Good morning, Sup Forums

Good morning, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



Where do you expect/want this thread to go, OP?

Good thread

Sorry buddy, it's forbidden to be creative in Sup Forums since 2015.

It ain't morning in this hemisphere yet, fella.

it's midnight in ohio, dumbass

Ohio gozaimasu to you too user. In like 5-6 hours maybe

It's not even morning in Ohio yet




I used to think "gozaimasu" was someone's name

Oh, Canada?

Lots of French from Québec.





*Mormon Land

Get out of here chibi


oh, hi yo.



Can we get all 50 states?

In the trash

*Holy State of Deseret

Why can't newfags just screencap the posts relevant to the conversation and make a coherent image instead of plastering it with all those shitty "EPIC" reactions that take up 90% of the space?

That one didn't even have those. Just a bit of buildup at the top.

Hi, yo.

I need more of these



Ohio's a nice state.




fuck ohio, I hate it here. flyover state that doesn't even know it's flyover. fuckin shitty sports teams and lakes making people think they matter.




What does "flyover" mean, to you?
Unimportant? What, not enough crime-filled cities and Chinese businessmen for you?
Fuck off to your coastal shithole. "Flyovers" are objectively better states than coastal shitholes.
What, too "boring?" What would you even do outside? How often would ytou fucking visit the sites that make cities "interesting?" How many days would you spend cooped up inside on the computer? And you can do that just as well in the country.
Fuck you. At least I won't get mugged by a pack of niggers on my way to the supermarket.

newfag detected

Good thread

>Fuck you. At least I won't get mugged by a pack of niggers on my way to the supermarket.

what is cleveland

kuso thread.

Kill yourself

I don't live in Cleveland.
And that was a rant for the sake of all "flyovers."

u first


Nigga, that's Hawaii



Spotted the irrelevant flyoverfag.

tanoshii thread

Good morning, everyone!

And unless you're a rich CEO or or other important person, you're also irrelevant.
At least my place is safe and beautiful.




Funny idea guys, now every non-american will post his home district/state/whatever nobody else knows

Kawaii Hawaii

Shut the fuck up.


That's what I meant, keep going

440 reporting in
