Pros versus Cons. I was hit by a car on my BMX 26er after an intentional kolonopin od. I was born in 72 and was ready to die by 2013. lost 2 friends previously to self-inflicted gunshot wounds via hotel and neighborhood backyard as place of choice, both friends as circa 90s liberals into death metal and old school hardcore and metal. Both of my friends died via alcohol and depression. What should I do besides follow suit?
You aren't special you attention seeking faggot
gym tan laundry
Become Mormon
Open a bible you dumb fuck
Burn in hell you, are fucking cringe garbage. Even if your joking, never suggest such a thing. Mormons are a cult.
Live because alcohol is a fucking painful way to go. Most people die from cirrhosis. I've had two family members with it and it's excruciatingly painful not to mention it takes a long time to actually kill you.
First, you'll become too frail and weak to walk on your own. Breathing will become a chore, your liver will fill up with fluid slowly and fail.
I was a hardcore drinker from 2011 to earlier this year. I had enough and finally checked myself into an inpatient detox for a few days. Haven't touched it since.
Life gets a lot better. Dying from alcohol is not a way to go and I had one foot in the grave, felt sick as shit every single day before I quit. Quit and make a new life for yourself.
>Beer belly
>Bad choices
>Poor coordination
>Did I mention bad choices?
>You are not sober.
Be fucking stubborn and strive to live in the face of your certain doom.
As Master Shake once said; "... it is the duplicitous edge we all walk upon."
You forgot a con and t's the worst one. Withdrawals. Some people don't get them and most don't experience bad withdrawals but I did. I don't wish them on anyone. It took a week for mine to start subsiding and two weeks to be completely free of them.
Where do you live? A shithole?
Seek Christ.
Can I have your permission to pray for you?
All organized religion is a cult you fucking retard. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Plenty of people are saved by it.
Stop being a liberal and be proud to be white. Unless you're not white. Then kill yourself.
You’re stuck in the past user. Your memories, your music, I would reckon you are in a rut because you are constantly looking back and not towards the future. Make yourself a plan to better your life and stick to it. Men derive intense satisfaction from manifesting their will in the world, that a biological fact. So God’s speed user
Now kindly fuck off to /fit/ so we can keep talking about politics
well user you have 2 choices.
1.) shed yourself of your liberal mindset. the same mindset that caused your friends to off themselves, and the same one which led you to od on klonopin. you are autistic enough to be posting this on a Korean knitting forum, so there might be a glimmer of hope for you yet. then theres option 2
2.)KYS you braindead liberal shit
the choice is yours.
if you choose option 2 plz livestream with timestamp so we know its you
I struggle with drinking. I don't drink that much but when I do I drink past blackout levels. If I can get my hands on any coke then I can drink non-stop for days in a row without eating anything.
I'm pretty fed up with it. I'm not big on the idea of checking in anywhere though.
>I'm not big on the idea of checking in anywhere though.
Neither was I and it was fucking miserable. It was the worst three days of my life. The first thing they did was immediately gave me medicine and an IV to get all of the alcohol out of my system so that the withdrawals kicked in right away. Every other person there was ordered there by the courts, I was the only one who walked in there voluntary.
It was worth it though.
I will tell you from personal experience not wanting to check into anywhere. it's incredibly inconvenient and disruptive to your life in general. however having the choice of going to inpatient and deal with the temporary bs, or have my life change in multiple negative ways forever. I chose inpatient. its worth it user, even if only for 30 days to get your wits about you and clear out your system.
Religion isn't happening. Born catholic via Scots/Irish first gen Americana. I'm glad people want me to die or find Jesus, but I'm trying to step back back from pal's shit. I have him in a vial next to my bedside like a some coke or something, Should probably dump dude in a river and have a Tullamore to my lost mate?
Smoke weed OP, I wish my father had learned about THC being a magical pain cure before dying. Instead, you have people actually poisoning themselves with Alcohol and Opiates to drown out the pain rather than treating the root cause: NERVES AND CIRCULATION.
It's weird to me because I actually have found that life's simple pleasures are easier to enjoy when you are aren't overly blessed.
