>Traps are gay, masturbating to traps is gay
>But crossdressing or self-inserting as the trap in a femalextrap manga is not gay.
Do you agree with these statements?
Traps are gay, masturbating to traps is gay
i think you're gay.
Who gives a shit?
Traps are CUTE
Alas, if only there was a board to discuss gender and identity politics.
Oh wait, there is. Fuck off.
Oh it's THIS thread again
I want to fuck Hime and make him gay
There is a very easy answer to this:
Dick + Dick = Gay
Vag + Vag = Gay
Dick + Vag = Straight
??? + ??? = Mental Disability
> anime traps
> cute
> kind
> lewd
> look like a girl
> real life traps
> disgusting
> not-feminine in the least
> self-centerred "look at me im a special snowflake" mentality
If there were any traps that actually looked and acted like cute girls I would fuck one. problem is there aren't any. even in porn it just looks like a man with a shit ton of make up on.
still gay?
pic is from Nanana's Buried Treasure. Good shit
It's technically true, but identifying with feminine characters isn't healthy either.
Hime is heterosexual though.
all you need to know
why is this funny
Both are gay
Why are you bringing real life into this topic?
The only ones who care about whether traps are gay are the "people" who are too invested in real life to understand that because 3D isn't important, the sole thing that matters is whether or not it is cute. It'd be kind of amusing if it wasn't so pathetic.
That actually makes sense.
Traps aren't gay if he's wearing a skirt.
Post more sexy traps
Holy shit, wrong kind of trap.
Doesn't matter. Just wank to whatever you like, who cares.
If you are the penetrator, it's not gay no matter what your fucking. If you receive at any point even if it is a girl or futa pegging you, you are gay.
No fuss no muss. Lesbos get their own special class.
Driller =Straight
Drilled =Gay
This is how the Greeks and Romans did it.
But people do have preferences of what they want to fuck. So not every driller is straight
If you didn't find the image in OP cute, you're fucking gay
He doesn't actually looks that cute in that pic.
There are better pics of him.
Traps are gay no matter what they wear. Genderbender is not gay because technically the guy is a girl now.
It's all gay.
Was that hand intentionally suppose to look like a dick?
Astolfo need a navel piercing.
You mean nipple piercings?
Nipple piercing on a trap?
Fapping to trap porn is the least gay thing there is. If you fap to gay porn, that's 2 guys, and that's 100% gay. If you fap to 'straight' porn, then that has a woman, sure, but you're also fapping to a guy, which makes it 50% gay.
Trap is like half male, half female, and thus a trap with a girl would add up to 75% girl, and thus only 25% gay. 2 women would be ideal, but that would be a lesbian relationship, which brings it around to gay again.
>trap isnt half female
Shes cute but hast dick, part of her is male and part of her is female. Its straight as attraction is oriented towards femininity
>2 women would be ideal, but that would be a lesbian relationship, which brings it around to gay again.
Gay for women != gay for men.
Also traps are gay unless it's trap on female like you said.
I don't feel gay regardless of what I fap to.
Not really.
This is a basic trap in Japanese media:
>sounds like a female
>looks like a female
>dresses like a female
>behaves like a female
>is submissive like a female
Nothing gay about fucking that even if you are a guy.
What is the problem?
Sexuality isn't defined by what you/it looks like, it's defined by the objective measure of sex, i.e. male or female.
If you subscribe to the notion that you are a biological female if you dress like one then I suggest going to tumblr.
>Sexuality isn't defined
>objective measure of sex
Not when it comes to 2D vietnamese finger paintings.
No thanks.
The concept of sex still exists in 2D. I highly recommend tumblr, that seems to be the sort of crowd you'd fit in best.
Thats not true though, modern research suggests that sexuality is a spectrum that can change overtime.
Dont cling to your old notions
I highly recommend you take your happy pills, because fictional depictions of impossible scenarios aren't going to reflect in reality. Stay salty, though.
You mean the modern "research" which advocates drivel like 348274923 types of gender? I mean you can be bisexual if that's what you're alluding to, but that's beside the point here.
>science is wrong because I dont like it
If you masturbate to fictional males as a male you are gay, or bisexual at least. It's not a hard concept to grasp.
>calling others salty when you're literally jumping through tumblr mental hoops to justify your delusional concepts of sexuality
>tumblr science is real because I like it
Trap memes were truly a mistake. So many tumblr retards like you here because of it these days.
No, because a fictional trap is nothing like a real world crossdresser. The distinction is ubiquitous that it is impossible for the real world opposite to be equivalent to that. And you never addressing the fact that traps in anime/manga are 99% of the time literally females in all but name.
>you being retarded enough to try and poison the well when proven you have nothing but nu-science bullshit to keep trying to put the real world faggotry with fictional ones that are drawings to arbirate your autistic beliefs
Salty, like I said.
Also the fact you are lashing out at no less then three different posters now is adorable.
>lets slap a label over objective facts that I dont like
>that will show them how wrong they are, no need for papers or sources to prove my pont
You could just read a peer reviewed article about it but I guess you would call the reviewers shills as well
Talk about denial
>fiction male
>that is literally a female in every way possible
>finding an equivalence to this in 3D
I don't think so, Cletus.
