Things Sup Forums is still mad about
Other urls found in this thread:
Disappointed waiting for season 2
Fucking Kubo. Why.
I've been angry for almost 20 years now.
No more animated Kaiji.
Insert a picture of IchigoxOrohime here.
Also insert a picture of the bleach ending.
Also a picture of the end of the Aizen arc.
Also the...
Alright new plan. Insert bleach in general.
Which time?
Haruhi was probably the most frustrating.
It's been a year and i'm still laughing.
The lack of a third season of Spice and Wolf has been eating a hole in me for long time. It's perpetually frustrating.
what's there to be mad about psg? i didn't watch anime at the time it came out.
Mai-Hime's ending.
The ending. You clearly didn't watch past the credits on the final episode. I recommend not doing so if you can spare yourself.
season two
the mass effect 3 rant is one of the greatest meltdowns ever put to word
that was glorious.
Even Sup Forums wanted him to win
It's not fair
not one human alive didn't want him to lose
the fucking show staff didn't want him to lose but some jap salaryman at the top of the food chain who hasn't seen the sun since the 60s decided that ash would lose because somehow it might affect his profits, I think a bunch of animators fucking quit after this
Negima's ending.
*not one human alive wanted him to lose
>Ash as Messi
>Thread about Ash being Argentinian
Every time.
Insert Ulquiorra's death here.
He didn't deserve it.
Sukebei dying
>Bad end
Not according to recent revelations
Well that explained all the Potato-Ash fan art before Aloa started...
Is this a copypasta or is that the original post? Because that shit is fucking grand. I wan to know the original context.
The original post was a reaction to Mass Effect 3's ending.
That makes incredible sense. God I remember the fallout over that. Truly a great time to be alive.
>Being this emotionally invested in a kid's show that hasn't changed it's format in 20 fucking years
There's retarded, there's autismical, and then there's people who still watch the pokemon anime.
you're not actually mad about this right?
Very recent but Nyaa going down and BBT going private (meaning you now need a private tracker account to download older shows) brought all the Sourgrapesfags out of the woodwork.
reminder the luluco crossover is canon and is Season 2
>not being one of the few, the proud, the AB
in all seriousness I do feel for everyone afflicted by this tragedy.
People are still mad about Andou.
Too bad we'll never get a S3 so people can be mad about the panchinko guys stabbing him in the back.
>Ash being Argentinian confirmed
>no watamote SE2 ever
>never EVER
>tfw Ash Ketchum was a real human bean for a day
Isn't it practically a harem anime right now? That's right up Sup Forums's alley?
mfw the reason SnM art style changed is because most animator got fucking pissed and left
You read the title wrong, this isn't a thread about the greatest love stories ever told.
You could have made a BBT account years ago, you should have known it would happen someday when search became user-only. Accounts were ridiculously easy to make, and they don't give a single shit about your ratio as long as you log in frequently.
zero no tsukaima will never get another season
That and the villian reveal
why is the best girl evil? thats bullshit
Kuma Miko's anime-original ending.
Nobody liked it. Nobody wanted that. Everyone wanted her to change, but not how we got it. Shit went deviantart torture porn for no reason, and just completely said "Fuck you" to every other episode. It was so cruel for no reason at all.
I wasn't even mad when it happened. I thought it was hilarious.
Evangelion 3.33 gay piano duets.
I just hate how they tried to pander to both the "for" and the "against" groups. Just choose one and stick with it!
S2 when?
What are you talking about? Panty's death was the sole good moment in PSG. That, and the fact that SEASON 2 NEVER EVER bring tears of joy to my eyes every day.
Actually this
Probably even worse than no season 2 at all.
Less so now that the announcement was made, but it still hurt.
That was some bullshit. Open endings are pure cancer.
good because the anime didnt do it justice
Who care about Sup Forums2.0?
I'm still mad that they spent so much time and money trying to make a piano sequence accurately
Also everything else about it
The Shinji/Kawrou scenes was the best thing about the entire movie. Especially the piano sequence.
Still keeps me awake at night
Wait, did they go anime original and not kill her?
The villian reveal wasn't much of a reveal though considering everyone could see it coming quite a few episodes ahead. But ye, fuck that bitch for not keeping herself pure.
Yup, it was fucking terrible.
I was happy as fuck with this ending. I'll never get the butthurt.
The tears still sustain me.
lmao Chrollofag
Yeah of that movie in that movie but what about wasted potential?
after how the last one ended the whole experience was a giant fuck you to the fans
Yuri on ice sold better than your favorite show
I came here to post this.
Kys retard
>likes reddit anime
>types like a redditor
makes sense.
She killed the only real villain in the show.
man, you sure know alot about reddit
I wouldn't say P&G made me made, but I just kinda laughed and sighed knowing they wouldn't make another season...