Reading manga colored

>reading manga colored

That's racist.

i don't like manga made by black ppl either

Why make the same thread with the exact same image every 2 weeks?

Some manga comes with like the 1st two pages or so colored anyway

You tell 'em OP

Fuck off, reading manga while blasting hip-hop and eating KFC is the supreme experience.

HotD is the only colorized manga I've read and I think it actually really benefited from it.

OP is referring to manga that is in color, rather than printed in black and white. Not colored people.

and you're just reverse-bating

The posters were already aware of this fact and angled it as a joke.

Nice bait and digits, pal

am artist i see no reason in coloring that shit unless it's some badass scene with tons of fighting. it just eats up more time

True men only read animated manga youtube video

kek how the fuck do western comics do it?

i know you might be baiting, but i've never seen one before. post one that's good

It looks like shit

If black people NTRd you, you'd hate them too

It looks like something out of a Oney animation holy carp

Thats why I read superior manhwa. Fucking japs.

Why would anyone accept money to commit suicide? Is this little girl retarded?

They have different people working on every part of it and can barely manage one issue per month.

>get to leave this shitty world
>have enough money to pay Charon for a quick trip

Win/win mate

some western comics looks pretty nice, but that's just disgusting

to spend on what ever you want before your final moment.

i know. i just try to avoid capeshit nowadays, and thanks to that i've found nice stuff, like Fables and Locke & Key

He says, posting an image from a colored manga.

there is literally nothing wrong with color in manga as long as its done collectively by the original circle. But I will agree that fan colorizing is garbage, because many times artists use shading techniques that do not translate well to full color.

Assistants. Not sure why kishi couldn't even draw properly despite having 11 assistants working at once.

Toners and hues; bad news.