daily reminder that my people own "your" "beautiful" "country" theres nothing you can do to stop the chinese take over and in 5-10 years time we will literally own all of australia.
Daily reminder that we own you
Not on my watch
daily reminder that the chinese economy solely relies on the american consumer.
without our dollar stores selling chink items, china has no trade.
Dude fuck off back to China.
you stupid cunt, china will own all amerimutt land soon aswell
i would rather worship a mango instead of blaxck people and jew like your country does.
chinese people fuck each-other over as easily as they fuck over a dog or an aussie. you will turn our country into china 2.0 and the central empire will always consider you half-caste sell-outs who couldn't make it in the real world, so you run to welfare island for a second chance. maybe you already fucked up your chance in USA and Canada too.
But we know what our island is, and why know why you are here. We will make your death look like an accident :)
that is the point mate china is a beautiful country, we come here to make milions of dollar then we retire in in china, but soon aus will be all china and allot will stay to make it china, china already owns all of west australia, even in the same time zone hahah! btfo australia we own you
stop this thread everyday
theres a reason i call it "daily" you traitor, hong kong will be owned by china again soon!
>we retire in in china
chinese people don't get that old. they all have such similar dna that we know they will be allergic to blue-ring octopus, irukanji fish, inch ant and even harmless sea krait.
a child playing in a rock pool could murder you.
they are deadly to you aswell stupid white dog
we give *real australians* immunisation with antivenom therapy. cunt.
just a small security.
haha well i bet you die trying to eat asian foods hhahahaha stupid white dog with weak immune system hahaha enjoy getting sick everytime you eat asian food
China pls buy my country as well
yes because you poison them with melamine and boric acid. many australians carry testing strips, or avoid your people entirely.
Daily chink shitpost.
>we own your daughters...sculls VB.
Saw some of your chink women walking along with a white dude again did you Zhang? I know it must hurt living here and seeing it on a daily basis.
no we use white dog for more money, no love
they alrdy do and its retarded. everyone here hates them
my tripples do not lie
you are a traitor and honestly probably white! living in my beautiful country, GET OUT
How are chinese going to own all of Australia? Im not selling my house so how are they going to obtain it?
if u love china so much, go live there. u will leave in three seconds
Hopefully we'll follow NZs lead and stop all you motherfuckers buying all our land and shit
and i dont mean shanghai or beijing. go to a village
i do love china, it is my country, me and my family are to to study and make allot of money then we will retire there
i am from the mainland you white traitor dog! i spit at people like yyou
go home to your own shit country chink.
this is my country now
is it? are you going to turn it into shit? because your people seem to be good at creating miserable living standards for its people.
just like a cancer spreading. you must be proud.
wy dont u study and live in ur own country if it is so good then. you r a traitor because u learned the language if the foreign devil, learn their practices, use their inventions, eat their food, embrace their culture, live in their lands, befriend their people.
only to get rich for my family i am no traitor this ois tactic to steal the white dogs money! and help my family!
>tfw you will always be a mutt
u sold out yr country for ur family. SAD!
Look who's talking!
Why dont you colonise a place with actual resources like diamonds and nigger wifes?
>be a chink
>have a 2" dink
my dick is 6.5 inch
that is just a lie propaganda from tiny little small japan
no it is helping family in my country
That "small" Japan made "big" China its bitch!
Also, it's all true. Don't deny facts, bro.
Australia is finished, one need only go to Sydney or Melbourne to see such evidence. Of course, the virgin, childless, vidya game playing boys on here will claim otherwise but it is self-evident.
>all you can eat
>cry when people take as much as they want
you should be helping your country instead
>got a uni offer in melbourne
>if I go I will be surrounded by nothing but chinks for four years
I can't live like this anymore
Moneys not real chink
Deeds are just words on paper
mainlanders are stupid, greedy and don't have any self awareness
Please, take back your people. There are too many of them.
i am helping idiot!
we own these lands
money is enough to sell out your people mutt!
white dogs are not people!
no we own everything the world will be one big china
Same thing here...
