in their power to keep their useless dictionary alive. What an awful message to your audience!

I have more respect for NEETs than I do the characters in this show because at least NEETS aren't under the delusion they're doing something of value. All they did was everyone's time and money to feel good about themselves. Absolutely pathetic.

>This thread
>People who liked it write a single sentence
>People who didn't like it write 3 paragraph about what bugged them
Sup Forums really is a tsundere.

Yeah. Everyone claim that the live action is better but I prefer the anime version

I might give it another shot. After the wife showed up out of no where I sort of lost interest since the main thing I liked about it was the realism or at least the celebration of the mundane.
A random love interest arriving out of no where doesn't quite fit with the theme of the slow grind needed to make a difference in the world.

How do you describe north, user?

Anime had better voices.

Opposite of South.

Is Majime /ourguy/?

Then how do you define south?

It's one direction in a magnetic field or coordinate system.

The anime was a bit lackluster, it was like there was a first part and a ending without the middle part.
The movie was miles better and I understand why it won so much, but I still wouldn't call it masterpiece.

Should have gone full homo.

This, overated and pretentious.

Also the characters really sucked balls, starting with the main character and his "relationship" with his wife who has feeling for him after talking to him like twice.

No, it was boring as fuck (despite the fact that I'm SOLfag)

Its a bad record for your resume if you quit your job right away.

The opposite of North, user.
I'm smart, right?

Started off interesting but after the time skip it really just became boring

The best parts of the show were watching Majime be an autistic retard around the girl he likes and watching Nishioka and Majime bro it up.

They're both relegated for some forced dictionary drama plotline that went no where and had pretty much 0 reason to occur since it changed absolutely nothing.

Wasted potential.

Yes, but what's a Mobius Strip?

Silly user, It's the strip of a Mobius.

And what's a Mobius, then?

Best boy

This shot for some reason is the only thing I remember from the show. Otherwise, a flat 'eh' is how I feel.


Loved the movie. Didn't bother to watch the anime.

really boring main character
useless insight into his starting relationship only to be omitted with a timeskip

if anything it felt like Nishioka was more of the MC of this show, constantly giving us updates on his character developement, state of his relationship and his motivation to help out dictionary team even though he moved to another department

oh i almost forgot to mention Nishioka was absolutely BASED

Until the timeskip yes.