How do we make Love Live a better anime?
How do we make Love Live a better anime?
- Remove Eli
- Remove the stupid Honoka and Kotori drama
- Have the girls do more School Idol stuff
There you go, those are the main problems solved
We don't because it's glorious already.
>one off
>seiyuu farts while getting fucked
Poor honk
More A Rise
I will never understand this 2.5D shit. Why should I give a fuck if the whole "seiyuu was in a JAV" thing is true?
It doesn't detract from the character, who was the second best after Nico by the way.
Remove Nico
Seconding this
>look at pic
>look at post number
Pic related
>after Nico
Shit taste
This. I want more like when the leader girl was flirting with Maki in the movie.
You forgot to remove Nico and Umi too.
Put them in mechs.
More Nico, remove everyone else.
Add Rukia.
>More Maki
>Soldier game unit
>Dispose of Nico-shit
>Animate the Idol Festival adventures
>More Arise
>More from the blonde Imouto
>No musical structure like the movie
>More filler
I like that.
Put them all in Gundams and make them dance.
And then what?
More solo and group songs
The whole cast is good but they don't always have to be together
Also explain why in gods name Maki turned into a little girl that one time
Replace the cast with Americans
Make a new season where each episode is themed after one of their songs.
There is no need for that. Emitsun is still our leader, one of LL's best singers and I support her no matter what.
Well said and I agree.
Remove Sunshine.
>Remove yourself
We already have Sunshine, which fixed a lot of OG's problems.
Double, no, triple the yuri.
Add action, yuri, sex, and a guy. They need a man.
I can't understand how Nico can be so best and worst simultanously.
You're 50% right
The girls strip to their underwear after they finish singing.
It's the curse of being a meme character.
Give them stands
I would actually watch it desu.
Who does those drawings? I saw one in a South American LL fanpage and while I like them, the size of her thighs freaks me out
all of them naked
the only correct answer is remove every single one of them and make a series about maki and nico as they get into some wild, wacky antics. probably one episode where maki meets a nice boy and decides to never see him again so she can just have fun with nico (and she's still really young and all). would it be better if it also extended to a period of time where nico is in college and maki is still in high school?
More datenshi yohane.
remove all those incredibly awkward scenes where the all just look at each other in the eyes and giggle individually one after another for a solid five minutes.
Like Christ, it just feels painful to sit through.
She is cute.
It represents her hidden emotions that she was only able to show in childhood.
The pitch, man. That fucking high pitch.
They meet the "chicken, how are you?" autist and get caught up in his shenanigans.
>Remove Nico
>More A-Rise , make them actual rivals
>No drama
>speed up the process of getting all the girls together so that we can get more SoL and songs
>all these losers wanting to remove Nico
There's basically no point in watching it without her. She was the only memorable part of the show.
Remove Honk for starters
Sex scenes
cut drama shit
add some males
Add a male MC and make it a harem.
Yuri harem.
More Honk
>male shit
OP didn't ask "ways to ruin the show"
You have to go back
Hanayo is my favorite Love Live, she deserves more screen time with Rin!
This boards practically 50% /u/ already after running it through the shit filter.
The truth is one of the only worthwhile threads on Sup Forums that isn't rampant with anons who have a commitment to acting brain stunted is an obvious /u/ series.
We all know which thread I'm talking about and we've all been in it.
It's simple. We cut out all the forced drama that basically says none of them actually give a rat's fucking ass about each other outside of the group.
Kotori decides to leave to study abroad and Honoka temporarily loses her shit over trivial setbacks. All of a sudden everyone is like fuck everybody else, you're all bitches, I never liked you anyway, you're all terrible people, kill yourselves.
I'm like, what? Thought everyone was friends.
Also, check 'em.
oh, shit -- but would watch
I mean, I really enjoyed the show as it was. It just really bothered me that it seemed like the story went out of its way to make sure I understood that the group was basically the only thing holding them together. Like I said, things happen and everyone is at each other's throats and ready to go their separate ways.
Hell, some of them were actually friends and had been since childhood. But Hanako having a weak moment, actually being human for a short time, was enough for them to be all like, "nah, fuck you. You're no longer this shining pillar of strength that we could use to make up for our own personal failings, so we're done."
And that's another thing. What kind of fucked up shit is that to do to someone else? We were only your friend because you make up for our shortcomings? What kind of responsibility is that to put on someone else, least of all someone you call a friend?
Eat shit. But work on your own issues and self-betterment while you're munching on it. Don't put it all on your so-called "friend" to do it for you.
Now that I think about it, why did Hanako not just tell them to all fuck off and find people worth spending time with?
>Eat shit
no u
I wasn't actually directing that at you.
i know retard
More Nico
Cut out about 3 of the girls and focus on the 5 or 6 left
Wow, looks like some shitneck faggot janny deleted my first post in the thread. Sorry for actually posting on-topic. Won't happen again.
why are all screencaps 720p? there wasn't a 1080p version on nyaa before it was taken down -- or does a 1080p version not exist? i have 720p myself
End it at the first season so we can have more Sunshine!
>wanting upscales
>actually wasting the bandwidth to download them
one of the girls gets diagnosed with cancer and LEAVES PRACTICE EARLY
Neo-Sup Forums.
love live but it's sakura trick and whenever these two are found alone shit starts getting heavy.
>kill all the annoying characters (all the characters except nozomi and maki )
which girl has a jav seiyuu ? please tell me she's not maki's seiyuu
>remove all yuri undertones
>remove shit drama
>more lives
>more training
>more singing
>more idolshit
Make a best girl Umi episode.
Remove Honoka.
Make a best girl Umi anime
Literally setting us up to fail. im@sfags should be euthanized.
Remove Rin
By making it the next season of Mao HiME.
How did everything go so right with this show?
How did everything go so wrong with SHITm@ster?
im@s is a concentration of Love Live's flaws into a huge spiral of autism.
Which ones?
Who's telling the truth?