Why didn't you tell me Five Star Stories was back Sup Forums? I thought it was on hiatus forever

Why didn't you tell me Five Star Stories was back Sup Forums? I thought it was on hiatus forever.

I guess Sup Forumsnons here are too young to even know what it is.

It's been back for like four fucking years (with another short hiatus in there). This fact has been mentioned various times in the last, I repeat, four fucking years. It's not our job to go and update every random out-of-the-loop schmuck daily on things that happened while Valvrave was airing.

Most people don't read FSS because it hasn't been translated in a very long time.

Scans have been posted on /m/ for almost a year now, where were you at?

IIRC archive scans was thinking of paying for a translation of the lastest 2(or 3?) volumes so you should check him out.
Also, this

Well shit, I'm out of the loop then. I don't browse /m/, guess I better start. Why is it not being translated?

Only nips care about it after the Gothicmeido re design.

Wasn't Gothicmade just a movie that looked vaguely like FSS made by the same author? Did it ever come out? I thought it was cancelled too.

So, bring me up to speed with this since I've known of FSS for ages, but never bothered to read the manga. What's up with these redesigns? Going off of what I've read on /m/, Nagano retconned their designs, but was this just something that spontaneously happened in the manga because Nagano felt like it, or was there some kind of in universe reason for the redesigns?

>Why is it not being translated?
The only translations we ever got were the official English release, done by Nagano's own company, and those stopped around 2005/6 for whatever reason. Those stopped short of the hiatus, too, if I remember right. Supposedly no one ever scanlated it because it's hard to translate (and there's a lot of text, too, obviously).

Gothicmade came out, it just isn't on BD (it plays in special theaters when enough people request it) because of something about him wanting a 4K release, so maybe we'll get that soon. What that guy's talking about is a canonical redesign of the FSS mechs to look like the Gothicmade ones, which a lot of people didn't like (he also changed some terms to match GM, but no one's really up-in-arms about that).


After googling the shit out of this, I'm at a loss for words. I thought these were just new designs, not retcons.

Huh a GTM I like and isn't Bang Doll

>Going off of what I've read on /m/, Nagano retconned their designs, but was this just something that spontaneously happened in the manga because Nagano felt like it, or was there some kind of in universe reason for the redesigns?

The former. Before the retcons it went on a nine-year hiatus. Nagano probably got bored, so he decided to change everything just because he had very little left to lose at that point after such a long time.

>I thought these were just new designs, not retcons.

A good chunk of them are new designs, but a handful classics are retcons.

Is Bang Doll in the movie?

For like one scene in its L-Gaim flight mode at the very end

Fuck you Nagano

It would be literally impossible to animate without CGI

Animating it would cost Nagano 7 years

For some reason the new FSS chapters remind me of Attack on Titan. Maybe Nagano has been reading it lately.

Do you have scans of the new chapters?