ReleaseTheMemo Leaked

Obama, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, FBI, NSA, DNC and the remaining Deep State hold overs ran a Sting Operarion against Trump Team at Trump Tower before and after the campaign and especially during the transition all the way to current Mueller which is supposed to look for any type of dirt on Trump unrelated to the point of the investigation which again is a Total Sham.

Let it be crystal clear. The 2016 elections were meddled with but the major caveat was that Dems were meddling with it at all levels and that Russia was their "just in case" plan.

This is WaterGate on steroids and the memo's main point is leaked.

Other urls found in this thread:

fake news, wait and see

Nice try but this called insurance in case it doesn't get released. Congressmen leak too and often.

This is literally why Wikileaks exists.

Someone with the memo should press send right now.

just scan and upload

$1 mil reward for the memo.

Wikileaks has been compromised for some time now. Has there still been any actual proof that assange is alive?

I am just a little skeptical about all this... Enough of the wrong people (MSM, CNN, etc) have articles demanding that the GOP release this memo (alright being framed in a way to make it seem like its damaging to the GOP).

>finally realize mueller is /ourguy/ (not their guy)
>need to nip it in the bud to prevent a total system-wide failure
>throw the GOP/People a bone and implicate a few headline grabbing names
>"OK! ALL DONE HERE! Mueller, you may leave now"
>The Swamp; it remains.

Stay vigilant. Don't take the bait; keep your eye on the prize.

yup, crazy it's taken this long for ppl to realize.

Can't scan, it's only observable in a SCIF.

Still, it's a good thing some have photographic memory.

The problem is not courage. There are assuredly people in possession of the memo who would leak in a heartbeat, damn the consequences. The problem is actually leaking it. WikiLeaks is compromised and has been since the election. Sending the memo to WL is a great way to get yourself killed and accomplish nothing for your trouble. All congressmen are being watched 24/7. The government possesses the capacity to DDOS major portions of the internet itself for hours at a time, as we saw during the election. News won't cover it unless they have absolutely no choice, in which case the leak will have already happened anyway. The leak would need to be done very carefully in order to reach the eyes of the public, which is the point.

I missed it, had computer probs all day
What fucking memo?
How would a copy of the fisa stuff implicate dems? At best it'll show what we already know, that the dnc paid for the steele dossier
What does it have to do with the obama admin?
Why would anyone be arrested?
What have i fucking missed. My feed is exploding but apparently being 12 hours behind is like being in the stone age

There's a memo that reveals the extent of the Dems' corruption and treason. It has been presented to Congress. Awaiting leak now.

Basically FBI user was right about everything all along.

WL is not the only way to leak. It be adviced not to so that it doesn't get tainted.

Nah there's good congress members who have tweeted, read and are clear that this justifies Trump and condemns the dems. Media will try to use reverse psychology tactics so that when it comes out they can say we demanded the truth.

>There's a memo that reveals the extent of the Dems' corruption and treason.
Who issued this memo?
How do we know it actually reveals criminal activity and not just bad pr for dems

His brain is in a jar in a government lab under Dulce, New Mexico but it does have an internet connection.

The point of any potential leak is to get the memo in front of as many eyes as possible.

Simply posting it on the internet would accomplish nothing. It needs to be disseminated, widely, and you can be assured that the government will crack down hard on anything less than a full-scale too big to suppress leak.

Admiral Rogers, I would not be shocked, he did vist the White House without permission.

Entire memo implicates all conspirators with proof.


Cia not the NSA. The nsa was likely ones giving Trump the heads up

Good thought. Too fashy though. These are faggots you're appealing to. Needs to be...fagier.

Who handles 702s and checked.

Well shit
Looks like we might have to wait a week
I wonder, if dems suddenly roll over on cr, it could mean they don't want to look like they're holding the country hostage to keep the doc classified

house oversight requested ALL the 702s ages ago. Many of them are unsigned...

>just in case plan
It's called an insurance policy OP.

Release the memo and watch it be reaffirmed, liberals and leftists only care about the rights of illegal aliens, minority criminals and foreigners actively trying to kill us


They can't drop HR as she has dirt on them.

8 years scandal free!

Have them send it to me and I'll shitpost it all over the internet.

my theory is that the government will shut down today

the democrats will try and blame the GOP for it

But then the memo will be released proving them wrong

Thats right, fellow democrat!
Trump will be imbeached!
Release the memo!

Release it to Alex Jones or James O'Keefe. Fuck leak it to Ron Paul or all 3




Don't you mean Logan Paul?

Which websites???

Incase you didn't know, none of the "articles" from are real

the only leaks will be word of mouth until it's leaked. News media publications are feigned wanting to release it via Trump so they can claim interferences by the White House.

This has to be officially done right by the numbers.

I just got here, what the fuck is going on? Whats so special about this memo?

Here's here!

fake news. This is a report written by Nunes and given Nunes' record nobody will give a shit. This not some bombshell leaked memo from inside obama administration. This is basically Nunes pontificating on why FBI unlawfully exposed his very small penis.

OH MY.wav

This is Rodgers final shot at the Deep State.
Hence why he's retiring.
NSA has had the goods the entire time.
The full report on the illegal taps of Trump tower have been sent to congress, classified Top Secret.
People want the memo out.
D.C. is about to burn.


here's your proof faggot

oh.. OH FUCK
>My hype meter is stuck at fucking 12 right now


That's old hat

>Democrats abuse FISA for political ends
>GOP still renews it so Democrats can abuse it again if they ever take control of the executive
How cucked can cuckservatives get?