This i agree with
>males being sexually attracted to males is gay
>this is nu-science
Holy shit kill yourself back to tumblr.
But it is an objective fact that liking males as a male is gay. You arguing otherwise makes you a tumblr retard who probably takes gender neutral pronouns very seriously.
>Believing social "sciences" after the 70s
>Believing social "sciences" that have been hugely influenced by queer theory
You might as well be a flatearther.
Looking like a female doesn't make you one. This isn't tumblr where most people believe that.
Its gay if a male is attracted to another male in the real world. Funny how my sexuality doesn't cross that line outside of 2D ever. Which you don't address at all.
>looks like a female
>sounds like a female
>dresses like a female
>acts/behaves like a female
>traps ! = gay
I bet you think Freud is valid still too.
You can repeat yourself ad naseum with the same stupid circular argument, it won't be any more valid then the last time you spouted it you mongoloid.
I am not gay or bi
Id do a qt trap
ergo traps are not gay
Every time.
>Which you don't address at all.
You didn't give a rebuttal, you just gave a flat statement subjectively speaking. So no, you failed at that again.
>it's a retarded gay Sup Forumstard episode
>masturbating to males as a male is 'subjectively' gay
This is pretty pathetic to be quite honest. Maybe this kind of retardation works on tumblr but you'll have no luck peddling this idiocy here.
You didn't establish a correlation between 2D and 3D, so why should anyone give a shit about your retarded circular reasoning in the first place which you can't prove?
>I'll keep repeating tumblr this and tumblr that
>That's a valid defense!
In the same way that just because I'd laugh at an old film of a dude in blackface doing stupid shit, doesn't necessarily mean I hate niggers.
This. At one point you'll realize that yuri is shit because dicks and vaginas area meant to go together. Traps solve this issue elegantly and introduce the much needed cock in the relationship.
there is nothing gay about masturbating to something that looks like a girl
How are 2D males different from 3D males? Or rather, why does masturbating to 2D males not count as gay while 3D does?
Let me ask you this, is it gay to fap to explicit yaoi bara hentai? By your logic it isn't but I want you to confirm it.
>read a peer reviewed article about it
>posts no such article
>believing social sciences after being seized by liberals around vietnam war
>not realizing that psychologists that disagree with left agenda have been shunned by communities
>not realizing the suicide rate with or without operation in the same
>not realizing the only similar suicide rate was jews in nazi germany
>not realizing that it is a mental disorder
>being attracted to men with mental disorders who think they are women and end up killing themselves because tey dont get real help
all of these reasons make you a shitty person, even in 2d you are a faggot and pushing an agenda that has people killing themselves
That's not the tangent you retard. I asked you how something that is literally drawn and depicted as a girl in all but name has an equivalent to 3DPD traps/trans/men? Which you never addressed and kept going through mental gymnastics to avoid.
So explain how this gay bara shit remotely compares to something that looks like a girl.
Yuri is the purest form of love.
Yuri is garbage.
Both are gay, Now kill yourself.
>depicted as a girl in all but name
The male genitalia is the key part. You know, the common thing between all males.
Again, dressing up as a girl does not magically alter your biological sex or your genitals. Traps are biological males, and therefore it is gay to fap to them as a male. Now this is the part where you throw a fit and refuse to argue against this point.
I am
if you think jacking off to a man isnt gay i dont think i can convince you 2d trap porn isnt gay. by the same logic of it not being real i guess you arent jacking off to females either. you jack off to drawings which that itself is also super fucking gay.
>liking 3d women
yea its called being a normal person who is part of society
Wrong. Again, you repeatedly fail to address the fact that there is no equivalent or equal in 2D traps with the real world. And again you fail to make an argument or prove your claim that it operates or associates with 3DPD versions of it. You fail at this by trying to impose real world attributes onto a fictional character.
Try again, liberal science fag.
Death Squad
I can prove you wrong right here and right now:
>fap to 2D traps only
>never fap to any gay shit in 3D
Argument debunked.
I even added that last sentence in my previous post to try bait you into providing an argument, but I guess it was naive to expect a mentally ill tumblrite to actually use logic.
>if I keep using tumblr/tumbrlite my subjective claims will be more valid
>people who only fap to 2D women aren't actually straight because they don't fap to 3D
You simply only like anime boys like many people here only like 2D and not 3D.
It's funny how that seems to be the only parts of my posts you're capable of reading. It's as if you care more about rebutting me calling you tumblr than the actual argument at hand. Really made me think.
>can't even into reading comprehension
Autistic piss-ant detected. So unless you plan on coming into my apartment and staring at my dick, you can't remotely debunk what I said at all factually in any way.
>you can't prove me wrong so I'm right
Let me guess, you're 13 years old and just started arguing about religion on the internet.
>literally still can't rebuke anything and is this desperate for (You)s
You're gay and you can't prove to me that you're straight, so I win. Any further replies are pointless now that we've reached this conclusion.
I don't think so, kiddo.
good debate lads