Venezuela is shitting the bed because of socialism...

venezuela is shitting the bed because of socialism. their hyperinflation problem has gone through the roof and it takes 200,000 bolivars to match the value of 1 dollar now. this is just the beginning of their problems.
people will say "this is not real socialism" but it is.

Other urls found in this thread:

see you in 10 years venezuela

1 for Socialism
2 for Spics

Come on Venezuela! Kill the weimeric government put in place! Brown ethnostate!

did he get found by maduro and hung?

Don't worry about it, we are joining to the "Bolivarian Revolution" against "Yankee Imperialism ™”, thanks to Trump and Andres Manuelovich(Morena), we will supply food to Venezuela, we will become regional allies etc.

And Norway is the happiest country on earth because of socialism

norway uses "trickle down economics" wtf are you talking about? do you even know the first thing about norway and how their economy works or are you just making shit up? norway, sweden, all of those places, they use republican and right-wing economic programs including stimulating massive income inequality and deregulating the economy (two things democrats hate) in order to fund those social programs. we are literally UNABLE to fund those programs here in the USA because democrats and left-wingers try to fudge our tax system up and use it as a tool to take out their personal frustrations on the rich.

you honestly should learn a small rudimentary body of knowledge regarding the topics you choose to speak about before you go and open your mouth.

i mean jesus, it just doesn't make any sense. you people literally come on here and say "muh norway" but norway literally functions in a way that's the total opposite of socialism. do you even know what socialism is? i have to wonder. i think you bought into too many democrat and left wing memes and outright lies.


Venezuela is not socialist. The vast majority of the means of production is owned by private interests (capitalists) and the opposition is literally funded by the American government. Try again, shill faggot.


>When it doesn't work, capitalist countries are "socialist"
>When it does work, "socialist" countries are reaganomics
Wow. Didn't know it worked like that.

ok see like can you explain to me why you even say this? i mean these are facts. simple immutable facts. norway is not "socialist" by any measure. like seriously wtf? none of those nordic countries are "socialist" they literally USE wealth inequality to create their bustling economy, and then tax the middle class to pay for social programs. it's the complete and polar opposite of socialism and the complete and polar opposite of what the left wants.

so like, you can deny it all you want, you are just deny simple and provable facts. like extremely clear and EXTREMELY irrefutable facts, and just making your own side look really stupid.

>Now the drug cartels will start trafficking food because will be more important.

They will just blame America for all their problems and arrest everybody who protests or wants capitalistic change as traitor and American CIA spy or something like that.

From Cuba to Russia literally every shithole dictatorial regime does the same.

In fact, Andres Manuelovich (Russian&Chinese puppet) say that he wants to pardon the cartels if he wins the election, I'm sure cartels will become the Bolivarian-Benito-Juarez guard

It's not. It's social democracy.

I think there's some high-tier Jewery at work. Venezuela has oil--lost of it. But they've undergone Socialism which has devalued the crap out of them. You can imagine who stands to benefit from a rich resource found in a sheckeless shithole.

>norway is not "socialist" by any measure
Agreed. But it's not fucking libertarian either. It's amazing you remember the definition of socialism when it comes to Norway, but forget it when it comes to Venezuela.

>They will just blame America for all their problems and arrest everybody who protests or wants capitalistic change as traitor and American CIA spy or something like that.
So they'll do exactly what they should do and everyone would expect given the situation.

Why do you think America has been deconstructing the country from the inside for decades?

oh now you magically agree. looks like someone had to go google the economic policies of norway before they could continue the discussion.
as far as whether or not they are "libertarian", well, i never really used that term. but they are economically free in a lot of ways, and not so much in others. it's a more complicated picture than just saying "they're libertarian" or they aren't. also from what i know, norway is the least "libertarian" of all of those nordic countries.

anyway the main point is that they're not socialist, by any measure or definition. they are literally the furthest thing from socialist. and if socialists, marxists and demoncrats genuinely didn't exist we could have a lot of the same success and social benefits here in the USA that they enjoy there

You dumb nigger. I agree with reality. Both Venezuela and Norway are capitalist and they've never been anything else. You're the CIAnigger trying to change the definition of socialism depending on what works for your agency. Get shot.

