Another White Male dies at the hands of Police Brutality. Are you going to let this one slide white racists?

Another White Male dies at the hands of Police Brutality. Are you going to let this one slide white racists?

We need police reform now! These american cops are poorly trained

He was a wigger like Talcum X there. Anyone who went to prison or jail should be shot, survivors get shot again. I have no problems with it because I don't break the law.

You have nothing to fear if you don’t chimp out. Look at WHO the police shoot. Usually it’s people who are doing dumb shit. That 17 year old kid was arrested twice for carrying a concealed weapon.
Don’t want stupid prizes, don’t play stupid games.

>poorly trained
they are properly trained.
they would not be trained to react in such a "direct to diffuse" manner if niggers had not ruined peace in this country.

so many attacks on police officers over decades of racist black people hating on the white police for no reason other than they're own ignorance, immaturity, and oafishness, has made it so the police are now trained that any resistance = "shoot to kill" because the fucking prisons are full.

niggers caused this.


nigga so fucking white

You are a character from Nazi Germany if you believe in the crap you posted


>Talcum X
The only white in the world Sup Forums can agree on

Read the article, it’s a 100% nigger. Skin color don’t mean shit.

kek, first thing ya notice when you open the pic

Because not everyone is so stupid and blame the entire police force you fool.

Can you imagine what would happen if the people blamed all blacks for their much higher than average crime activity? Do you want to go there? How about you start to THINK instead of feeling? Just a suggestion!

Shaun KANG does it again.

Violence is an effective deterrent to prevent people fucking with the police. If you step up knowing that a cop is within his right to fucking gun you down yet still do, then you deserve it.

I agree that we need police reform. Police brutality is not a "black problem" it is everyone's problem. I grew up in a poor rural white town. Cops are not racist, they are just bullies. I've had friends beaten robbed and killed by cops but the thin blue line is a motherfucker to break. These thugs get a badge and think that makes them better than you.

get the fuck off my board, boomer trash

>bootlicking 101, the post


Fight the power on your home turf. Bootlicking is highly recommended inside a courthouse.

What is Martin Luther Cream Jr. whining about now?

Coconsidering almost everyone that gets killed by police deserves it, no

>One of these things is not like the other

Bootlickers on this board will defend the cop.

Huh. I wonder what really happened, I wouldn't trust talcum X as far as I could throw his lying white ass.

That's partially true. But police unions and municipalities take a huge chunk of the blame. Corrupt police created the police unions to give them an endless life long employment even if they completely fuck up. They could rape and kill your wife, sister and daughter and justify it, resign and become a cop in the city next over.

Yeah. boot licking.
He started a fist fight with an armed man. Come to a gun battle with your fists and see who walks away.

If he shot him before a juvenile court, he must have a very good reason.

>Bootlicking is highly recommended inside a courthouse.
It's required otherwise you are in contempt of court, which means arrested and thrown in jail, on the spot.

Niggers always favor the lightskinned ones even if the light skin is white.

>because I don't break the law
until some statist fuck like you gets something harmless you do criminalized and then you to scumbag. IO absolutely love watching idiots like you get busted, the ones who think laws apply to everyone else.

America is the gift that keeps on giving.

The problem at the moment is how niggers behave, I KNOW brutality is a problem and the president is an apologist, but as long as blacks want to ignore all the whites being beaten and shot they can fuck off.


Qualified immunity, it means the less the police know, the less responsible they are...that's right the system is designed for retards to get away with shit. 50 years of cops lying in courts and courts backing them up has made the concept of "justice" a fucking joke.

That means that cop had to resort to killing an unarmed kid. What a fucking pussy. Zero respect for losers like that. Probably graduated near the bottom of his class and this is the best job he can ever hope to get, because most places try not to hire retards.

Its not ok to kill white skateboarders

>Probably graduated near the bottom of his class
Why did he graduate at all?

>Why did he graduate at all?
Scraping the bottom of the barrel, the economy rebounded and no one wants the job but garden variety bullies whose over-riding character traits are laziness and stupidity.

The kid was whigger retard.

The cop should get a mental for promoting racial hygiene.

Police behave the way they do because niggers behave the way they do. Police can't profile, so they have to either treat niggers like whites and get shot, or they have to treat everyone like niggers.

Fuck off.

>10TV in Columbus reports that Haynes was in court to answer to charges of aggravated menacing. The station says that in November 2017, Haynes pointed a handgun at two people and threatened to shoot them. That gun belongs to his mother, according to the station. Prior to that arrest, Haynes was labelled a juvenile delinquent and had been placed on probation. In addition, Haynes had been forced to wear an electric monitoring bracelet. That punishment stemmed from an incident where Haynes was found “with a concealed weapon.”

>The same 10TV report says that in 2016, Haynes was arrested for choking his mother in a domestic dispute. Those charges were dropped at the request of his mother. In an interview with the Columbus Dispatch, Geraldine Haynes said that her grandson was actively turning his life around.

>On his Facebook page, Haynes went by the moniker “Joey Fuzz,” some refer to him as “Lil Joey Fuzz.” Haynes said on that page that he is from South Side, Ohio, and at the time of his death was living in Hilltop. Haynes writes in his intro section, “Free my BigBro Mikey & It’s Stack or Starve. Secure the bag.”

>In January 2016, a man named Michael Haynes was considered one of Ohio’s most wanted fugitives on domestic violence and endangering children charges.

>Haynes began dating a woman named Daisy Senters in 2017 and said that the couple was “married.” In October 2017, Senters wrote on her page, “It’s two days late but July 24th Is when I Got To Be With The Love of My Life. The day You Walked Into My Life You changed everything & Now It’s Us Against The World , Idc Idc Idc! Nobody can never break us apart. It’s crazy to say it’s been 3 months with you , it feels like forever! We’ve been thru the most but We are gonna have a lot of more ups An downs to come ! I love you baby. An HAPPY 3 MONTHS MFR.”

>Haynes family and friends have taken to Facebook to mourn the slain teenager. Clay Severance wrote, “Damn blood we just just talkin about staying safe being good and s*** and now you’re gone and not s*** we can say or do to change it baka. F*** 12 period no business shootin lil bro. Fly high brotha.” Haynes’ girlfriend, Daisy Senters, replied to that post saying, “Rip to my husband.” Another person, Melissa Francis, said, “R.I.P Joey Fuzz, so heartbreaking to hear this known that boy since he was in his momma’s belly!” While Markus Gilmer wrote, “Pray for Joey Fuzz mother and family f*** the police! Love you Lil bro rip first Reese now you bro something gotta shake.” Haynes’ brother David, wrote, “I love you Joseph Edward Haynes and I am going to miss you so much.. R.I.P.”

The only thing the cop did wrong was not put a few extra bullets into this literal white nigger to make sure he was dead.

That's right goys! Whites genetics should be removed from the Earth. They're all just mutts and wiggers anyway.

Let the jewish government do it for you!

Good goys! now bend over and let uncle samstein take a look inside your anus, is your wife and children available for some more fun pizzatime with uncle Goldstein?

>mother arrested
>aggressive behaviour
Probably some scrub that doesn’t have any value to society. Why should I care?

What's the problem to kill some white in 2018?
You're hopelessly outdated.

>juvenile court