Blood type

Why are jap. mangaka obsessed with blood types??? You see references to blood types in almost every anime and it seems that descriptions of anime characters almost always involves blood types as well. It's seriously some freaky shit. Who the fuck cares what some character's blood type is?!??! That adds absolutely zero info. It's as useful as their astrological sign.

Can someone explain this lunacy?

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Stop being a newfag


During WW2, when Pacific Islanders refused to accept Japanese occupation, Japanese theorized that they had blood type A, because that's the one of rebellious people

i'm not new, I noticed it many times before but I just never cared enough to ask about it. it was never explained in any anime I've watched.

>not knowing about blood types
Lurk for two years before posting, you 13-year-old newfag.

wow... so this nuttiness and superstition persists to today? can you tell me how they characterize diff blood types?

i dont even know mine

Lurk more, learn to Google instead of asking dumb questions, and stop typing like a retard.

Lurk more.

they know that bloodline and race matters
now back to your mixed shithole, paki

>i dont even know mine
same here. I have no idea what my blood type is. how do ppl even find out??? when they have surgeries/blood transfusions and shit?

What are your blood types user? O- masterrace here.

part of east asian culture is blindly obeying your elders and honoring you ancestors, so it should not be a shock that some pretty retarded ideas never get seriously questioned.

It's literally as you implied. Japs believe blood type is a way to determine personality, just like astrological sign.

Basically fucking voodoo superstition bullshit.

>people actually believe japs take blood types seriously

just like how I rely on my horoscope for my performance in life today

>i'm not new,
Try again when you learn to type properly.

I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it was found that something that is such as an essential building block as blood having a correlation to your personality. I'd believe it.

Certainly more sensible than space gas above you on your date of birth affecting it (even then there's correlation of months and seasons, which likely has some subtle effect)

Watch more anime, newfag.

The fucking President of the United States did back in the 80s.

It's basically their version of our zodiac signs.


they always super special n shit


fuck off retard

>why are jap so obsessed
This phrase need to be filtered from the OP.

You are new, it's a cultural thing in Japan. Anyone with a real interest in anime would know that.

There is no reason. Everyone telling you to watch more anime, fuck off newfag and all such related comments is just venting their frustration over getting bullied so much in school.

I'm O+ blood type that donates semi-regularly. I wish I had O- though.

>Why is this common.
>Because it's common.
Sounds like you don't actually know either.

O+ here too. I'll never donate in my life.

It's just a standard bio info thing like measurements, height, weight, and age. Now quit being a sperg and lurk more faggot.

Because of the large needle, or because hospitals will prioritize patients with money when it comes to blood transfusions?

Sup OP, enjoy getting bullied for being a retard?

Because people think we O's have some sort of obligation to donate. Fuck them.

Asians are fucking stupid. At least with the horoscope you can divide people into 12 different groups but doing that with 4 is just plain dumb, specially when they are not even divided evenly for fucks sake (In most places O-types are the majority). Maybe they could consider using the RH types too but noooo they're too retarded for that

what's the best blood type to have?

ps: I think this is all due to japs not having any diversity in hair and eye color so they picked on bullshit blood types to discriminate each other on.

Universal receptor or course.

Don't be such a faggot user, everyone should donate at least once.

AB- can receive from any blood type.
AB+ can receive from any positive blood type

no, I mean in jap blood bullshitology, which blood type do they love the most?

That shouldn't stop you from donating though.

I know for a good while, Red Cross would call twice a month asking me to donate. I'd just tell them I'd go when I felt like or when I had time, I didn't like appointments. They stopped some time after.

Being O- makes me a bit nervous about traveling to Japan, only 0.15% of the population is O- so I'd be screwed if I needed a blood transfusion for some reason.

>tfw hospital claims being fucked by traps makes me too gay to donate
Why are they so unreasonable? Traps aren't even gay

Why you get triggered for such an none issue to begin with?

You are literal mutt tier.

Why are you?

You can receive O+ blood you know.

It's no different from putting a zodiacal sign

>watch anime
>rejected by blood services

It was only a little Free! but they said they couldn't risk tainting.

>watched and enjoyed Yuri On Ice

I don't think they'll even give me a blood transfusion boys.

>Class: minus 3-13
u wot

AB is god tier.
If you're O, consider suicide.

Type A blood group here. What can you tell me about myself?

But that's wrong.

You are A fag.

>O- masterrace

O is literally the most pleb of all blood type.

>AB+ can receive from any positive blood type
even HIV+?

>being a newfag

It's literally superstition.

At least signs can have cool animals associated with them and stuff.

What the hell does blood have to do with anything?
Here's a fun read.

>being O-beggar

Why are Americans obsessed with Zodiac signs??? You see references to Zodiac Signs in almost every dating profile and it seems that descriptions of fictional characters almost always involves zodiac signs as well. It's seriously some freaky shit. Who the fuck cares what some character's zodiac sign is?!??! That adds absolutely zero info. It's as useful as their blood type.

Can someone explain this lunacy?


Geez, they'll put you in with the Osumatsu boys.

>Gives to everybody

I mean blood keeps our sorry existences going so its got that going for it

Other way around. AB+ can receive from anyone. AB- can receive from any negative. Remember it this way: you can't receive an A, B or + if you don't have one.

Holy shit this is not that hard, is Sup Forums filled with retards or what?

remember this

That's wrong.

The + means rhesus factor. The - means no rhesus factor.

Rhesus + no rhesus = you die.

So if you already have rhesus, you can take blood with or without, because you already have it. + can receive from + or -.
But, if you don't have it, the when you get rhesus blood your blood boils inside your veins and gives you the most painful death imaginable. Or something like that. All I know is it's not good.

tl:dr; google it.

It's all just bullshit so normalfags can explain why they are the way they are

>is Sup Forums filled with retards or what?

I just stopped by to say that this thread is garbge

But what thematic traits can different blood types have?

With signs you can think "Wow I'm a tiger that's cool" or "Whoa I'm a dragon that's badass" but what the fuck do you get out of blood type.

AB+ is a extrovert girl
0- is a shy girl

Your waifu a shit. Go away if you don't like it.

AB+ are sluts. Go check your waifu bloodtype right now.

I came on your jelly doughnut you dumdum demon.

It's basically the Eastern version of horoscopes.

A = rebellious
B = meek and self-centered
AB = leader
O = pleb or normal

+ = lucky
- = unlucky

Name a single anime/manga where the person's blood type was important to the story

pro-tip: you can't

Right. But they mention it in every other anime.

AB- here

Wasn't there some Black Jack episode where a character couldn't get normal blood donations?

It's bullshit like zodiac symbols.
Nips think you can understand something about people or their comparability based on their blood types.

They'll write to the tropes and middle school girls will read into it so it's worth knowing

They'll usually save O for other Os though if they can

>AB- here
How did you find out what your type is?