New Big Shonen


What anime is this?

But the manga fucking sucks.


Black clover


Here's a cool picture of Black Clovers editor cosplaying as Asta, he really nails down the obnoxiousness of the character. On the right side you can see Tabata cosplaying as a talentless hack.

There is one man whose power is unmatched and thus known as the Wizard King. This is not his story. Rather, this is the story of Asta, a young man who, along with his best friend Yuno, compete with each other to become the next Wizard King. The only problem is that unlike Yuno, Asta has no magical powers, and despite all his physical training, he cannot compensate for his lack of magical abilities.
This all changes during the ceremony where everybody receives his own grimoires. While Asta receives nothing, Juno receives a rare four-leaf clover grimoire, the same type used by the first Wizard King. Later, Yuno is attacked by a thief hoping to steal his grimoire, but Asta, in the process of protecting his Yuno, receives a five-leaf black clover grimoire that contains an anti-magic sword inside. After defeating the thief, Asta continues his promise with Yuno of not stopping till one of them is the Wizard King



I did you memeloving shitlord.

The art's good though.

Could there be a more generic intro?

this can't be real

Is this the Madoka of Evangelion: Attack on Fairy Tail - The 7 Deadly Pieces edition?


>sorcery emporer

yeah, this is the OVA

Fucking literal autism


I fucking hate Asta

your autistic asshurt is the entire reason i do it

Looks like a fucking demotivational poster