Do it online.
>no we own everything the world will be one big china
I would love to see a bunch of Chankoro try.
>no we own everything the world will be one big china
*moves away from china because it's shit*
*wants the whole world to become "one big china"*
great chink, you're one of the sharp ones
Are you going to bomb legal immigrants with that?
It's over for the white cucks. Australia belongs to us now.
Nice. Come soon. We need Chinese Socialism.
mainland china can't make anything without copying, and they can't even do it properly
now go eat your melamine baby formula
hhaha we dont eat that we export yours to china and get rich hahaha
next month it will be illegal, you need to have australian citizenship to be able to buy baby formula from coles and woolies :)
Always the Foreign Chinese that hates the natives
this is the future of mainland china
long live taiwan, HK and singapore, the true chinese!
you think i dont have lots of chinese friends with citizenship hahaha
white dog
Your government is literally spreading its legs for foreign investment from the Chinese.
White boys here mad they'll never own a proper house and their children will have to rent an expensive Asian owned apartment just to live in famous cities around the world
the future of mainland china
there is a new law being drafted to deport all chinese involved with exporting baby formula, they will revoke your friends citizenship :)
I love these threads. Heartily kek at everyone getting mad because it's true
>my dick is 6.5 inch
You're meant to measure it on the top from your tummy, not on the bottom from the ball sack.
hold up. link to cases of chinese restaurants purposefully poisoning people wtf dude i like gook food
you're getting deported too nisem
Don't trigger the neet user, he might pull an Elliot Roger in Sydney.
Hate to break it to you but people who grew up in multicultural countries such as Australia, nz, usa, canada, uk has very weak societal cohesion. Racial tension exists the only question is to what extent. Then again racial tension in Australia is far from bad. Although racial segregation is quite real then again if a chinese guy wants to live in a white suburb it's not like hell get attacked
Dont project. Migrant
with a pair of chopsticks?
it would be pretty hard for him to find non chinese in sydney wahahaha
no argument here. i was at uni 12 years ago. it was 60% chinese then. i am guessing 99% now.
i moved to QLD to escape you but you are here now as well... fugggg XD
retire in a smoke filled garbage den filled with faggots? may as well retire to a gay bar. which inc incidentally is also filled with chink soy boys who get pounded by big white men... like the rest of the world you rely on
>your women tricked you to come here because they want the big white cock..kys gook.
Meh, still better than Jews.
ahhh the good old days when we let the japanese kill and rape chinks like the vermin they are
I'm Australian, but in the US making the big dollars.
I own almost 25,000 hectares of farmland back there.
Never seen any gook cunts out there.
jokes on you. next generation will come and you will have our country CHINKED. it will last 50 years and it will be just like your shithole is now, and has always been.
why are you so salty cunt? nobody want your ugly little ass!?
"Tiny little Japan" single handedly raped China up the shithole in WWII.
Chinks are conservative and rely on western consumerism so I'm fine with it.
You are forgetting us. Australia belongs to the Indians.
Loyalty to ones country is a meme in post 2011. Were a global society now. Most Australians dont care for what is discussed on auspol. The election results speaks for itself.
But who am i kidding. Everyones just larping. Ive personally been ranting it more than enough. White people hate to be labelled a racist more than anything. Irl that is.
Theres this certain fade cut that indians in Australia has. Its very nice. I want to take a pic and get the same style
Yeah shit flag stay in your shithole. I dont even know what shithole country your flag represents
you are not brown enough. sorry.
it is funny that your id ends in aud but sorry, aus belongs to china.
it wont be a violent takeover, just like the non-violent takeover of the US by latin american subhumans
im going to a uni party soon and im gonna have sex with a white girl, we own this land
Why don't you come and get it you spineless gook?
They're already flooding Australia you retard
chinks, the ultimate shabbos goyim