>So they'll do exactly what they should do
I think what they should do is to stop oppressing and torturing their own people and let them reach their god given potential in a rule of law based democratic capitalist system which produced the best results in human history. But I'm not a fucking brainwashed America-hating moron like you.

Because you don't shit where you eat. Venezuela is in the south Americas; it's still in the Americas. Open hostility on the same landmass never leads to sunshine and rainbows.

>their own people
Capitalist stooges paid by America are not "their own people". They should be hanged in public or sent back to America in boxes. If Russia were paying communist right now to do what America is paying capitalists to do in Venezuela your fucking hair would be on fire.

You missed the point. They shouldn't be doing it at all. America just wants that sweet black crack, and if they have to kill a few million non-Americans (and some Americans too - all expendable), then fuck yeah, it's worth it.

Also, daily reminder. Whenever you hear the phrase "They/he are/is attacking their/his own people", that's blatant propaganda. Never once in the history of mankind has this phrase been used honestly. Saddam was accused of it before Iraq was invaded (Kurds are not Saddam's people), Assad was accused of it for attacking ISIS (not his people) and the Venezuelan government has been accused of it for fighting back against LITERALLY American-funded insurgents who are NOT Venezuelan. Frankly, Venezuela is being soft as fuck, which is why they're going to get their heads caved in. They need to show their hatred for America openly and ferociously. Then line up the anti-air defenses and close their borders and purge all the insurgents from their country.

Eat shit and die, CIA. I seriously hope every single one of you evil motherfuckers get lined up against a wall and shot down to the last man.

>. If Russia were paying communist right now
It literally does you brainwashed moron. It's America that doesn't do anything in those shithole countries because of White Guilt and excesses of Cold War when it was actually doing stuff (and then there was no communism anywhere to be found outside Cuba)

No Maduro wants that black crack, that's why they stole the oil industry from the companies that owned it, and why he won't give up power.
Ok use whatever retarded definitions you like. Norway has high economic freedom on the economic freedom index, whereas Venezuela is very low.

uhhhh, wut? you were trying to suggest earlier that norway was socialist dude, now you're just embarrassed so you're getting angry and calling me names and trying to deny that you thought it was a socialist country. whatever. i honestly don't care.

Any way the state of Venezuela can be blamed on white people?

it seems like if they try hard enough they can find a way to blame anything on white people or whatever other group they don't like. they could maybe try to point to some kind of economic upper hand that the western world, or particularly the US has over them (if there are any, not sure) but frankly with venezuelas natural oil reserves it's hard to lay the blame on anyone but themselves. they should have been a rich and prospering country with the black gold mine they were sitting on. and not only that, they actually WERE prosperous enough before they turned to socialism. so it's pretty hard to lay the whole thing on anything other than the left wing economics honestly. even if they say "it's not real socialism" and are too stupid to understand why the corrupt nature of government prevents "real socialism" from happening in a pure and absolute sense, it's still the left-wing economics that did it and there's no denying or mental gymnasticing around that.

> Country has lots of oil
> Rich elite sells the oil wells to US oil firms
> Elite gets richer
> Poor man's hero gets elected
> Poor man's hero nationalizes the oil and uses profit for the country's benefits
> Autistic screeching
> US supports coup, attempt fails
> Sanctions turn nation into shithole

mfw Look at that, socialism killed the economy again!

>"They/he are/is attacking their/his own people", that's blatant propaganda.
Well who is starving in all those shitholes? Who can't open a business and live and work hard to create value for everybody and a better life for his family?
It's always their own people who suffer the most.

It's your reaction to this what was caused by propaganda. Their anti-American propaganda.

