Why can't you let go of your idealized 2D waifus and learn to grow up and move on from the high school years you never...

Why can't you let go of your idealized 2D waifus and learn to grow up and move on from the high school years you never enjoyed?

I have no worthwile reason to do so. I can sustain my life just fine doing what I do.


Because growing up isn't fun.

Why would I do that?

>women ride the cock carrousel since their teen years
>it's men's fault for not enjoying roasted shit
Not even anime, fuck off.

Real women are back stabbing bitches.

I like how at the same time all men encourage women to remain childish because it tweaks their pedophilic streak.

>having relationships


Why should I stop doing what works?

>feminist trash writer is Sup Forums

Who did 9/11, the Jews, the Reptilians, or the government?

Just fuck younger women, problem solved.

Actually it was me

Your approval means nothing to me.

Because I'm a lolicon and you effectively ask me to move to real children which is disgusting.

>discussing feminist trash is Sup Forums
Get the fuck out

Dude get the fuck out

Nice anime thread. Fuck off.

Because 2D>3D

Now fuck off

The towers were alien rocket ships and they launched to their home planet.

>implying I'm not waiting for the thread to get delet