>niggers killing nigger lovers
Maybe white women are just garbage individuals?
dont be wracist, all women are infantile.
he dun nuttin bad-mannered
only coalburners
Lmao and if a white man did it you would all claim it was because she cheated on him. Fucking cucks this board I swear.
non sequitur
straw man
The race war cannot come any sooner.....my god what have these kike bastards done to our country.
white men are not violent monkeys
Kangs be strangling
Mudsharks get what they deserve.
Why did he do it? What's the reason? No one would use such high level of violence with no justification
God himself eradicates mudsharks from the Earth through the hands of these simple creatures.
What about Hispanic girls, is that okay?
>Elijah Nogington strangles woman
Naming these creatures after jews does not tame them.
Whites generally can control themselves.
This actually so retarded. Have ever seen a mixed race child?
Hispanic is too vague, it's really case by case. Some Hispanic girls are white, some are pure mezo-American. If your kids will look like you, do it, if not, go find a white qt.
Your daily reminder this is what your ZOG worshiping grandfathers died for.
Kill yourself
Toll status:
Bet her dad is a racist now.
>if a white man did it
Why would anyone post when some random whitey kills his ex? It's not in line with the board's propaganda.
>toll: paid
Haha that's funny because I look like a Poo in Loo
>aw hell naw
ok jew pls stop posting this
Make white woman+black man=dead woman
I was in Miami in July for 3 weeks.
Jesus christ Amerifats, how many old jews, niggers and cubans can one state have?
I mean the degeneracy in Miami was top tier, hot bimbos en masse wanting foreign cock but jesus f. christ the last time I saw this degeneracy level at partys and bars was in Berlin and thats really saying something.
And its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot there.
why do you have that saved to your computer?
Because most of the amerifats here have insane complexes and it manifests in weird fetishs they dont even realize they have.
Theres no propaganda nigger just actual reporting of niggers typical vile subhuman acts. I hope a pack of niggers rapes you and smashes your head in because you want to hide their crimes.
Propaganda is not a bad thing you memeflag faggot. Where you from, Turkey? I didn't imply we should stop posting/talking about black on white crime. But you have to agree there's a disproportionate number of black vs white crime posting than white vs white (WW2 not included) crime. You're making a lot of assumptions and sound like a fool.
got lazy