Your constant reminder that Germany's situation is that of total despair. Merkel and Schulz are part of the same system. Not even the other side of the medal but the FUCKING SAME SIDE! To the weebs and normies: FASH UP A BIT FOR FUCKS SAKE AND VOTE BLUE! To the stormweenies: GET OFF YOUR PURITY SPIRAL, JEW UP A BIT, PUT A BAG OVER IT AND VOTE BLUE! We literally have nothing to lose. What could be worse? A leftist-green govt. under "Chultz" or 4 more years of Merkelistan? If you're given the choice of horse shit vs. bull shit you might as well go bonkers and vote the blue shit, innit?
Kraut bros please help, i'm talking to a german girl and tinder and don't know what to say, please help
Alexander Jackson
Andrew Watson
Moin, did any (online)newspaper in this morning talked about the Hammelsprung? Because I diddn't see one.
Carson Moore
shut the fuck up you degenerate scum
Jeremiah Thomas
My news app doesnt talk shit about afd, yet 3 articles about groko. They will sit it out, they will ignore, so that Michel wont find out which Paty really does act in his interest What a bunch of cucks, its just so pathetic
Anyone else see the problem in this? The fact that muslims will be allowed to practice their faith but in private and will be welcomed as long as they don't try to change German law? The problem with this is that Björn thinks that if muslims won't be allowed to have it their way they'll simply leave, whereas muslims CAN drop sharia law in extreme and emergent situations( it's called Muruna) and hence they'll keep flooding Germany and eventually when they are in enough numbers, well you what's going to happen then.
Not to mention, if you suppress their rights the terrorist attacks will only increase, then you can expect all the liberals to scream that the attacks are happening because we're too islamophobic.
I'm starting to think that AfD is controlled opposition too now because of this. I thought they were clear about this, "Islam has NO place in Germany".
Why does he look so gay but talk about masculinity all the time?
Logan Campbell
I wish Kurz would swallow his pride and start seducing and fucking merkel and with it manipulate her to close the borders.
Ethan Ortiz
Out of mysterious reasons no newspaper is talking about it though. The 40iest Trump article this year seems to be more important then what happens in our own country.
Samuel King
"ficki ficki?"
Asher Rodriguez
good morning, Kameraden!
Hunter Powell
geh arbeiten!
Oliver Davis
Ich bin Student ich muss nicht arbeiten
Eli Moore
Wer finanziert dich denn? mama und papa? Ich hab im Studium zumindest 3 Tage die Woche den Barkeeper gespielt. Ok arbeiten war das nicht wirklich aber ich hab Geld dafür bekommen.
Cameron Robinson
>mama und papa yes. I worked before though, so I have some money myself
Brandon Butler
>nicht einfach bei den Eltern während des Studiums wohnen bleibend, wie ein manchild Bereitest du dich etwa nicht für dein Leben als NEET/shitposter vor?
Are there any good movies that show the German side of WWII?
Connor Hall
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
Ethan Nguyen
Stalingrad from 1993, Generation War ("Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter") from 2013.
Evan Harris
Jaxson Stewart
new poll by (((Forsch’gr. Wahlen)))
William Gonzalez
Don't know that one yet, thank you!
Jeremiah Sullivan
Jesus Christ it's like it's October 2016 again.
Chase Robinson
The only polls I slightly trust are Insa and Emnid
Robert Long
I only really trust Emnid and occasionally GMS/Infratest. INSA is pretty solid and great for good feels, but their director is an open AfD supporter, so even they should be taken with a grain of salt.
Jack Bailey
INSA's last poll before the election was close to the actual results
Aaron Price
Oh yeah, I know they were the closest. In the end, as they say, the only poll that counts is election day.
Jaxson Butler
>the only poll that counts is election day. Can't argue with that
Landon Moore
It took them like 10 hours to finally report on the Hammelsprung. Ultimately the joke's on them, they're publicizing it when more Germans are actually awake.
Cameron Carter
They think this will hurt the AfD.
>Muh Kindergartenverhalten
Jaxon Cruz
Jack Gray
Still no news on Normiebook so far though.
Landon Cooper
Austin Jones
Bump. No one else worried about this?
Nathaniel Flores
Well he can’t say in public that we should deport all muslims. After his famous Dresden speech he became more careful
Thank god we have Based Heiko defending our freedumb and democracy against raycissds.
Easton Stewart
Do any of you seriously believe that greens get 12%. I mean, I can imagine the normie going: >ebil AfD >reee, gimme something revolutionary >we have bad environment, right? >ahh, greens XD!
Lads, are we fucked?
Asher Brown
komm schon, propagiere das zeug ohne Judenhass aber trotzdem mit mitteln die die macht derer reduzieren weg die friedenswindmühle ( Hakenkreuz) und wenn zu israel/juden gefragt, einfach nichts sagen.
Brandon Phillips
Levi Anderson
No. As much as I was disappointed in the elections that neither the Greens or the Left dropped out, but rather gained more votes, they are ultimately irrelevant. Our economic prosperity will come to an abrupt halt very soon. And it will affect even the cuckiest middle-class leftist. Will they suddenly vote AfD? No, but all these ideological "luxury" parties like the Greens and the FDP will collapse. The Left might get stronger, but their ties to violent Antifa will become more and more obvious to the average German.
Cameron Lopez
>ohne Judenhass ???