>They need to show their hatred for America openly and ferociously. Then line up the anti-air defenses and close their borders and purge all the insurgents from their country.
They should kill 80% of their country (according to latest polls) because they hate starving? How very Russian of you.

wrongo buddy. 2 things. 1) venezuelas problems started way before we put sanctions on them in 2014 (see picture related) and 2) ever notice how US sanctions don't send any countries that are NOT socialist into economic anarchy? in truth, even with the tighest and worst sanctions, which these were not, they still should have been able to make something given their MASSIVE NATURAL OIL RESERVES.

so yeah, you know. just another stupid silly argument where socialists try to blame the US and "muh capitalism" for everything, despite the fact that the facts are simply not on their side.

DolarToday was founded on May 18, 2010. It is headquartered in Miami, Florida, United States. Prior to the election of Nicolás Maduro in 2013, DolarToday was the second most popular exchange rate reference in Venezuela, behind Lechuga Verde. However, when a scandal caused the demise of Lechuga Verde,[4] DolarToday became the most popular exchange rate reference.[2]

Its president is Gustavo Diaz, a Home Depot salesman in Alabama.[5] According to BBC Mundo, DolarToday was founded as "a form of protest against a dictatorship increasingly committed to silence and intimidate the media in Venezuela."[6] Up until today, the company's website publishes criticisms about the Maduro administration which the founder states "are selected by the site’s writers based in Venezuela"

Nice source, "buddy".

wow that's cute and all but it's the value of the bolivar we're talking about here. you can get it from a million different sources and i just pulled on at random. the value is the value, it's not really a number up for manipulation. so you are just doing as people frequently do when they're socialists, which is just try to deny all of the evidence and facts that illustrates why your entire point of view and economic philosophy is totally fake.

Imagine the cohencidence on that one, totally not a CIA operation *cough cough*

"DolarToday, a widely followed website that tracks exchanges made near the Colombian border, reported Friday that the bolivar had lost a quarter of its value over the last seven days.

Everyone in smartphone-obsessed Caracas seemed to learn of the crash at the same time as the DolarToday app, a ubiquitous tool in the South American country, sent out a series of messages announcing the new rates under the headline "hyperinflation!"
Read more:

dude who cares about dollar today? i fully admit i don't know anything about dollar today nor do i fucking care to. it means nothing. the value of the venezuelan bolivar was what it was though. their problems and their infaltion problems as well began well before the 2014 US sanctions so your entire point is entirely BTFO'd. i'm just telling you. i'm not even looking to pick a fight with your anyhting. it just is what it is. you guys just deny deny deny deny deny everything you don't like, but the facts are the facts and they're ultimately undeniable. this is why you guys always end up burning books, because facts and truth is always your enemy.

>thanks to Trump
unironically this
a lot of people will vote for Amlo because of him

All that wealth stolen,looted, and given away.

I can't stop keking. They worship Chavez and Castro, weew.

There is a lot of truth in this
But ultimatelly it's still maduros fault, if you want to defy the us you need to convert into china or irán, you know, Chávez "legislated" and expected everything to fix itself

Leave Venezuela alone burger. we don't want Iraq 2.0

I used to think Venezuela is Communist (their not) it's pretty obvious a plutocracy elite with a pink socialist middle-class feeding the lower class muh socialism and lite communism.

Marx would be shocked to see this.

>but it is
no it’s not real socialism and my get will prove it

this is what ends up happening usually un socialist states
see North Korea, effectively they are a monarchy
for socialism to work you need an AI god un charge of your country ir an orwellian totalitarian state like chinas is pursuing

there is a reason why Russia transformed into an oligarchy so easily when the ussr collapsed, the comunist leadership owned the wealth

>sell oil well to us companies
Actually it's Russia and China that own the oil.

Venezuela sending 600,000 barrels a day to China to pay it's debt.

Venezuela is becoming a rentier state to China and Russia.

The Petro takes rentier to another level.


