Why do inbred middle class whites vote agaisnt their own economic interests?


Wouldn't it be nice if America was a white, homogeneous, high trust society like Norway?

I know, huh? No gibs.

Seriously? "Self respecting" and "no gibs" is an oxymoron.

Stay in Norway, then? No one gives a fuck about Nordcucks here.


California comes in around 47th as the dumbest state in the union. Google it.

Norway YES!

>petrol 3x the price
>$30 for hamburger
>police that can search you place without a warrant
>only one assigned dr , not of your choosing
>insane red tape making small business very difficult...

the US is under the control of jews who are using and pushing muslims, mostly poor, out of the middle east and Africa to make the US a bigger shithole

white people are used to fleeing, but rather to the burbs they will start flooding majority white states.

I know there are some good ones out there, but if you are white you should be boycotting all jews

Its a good country run by idiots.

I want to get out of Here. I'm thinking either Thailand or USA.

>petrol 3x the price
Most likely correct for most people
>$30 for hamburger
10-30 $ is the norm. Depends entierly on what and where you buy
>police that can search you place without a warrant
That is most likely true. But considering our legal system isnt broken its not that big of a deal
>only one assigned dr , not of your choosing
You get one doctor yes. Unhappy? Go to the website and change doctor. So no, not entierly goverment chosen
>insane red tape making small business very difficult...
Not really true. We focus on innovative design mostly. Small unsuistanable tech dosent survive. You need to be in a global perspective on most startups, goverment incentives those aspects of startups.

Lots more ecnonmic misunderstandings. Plenty of small buiz all over the nation. If you want to start a buiz with a small profit margin you shouldent. Thats not what we incentivise.

There are more Norwegian-Americans tha Norwegians.

By the way you forgot to mention Norway is tax country. I pay taxes for my income, my car which include horsepower tax, road tax, emission tax and taxed every time i drive to another municipilaty.

Beer is 10 dollaridos. "But you make a lot of money!" We also get taxed 35-40% of our income. Not to mention gas prices Are between 1-2 dollaridos per litre.

If you love to get taxed for everything. Including 25%tax on all foods you buy then you Are welcome Here.

Norway cares about their people

watching the US fall apart through diversity and jewish control of the economy schools media entertainment heath care politics

caring about YOUR tribe is a good thing

if you want diversity travel the world, mind your own business protect your people, learn form the huge mistakes of the US

thank you for telling the truth

Cause the people wanting them to do it call them inbred, and show a lack of respect for them.

A hatred for the rich is not a concern for the poor.

American has more cultural and racial conflict across state lines than Norway does in it's entire country. Is it any wonder that they can only do less when they have no aggregate culture on any scale larger than a town?

>hurr durr i watched 3 varg videos

I understand all of those except gun control. How the fuck is restricting the sale of guns "helpful" to the economy?

You tell me shitskin juan.

because leftism

>Why do inbred middle class whites vote agaisnt their own economic interests?
Holy shit all the hippie fucks in Boulder are inbred and that's why they vote against their own interests want Mexicans.


we have laws that prevent companies from paying people based on race or religion.
checkmate faggot

We don't need the government

Oh look, it's another "turn people against Norway" thread.

B-b-but Breitbart said Norway is a communist dystopia!!!


Why the fuck is anything on that list supposed to be a good thing?

happy to swap places with anyone from Norway