Parker Carter
>they could had stop beeing a cuck fore one second and prevented this Our Fucking Lügenpresse is not reporting about the Altparteien childishly mobbing the AFD. 7 sittings in and still no Vice President because >eew, not gonna play with the smelly kid
Luke Sanders
It's astonishingly idiotic, ultimately it will help the AfD. The funny thing is that there are so many leftie news outlets that go "Wow why won't our fellow cucks just talk to the AfD" - Newsflash you retards, they don't because they know they have no arguments against them.
Jack Long
Ja, ich weiß. Ich arbeite an einigen Ideen, aber heute musste ich etwas Dampf ablassen.
Ryan Thomas
Deutscher Emigrant nach Norwegen oder Echtnorweger?
Brody Lewis
naja, wenigstens nicht sichtbar, schau' dir an, wie (((man))) die europäer willentlich aber ohne """""plan"""" lebensgefährlich angegriffen hat.
Adam Ramirez
Aber, um ganz ehrlich zu sein, es sind einfach nicht ""alle"" juden. Sicher, die haben ihren scheiss verzapft, aber das haben europäische banker und vergangene tyrannen auch, oder? Ich glaube, das einzige was sich da ändern muss, ist die religionhafte erhebung des holocaust, als sei es nicht einfach ein massenmord gewesen, der gut organisiert war, weil es eben in einem gut organisierten land sich anbahnte. s Schuldkult beenden und die Jüdisch Opferrolle dekonstruieren, wie sie versuchen, unsere identität zu dekonstruieren.
Jose Barnes
Carter Rodriguez
Kevin Cox
Ich wollte sagen, dass ich zustimme. Aber es ist sehr schwierig, meinen Kopf kühl zu halten, wenn ich das alte Schwarz-Weiß-Bild sehe. Natürlich beschuldige ich nicht alle Juden für die Verbrechen gegen Europa. Aber ich wünsche mir, dass die Juden zusammen mit den Muslimen und den Afrikanern aus Europa abziehen.
Oliver Hernandez
Ja, kann ich echt unterschreiben, um ganz ehrlich zu sein. Witzig ist nur, dass ein Land für die Gruppe von der Gruppe bei weißen Europäern taboo ist.
Lucas Evans
moin, nein ihr seid nicht relevant genug, wartet auf den Abend
Henkel explaining why Germany's economic growth is hollow, based on the exploitation of the working and middle class and headed for disaster.
Aaron Rodriguez
very interesting but everyone with a basic knowledge in economics knows that germany in its current state is only creating growth by exploiting the whole middle class
Brody Foster
Its really really good, youre in for a treat.
Owen Moore
Christian Rodriguez
>be fugee >never did anything for germany >come here with the whole retard family >medical "tourism" >muh free healthcare >meanwhile rural areas >leave old people to die
Jeremiah Fisher
Its the same in the big cities, old german pensioners and general poor old people are left for dead while ahmed gets a flat, 400 euro and hangs around the spielhalle all day selling shitty weed.
Connor Baker
Sadly the average person doesn't understand economics. And when you try to explain it to them (in simple terms) they fail to understand the connections.
Benjamin James
exactly most people cant even rate or explain what the ezb does and how their power is a huge threat to the whole (even worldwide) economy there is a strange system in bavaria which provides a flat including the count of rooms according to the size of the family a syrian family with 4 kids for example receives a 6 room flat even in cities like munich having such a appartment in munich is actually impossible to pay for unless you are at least a millionare
really there is no explanation to students aswell that get buttraped when looking for even a single room
Fucking white sturmhelme? New level of nazi aesthetics
Jaxon Sanders
Do you also have the second "Doch dann war ich wie" pic, where the Salahfis are whining while being arrested?
Robert Turner
Rede einfach von Globalisten. Ist ja faktisch nicht falsch und so kann man die Linken auch gleich mit einspannen
Connor Torres
Kayden Thompson
>they are ultimately irrelevant. This is the exact reason they gained so many votes. Both parties have been under the radar for so long and there is not any huge scandal about them right now.
Julian Harris
BAHAHAHAHAHA ... I want that crossword puzzle
Alexander Gray
Dies, bezeichne mich auch immer als Antiglobalisten, wenn man den Powerlevel gerade nicht offenbaren kann.
The Querfront is real
Sebastian Ortiz
Ian Moore
>Globalisten zu unspezifisch, ich benutze das Wort Elite wenn ich rote Pillen verteile.
Asher Perry
sorry kenn ich nicht
Gavin Rodriguez
Globalisten ist im Moment deifinitiv besser. Die (((Hintermänner))) das zu nennen was sie sind macht nur Sinn wenn man den JQ versteht sonst ist es unnötig.
David Baker
History is written by the victors, i liked napola elite für den führer, if you can ignore/laugh at the attempts to smear national socialists.
I've never been that far-right, but I've been listening to a lot of Stahlgewitter and DG recently. Not only are their songs really fucking good musically, but the lyrics in their openly political songs are ridiculously accurate.
>End- und sinnlos debattieren, Volkes Willen ignorieren >Fremde Kriege finanzieren, Nationalisten schikanieren >Wahre Probleme ignorieren und sich selber inszenieren >Fette Diäten abkassieren und immer noch nach mehr Geld gieren >Ihre Politik, ein Schweinestall >Deutschland: Ein Sanierungsfall! >Schwarz, Rot, Gelb und Grün >Untergang, Deutschlands Ruin!