What is goin on in the mind of a broad with this on
Whats the Fuckin Deal With These Things
Other urls found in this thread:
shes a slave in training
Daddy issues. Wants to be choked and roughly fucked by a chad with no character only testosterone.
It's a black belt in sucking dick.
a trend that's come on gone you slow faggot
black belt in sucking cock
bitches be bitches man, they crave leash
BBC blackbelt.
blackbelt in dong succin
Its the international symbol for "I'm a whore"
girls that have no sense of fashion took what was rightfully forgotten from the 90s back into the most wannabe hip decade we've been through
Autism. People who think its a sign of promiscuity are retarded
They make my dick diamonds. That's all I know
I've never seen a woman who was a virgin wear one. Have you?
People who grew up in the late 80s and early 90s are having kids and passing down their shitty style to them.
Happens every time.
Yes, my 12 year old sister. Shes uber autistic and never leaves the house
Dog collar, signifies that they want to be manhandled.
>tfw you think chokers look really cute on girls but you know about the "Blackbelt in BBC" meme
OP is a dogfucker pedophile don't ask me how I know
why is there one of these threads every day?
did a girl who wears one reject OP?
Is it actually OP's fetish?
Does OP wear a choker?
its just a fashion trend lol. all kinds of chicks wear these, sluts and all
Is she hot?
I've never seen a woman who's a virgin. Have you?
Lmfao fat kid eric trump
Only sensible answer here.
I got some bad news for you, bro...
chad doesnt need her to leave the house...
Mah dik...
Slave collar.
>12 years old
Doesn't count
>I've never seen a woman who's a virgin
Leave California then
$8.99 for a choker? I can only imagine the profit margin on that.
>ywn protect a young Ivanka from the Jews
We have to go back and change history, lads
Alaska here and I can attest I've never seen one either, neither here nor on my travels to flyover country
It accentuates a womans neck lines, female necks can be very beautiful.
But it just so happens that women familiar enough with their necks to want to accentuate them probably like jamming cocks down their throat and probably enjoy feeling a masculine hand around said neck.
The only thing that Muzzies know how to do, is control their women
I know this one girl who wears it, she is very aggressive (played her in basketball) and has large breast that she hides consistently. She was home schooled and is Christian, likes the movie Dirty Dancing given the nature of the imagery given on her Facebook. Is into photography, could someone please psycho- analyze?
>Dear Diary
My friend's daughter wore one of these and basically KIDS SHOULD NOT WEAR THESE FUCKING THINGS.
please don't be afraid to explain further
Why you lying bro? I live in California and women are massive shallow whores here but I've travelled to Ohio, Idaho, and some other places and I've met plenty of wholesome girls there who are actually interested in relationships.
Women are only whores and non virgins at a massive level where there are blue dots on this map.
those should be in the retro category by now
an example of why you don't fall for the christian girl meme
This. Too many are preoccupied with having grotesquely large asses.
A lot of virgins do, actually. They are usually really into bdsm and have a lot of suppressed fantasies. but they are exclusively 19 or younger. any older and they are turbo sluts
Hey the Jordan Peterson meme should not be equivocated with my need for God
you'll never know unless you just ask her out faggot