Ghost Slide

What did Sup Forums think of Ghost Slide?

I'm reading the manga now, and I gotta admit, it had me spooked during the first few chapters.
Thank God things calmed own during Nelly's story.

Man, Fuck Nelly's Story.

What? But it's pretty comfy so far.
Just because it's not in your face horror like Ohashi killing his sister it doesn't mean it can't be good, user.
What didn't you like about it?

It's just a meme to hate Nelly's story imo. Anytime a story changes tone (e.g. Vinland Saga, Berserk) people are quick to jump on the hate wagon

season 2 never

It might be for the better. I don't think anyone could come up with an adequate follow up to that ending.

Can someone please fucking explain neo-Sup Forums's obsession with Ghost Slide?
I was around when it aired, and believe me, no one gave half a fuck about it then.
But now it's ghost slide this ghost slide that people are putting 9 screenshots of ghost slide in their 3x3s for fuck's sake.

I googled Ghost Slide but nothing appeared.
Where is this from?

>nothing appeared
how spoo~ky

I know what manga you faggots are talking about, but I demand explanation to how did it became Ghost Slide.

Updates fucking never. Was it dropped by the scanlator?


> tfw had the death of you know who spoiled
Fucking hell, it really lessened the impact.

I can't find this anywhere, is it a manga or a light novel or what?

What do you mean? It's from Ghost Slide.

This meme again

>KeitAi gets giant budget movie
>Ghostslide can't even get a studio interested

It's like people don't care what gets made.

Damn I haven't watched this in forever. I wonder why it was never really well-received when it first came out.

isn't this Fuan no Tane?

>that episode where Nelly and the bully go to the warehouse


Its called Fuan no Tane.

fuck y'all I thought I had a new horror manga to read

Ghost Slide is overrated trash. That ending was such an asspull. The art is 10/10, though.

The ending was built up and foreshadowed over the entire show if you were paying attention.