You need total transparency IMHO. If the resources belong to the people then the people have the right to know where every penny goes.

if you read the article i linked to, the point you guys always miss and the reason people make fun of you for this meme is because you always fail to recognize "WHY" it ends up being "not real socialism". you always fail to realize what it is on your journey from point A (capitalism) to point B (utopian socialism) that gets messed up and turns the system into the unideal, corrupt, poverty ridden shitholes we see in socialist nations. what you want the world to be will NEVER be what it is. ever. there are too many real world concerns and practical facts that you guys always try to ignore and just not acknowledge, hoping they will magically go away, but they don't. and when people remind you of them, you treat them like they're "the bad guy" for bringing up harsh realities and things that cause negative emotions in people, and you want to shoot the messenger. sorry, but its this kind of attitude that makes you into a joke.

>Among best places to start a business

keep on reading, after he got called on it he backtracked and tried to pretend like he always knew that norway wasn't socialist, and started calling me "nigger" and stupid shit just cuz he was having a fit from being so embarrassed.


All of this couldn't happen thanks to what?
Foro de São Paulo.
Lula supported Venezuela for years, and now this is the result.
Venezuela was Brazil's fault.
This commie: Lula, he will be arrested soon. I hope.


They do penis transplants for Treason in Venezuela. Socialism, hooray!

The word is 'hanged.'

You really have no idea what you are talking about. Norway has very high progressive tax for the rich.

Norway has large goverment owned industries but it doesnt mean you cant start business.

For venezuelans to share.

you're a fucking complete dumbass, you fucking dumbass.

trump recently changed OUR tax code here in the US to be more in line with those scandanavian countries the left loves so much and all they did was have kinipshins and throw fits saying the sky was gonna burn. this after they've been shoving their "scandinavian success stories" down our throats for so long, as if they're somehow indicative of left-wing economics when they're literally entirely built on right-wing economics. the only difference is that right-wing economics are SO successful that when fully implemented it means you can actually AFFORD nifty social programs. rather than go bankrupt like we are here in the US without even having them. fucking demoncrats and marxists make every problem on planet earth.

If you nationalize foreign businesses and not compensate the owners in any meaningful way then that company, it's home country and any other potential investor will distrust you and be rightfully uspet about it. Socialist countries are extremely unfriendly towards business, both foreign and domestic, therefore there's little investment therefore there's a very small private sector and tax-base therefore your country goes to shit because everyone is either unemployed or works for the government and the government is balls-deep into debt trying to pay for wages and benefits and once they stop paying off the populace their imaginary money mass poverty will ensue.

>They worship Chavez
No they don't. I've been reading into it since they killed the pilot Oscar Perez. The TLDR is that the niggers in the favelas support Chavez because they receive gibs to defend him, including doing things such as voter intimidation and targeted hits.

Yesterday in Margarita Island they jumped into the water to rob a fisherman who had come into shore with a load of sardines (pic related).

The rest of the country which are mestizo and castizo Venezuelans - the type of people that manage a somewhat developed society in Colombia, Peru and Chile - have a collection of minor opposition parties known as the MUD.

Sadly, the MUD is as corrupt as the regime and are currently trying to enable a round table discussion with the government to divide the remaining power and wealth between themselves, but they offer no plans or policies to normalise Venezuela and obviously will not bring the government to justice.

I'm still quite sad that they killed Oscar Perez. I have no dog in the fight, I'm Australian so Venezuelan politics affect me as much as Ghanan politics, but I was looking through the social media of Perez and his plans were pretty clear.

>Elite soldier turned policeman
>Pilot, diver, expert marksman (Rambo)
>Famous as a b-grade actor in Venezuela
>Filmed anti-corruption videos as a policeman
>Lectured in a police college on ethics
>Was a freemason (business connections)
>Stole a helicopter and launched a wild but non-violent stunt
>Vowed to bring down Maduro and the 'narco-regime' but never fired a single shot
>Called on his countrymen to launch a general strike and force the government out
>Government snuffed him, 6 of his men and 2 civilians to silence him

It was clear as day he was not in the least bit interested in a violent revolution, he did not want his country to be bathed in blood. He wanted to be a modern day Gandhi and launch a non-violent revolution and coup. He one day would have been the president in Venezuela.