ITT post your waifu and what you want her to do to you

ITT post your waifu and what you want her to do to you.

I want her to give me a quick and painless death.




PS, she will win the Hikki bowl.

Tie me up and force me to worship her spinneret.

I want Sucy to poison and have sex with me without my consent.

Cuddle with her

But you're not a girl.

You sure about that, onii-chan?

Shitpost on mongoloid cartoon image boards.

My waifu is everyone else's waifu and I want to steal them from anons.


Not if Constanze has a high powered Barrett M82 anti-material rifle aimed at you.

I don't have a waifu, but if I did, I'd want her to cuddle with me.
Well, that or anyways.

Hold her hand and go on walks.

candy eating

>Barrett M82
You mean PGM Hecate

Hold me in her tutanic hand if warmth.

Stupud broken phone screen.


It is the only internet I have. I miss video games.

Pin me down with one arm

I just want her to take care of my sorry ass for the rest of my life.

>implying we don't all want that

Mio is my waifu, I just want to cuddle and then play some more bass with her

Go on a casual date in hopes of a deeper relationship,

Fucking gross dude.

Sick twisted fuck.

sleep together forever, dreaming with her

i want to pat her head everywhere to the point where her hair frizzes and gets a little mad then looks at me the smiles

I want her to blow my fucking brains out with a sniper rifle

I want to have a child with her and have us raise it together.

handholding missionary sex

Marry me and be by my side forever.

If you want to commit suicide, do it alone.

Work on computers together.

Defeat an alien race together and save humanity. Also reproduction.

You and me both user

I want her to recommend me some mango

Hand holding

Love me.

Be my friends so I can tell her that I'm gonna kill myself if she don't have sex with me

Take me back to happier days.

>Tomoyofags still around

Godspeed my friends.

Why did her spin-off game have to be so awful?

What the fuck guys. Half of these posts are just saying "I want to die with my waifu," When did you all get so pathetic as to want to die with someone you love? Just kill yourselves and leave the waifus for the men who want to carry on.

I was joking. I don't know about the other anons, though.

If I was to be completely honest, I'd choose browsing /k/ and talking about guns with her. I wouldn't do anything lewd because I'm (barely) an adult and it would be statutory rape

Be happy.

I wish she could play games with me.