Headpats for Yunyun!
Yunyun Syundays!
Other urls found in this thread:
boobslaps for Yunyun!
Paizuri the yunyuns!
Cold shoulder for Yunyun!
Miscarriages for Yunyun
Leave Sup Forums please. No one likes Yunyun.
Best party with Yunyun!
Are these two love rivals or something?
One is a good girl; the other is a loliko.
yeah, sure "rivals"
Lunch with Yunyun!
Breast girl finally getting attention
I know what it is already
Best rivals
Shakes for Yunyun!
Yun Yun is for lewd
Jesus, I know being Yunyun is suffering, but this is ridiculous.
Do ya mean hugs
Is there an actual reason that Yunyun is bullied so badly? Or is it just that she's a comic relief character by default?
Yunyun's yunyuns are so big and floppy.
It doesn't come across in the show, but she's really needy and pushy to the point of being overbearing. Also 0 social skills.
She's the breast girl.
I'll be her boyfriend
what's the designated aqua day?
It was wednesday, but it didn't stick.
fuck, wish I came around here more often
Friendship for Yunyun!
That's not a bad outfit swap. I give it a 7.
Does this apply to Konosuba?
even rpg books nowadays have this stutter typing faggotry?
It's absolutely bonkers, my man. Burn all weebs.
Look mom! I posted it!
Yunyun jealous of How megumin looks good in her outfit
Megumin is jealous of Yunyun's breasts, so they're even.
I'd genuinely befriend Yunyun and not bully her.
I love Yunyun! Yunyun is cute!
Yunyun is a good girl.
Volume 11 raws nowhere to be found...
Hail Victory!
Because Megumin is a tsundere.
why would anyone keep this on their drive?
Pretty much everyone in the Konosuba threads has it by now.
Yes, even you.
Everyone, I'm gonna FUCK Yunyun!
Megumin pls
>Megumin fucking Yunyun while they wear maid outfits
Someone needs to fund this.
Kuzuma, you're too beta to do that.
And she's more of a complete woman than Megumin.
I can't stand clingy people but I really feel bad for her
Have the WEBm version too user.
look at those yunyuns fly! I want to touch them.
>Giant breasts
>Complete woman
This screencap is cancer.
Where were you, user, when Sup Forums hit rock bottom?
Yunyun agrees. Unfortunately one of the complications during her miscarriage was also cancer.
Fortunately, the cancer flushed itself out of her system and got out of there.
Dick for Yunyun!
Hugs for Yunyun!
I would honestly be Yunyun's friend and hive her plenty of hugs and friendship. I'd even be sex friends with her and give her plenty of dick too.
punches for yunyun
Yunyun is too prissy and scared to climb the stairway to adulthood with you like that, user.
>those legs
It says "Y = Yes", you monkey fucker.
>it was only two months ago
My how time flies
Take your shitty screencaps back to Sup Forums.
Stop Yunyun bullying
how nu
Megumin will always be Yunyun's best friend/rival
i like to look at the sex panel and ignore the dialog and pretend that she's having happy consensual sex with Kazuma
>an hour
That is grammatically correct?
Their child will be the chosen one.
>more than 3 replies
>in a Yunyun thread
>not pronouncing it "how-er"
Do you have an uncensored version? I don't like keeping black squares on my hard drive.
>You'll never paizuri anons because you don't have any boobs
She's sweating because of where Megumin's left hand is going.
Where is it going?
I want to make Yunyun a happy mother.
megumeme pls
Memegumin has other tricks.
i'm not good enough to be megumeme
That's gay
Why does she wear the tie?
It's not a tie, it's a magic eyetem. It draws your attention.
How would Yunyun react if you gave her a hug and told her that she'd always be your friend?
She would visit Eris because the reality would reject such abomination.
Or more likely, you would. Yunyun finally gets a friend only to have him/her/it killed by seemingly random explosion out of nowhere.
Why would anyone ever friendzone himself to such a cutie?