Susan Rice is the keystone.


Bingo, and she was the most sloppiest when she did it, because non of this was supposed to get out, because H was supposed to win.

Can't wait to see how they spin this to be Trump's fault!

They have to spin it, some more than others because they were part of the conspiracy to meddle with the elections. WL already proved this fact.

#1 on twatter world wide.

admiral rogers wouldn't have issued the memo, it's probably written by the house oversight committee or whatev, released to congress as top secret

AFAIK admiral rogers only did his job and duty as an american and a patriot, and that was informing trump of the law being broken. If the republic survives this, rogers is probably coming out of it as a goddamn hero


Nice digits and it's Friday too.

The memos proof is based on Rogers...

Ever wonder why NSA recommendation was a "shrug" on the Russian Meddling file?
Activate your almonds anons.

Occupy Dem trying reverse meme? Good laughs

The real happening is not long away this is the litlle one, the other bigger one will be the child organ-traficking, pedophiles and blackmails methods ,that all of the DNC is involved along with Podesta and Obama,with the satanic stuff that goes along

it will be a domino effect

p.s. its the final countdown

What do Nunes and Rogers have in common?

Both were critized for going to the White House, why?

Nunes did as soon as he was read in on all the FISA requests.

Rogers handles the 702s and he is privy to all of them. Clapper lied multiple times under oath when asked this question.

>tfw almost everyone who reads that trump quote won't understand how fucking smart it is

Not only smart but he was putting them all on notice.

The memo is a report from the house intelligence committee

Explain it to me. I'm dumb.

Based on what evidence? Paper trial and testimony behind closed doors.

Question, any dems wanting this memo to be released?

They desperately attempted to sideline Nunes.

Fifth column.

Almonds activated. Remember when the republicans where shot at, who was the most hurt and what was his role?


When Trump said my wires were tapped was the understatement of the century.

>given Nunes' record

Of lawfully viewing a classified document in a secured setting, recusing himself for ethics investigation despite having done nothing wrong, having been cleared of any wrongdoing for the complete legal action for which he was called a traitor and an oathbreaker by the Democrats, and having the temerity to say he believed it was possible that government officials in a Democratic administration could have committed wrongdoing despite the squeaky (Fast and Furious) record (Project Cassandra) of ("double tap" drone strikes) the (unconstitutional appropriations) Obama (Iran ransom) Administration (IRS non-profit discrimination).

Drumpf is really finished this time. Enough GOP will vote for impeachment because of this to end his fascist dictatorship once and for all!

>she had the entire USA spying for her, on top of shills, dead people, the President and (((foreign donors)))
>she still managed to lose

Is there a more JUST woman then Hillary?

The bot are already passing these kind of images around.

>govt shutdown

>Trump tweets

>well, I'm not gonna stop working, heres the memo.

Steve Scalise, Majority Whip. What's the significance user?


No. We're spreading these to gaslight liberals into thinking releasing the memo will be bad for Trump.

Human trafficking. Pelosi and end sent his office a bunch of pizza on the day he was shot

holy fuck!



>next closest is 72k

Fifth column is basically what the CIA does. They undermine nations and governments in order to foment revolution/rebellion.

Arab spring - CIA fifth column
Ukraine - CIA fifth column

It's been going on for decades. Trump is saying either he's going to stop it in America, or he's going to stop it entirely.

Word is that it gets leaked later tonight and officially released on Satuday.

1/20 to the day. Trump's swearing in as President of the United States.

Kek quads and checked

Holy shit

Going to be a hell of a ride, boys. Get comfy

This guy knows what he's talking about. Follow the reaction to media. They already know the entire story. They've known about this corruption from the getgo as the Obama administration and the mainstream media have long been in bed together. Whenever the media avoids a certain topic, you know you're onto something big. They smeared Nunes to the point that he almost had to recuse himself because he was getting to the bottom of this. The corrupt media is complicit in this scandal.

This was the preemptive propaganda used to make sure people won't question how hilary won

Hannity referred to this as "bigger than Watertgate". Republican mouthpieces on Twitter are calling it the "end of the democratic party".

This shit better be worth it. I would love nothing more to see the D crash and burn. I'll be very pissed if this is being overhyped.

illegal wiretaps implies Obama used the FBI to take out Trump.

this is big if true.

Ever since the election they all have forgotten the power of weaponized autism, on this day we will remind them.

Somebody archive this bread for future told you so's

Scalise was investigating pedophilia networks and criminals, meeting people, getting info on what's going on, etc.

He was taken to a hospital were a lot of people seem to accidentally die on purpose. His health worsened big time, then Trump takes time out for a personal visit to the guy, gets his personal doctors to take care of him, suddenly he's recovering instead of dying.

Dems then send scalise a pizza. Because hey, that's what mafia's do, and dems just can't help themselves.

Is this worth staying up for

Put this bitch in Jail.

"The job of the whips is to maintain communication between the leadership of the party and its members, marshal support for party positions on the floor, count votes on key legislation, and persuade wavering members to vote for the party"

Getting warmer...

No. Nothing's going to change for hours/days.

Maybe when you wake up in the morning you'll get to read some new stuff.