My smoke, I mean consume. Slather CBD's on yourself if you are afraid of your appearance to norms. CBD's actually elevate clarity, but they don't help the pain like THC. That being said, the lower you keep your tolerance, the better Cannabis operates. I have double ulnar neuropathy, and permanent back problems from being hit by a car. All the helps is lifting 5 lb weights in the morning and smoking a bowl each night.
Christianity is natural law told through parables & the cornerstone of western civilization. Do u even logos fedora fag.
go get some poppy seeds(papaver somniferum), and plant them, then fertilize them with your buddy. then use the opium from your poppies to kill the pain.i went from a 200$/day oxy habit to just using the opium I grow myself every year. I look forward to harvest time each year, tending to them is therapeutic too.
Holy fuck. The last thing I thought I would hear is the I'm liberal. Haha. Can I set the record straight that I that I was born in the 70s, and thus, hate indoctrination? shit. Don't play the social media diversity trip on me. I am pro culture. Meaning, you can have yours.
I can't though I have a job. I can't just check out for a month.
Kratom helped me get of booze & dope. I go to the gym 4 - 5× a week & eat paleo. Nutrition is extremely important for overall mood. I feel organized and am not depressed anymore. The alt right has given me hope & lulz. It gets better. Not drinking is always the right choice.
>Mormons are a cult.
Every religion is a cult.
The Latter Day Saints are probably one of the only okay religions left on this planet.
I find life so dull though. Eating healthy and working out all the time gets super boring.
I find people boring and predictable. I literally drink to dumb/numb myself down.
To the recommendations of smokin herb and CBD, I have done both, I'm in Richmond, VA(no shame) born and raised in Marine Prk, Bklyn NY(also, no fucking shame). I am from the land of Carnivore and hard work. A lot odf us work for the city and also play in bands, But I digress,. Im done. I dont want to go to a kike doctor as my wife saus would benefit.
I'm not a fucking liberal for fucks sake. I'm old guard and have no problem with getting up and doing shit in the morning so fucking kill yourself with that faggy lazy bullshit.,
You fucking gay internet faggot (you know who you are).
Whew lad. You went full retard.
I'm not as drunk as the dude reading this. Help me out man. Your opinion matters
Sounds like music is your passion. Figure something out from there
Which is worse for the psyche, alcohol or weed?
I haven't touched weed since the end of November (also quit ciggarettes), but I find myself drinking more often. I do have to say that my dreams have been fucking awesome lately, although the ones about girls give me the feels.
Why are you riding a gay little cruiser 26er for, if you had a real BMX bike you wouldn't be so gay. I can bunnyhop a panhandler on my bike after getting bombed on kpins and pabst
Pure sobriety through a shitty life will wear your psyche harder than a drink or smoke
Self meditating was the only medicating before pharmajew
Depends on what you are praying for, user.
Learn to hand jive and change your name to Moominkeith De Bingo.
I don't know why, I just have a good feeling about it all.
Depression eh? I've got a black dog too (pic related. 'Canis' name & species)
Then cut down on the alcohol you drink.
Drink only on the weekends or once per month or on some special occasion.
Find something that inspires you. I quit drinking Nov 9th 2016 and only had a 6 pack ever since.
That BMW didn't kill you, because there is a reason you are here my friend. You just need to find it.
Christ OP if you can't get your shit together just kys, alcoholics are the most insufferable type of beta male to exist
Last one I ever interacted with was 5'7 manlet who married a woman who already two kids of her own, only to get cheated on by a pack of literal niggers and chased out of his home by those same niggers. He was too much of a fucking cuck to stand up to her so he'd just get blacked out drunk and vent it on my crew all the time.
Guy's now serving a 5 year sentence after getting busted for his third DUI, good fucking riddance, I'm trying to get a belt smuggled into his cell
Read the Gospel according to John. Then after that read the whole New Testament. My Grandfather recommended it to me and it shined a lot of light on me personally. Of course you still need to work on yourself everyday. I still am trying to abstain from sin myself. Goodday brother.
what am i looking at