We Can't Study/We Never Learn

Last Week's Chapter is out.


oh right, I forgot that we are effectively 2 ch behind.









Sup Forums a cute.


Uruka has sensitive nipples.


I appreciate that Rizu's solution to most problems seems to be to offer Udon.


She's an udon girl through and through.





Well, that was another comfy chapter. I really hope it's not too long before we get the ne--

>My sister at home has that same feeling... so... don't worry about it...

Wait, what?

Uruka doesn't want the Y, she is just shy.

I realize Hungry Marie will be cancelled first, but I'd rather see the translations on this dropped instead of that

>Sup Forums chapter


I'm guess his sister loves jumping on him.

Well, the translator has a note on the ch, saying they hope to get the next one out by Tues it seems.

Also I guess brocon imouto has her ways.

>My sister at home has that same feeling
How does he know?!

>unleashed tomboy titties

/chem/ a cute

>>My sister at home has that same feeling... so... don't worry about it...
What does he mean by this?

Author want the Oreimo audience

Really interested in how the chapter after next is, considering what's in the next one.

embarrassment and denial I assume.

Next chapter is when /sci/ wins, right?

can she possibly get any better?

Yuiga and Rizu kiss. No joke.

It will be a hilarious misunderstanding considering Rizu doesn't like him that way.

dumbass, reread that user's post you replied to.


>princess carry + titties

>accidental kiss
Completely meaningless then.

Sweaty, unwashed tits.

Do you remember their names?

/lit/ might not fall for him.

Is his hot friend A) ever going to be relevant, or B) actually a girl?

When you've got dozens of different harem series in your head and hundreds of haremettes to try and remember nicknames sometimes become necessary.


The rest idk

The bowl seems to be a two girl race too.

>not remembering every character in every series you watched

how would you survive being into those series with 50+ girls?

Remember how that turned out in every other romcom?
Yeah, glasses won. Time to pack it I guess

I remember the ones I care about, and that I read for long enough. This is still only a dozen chapters long.

Mediocre harems I watched a few years ago that aired for just one season and I never watched again? Sorry girls but as far as I'm concerned your names are your hair colors.

Well, one of the other girls thinks he's handsome at least -

>>My sister at home has that same feeling... so... don't worry about it...
i think he means the boobs

So how soon until they catch up then?

His sister thinks that no bra is comfier than bra.

Wait how the hell did they get into such a good school if they're so terrible at certain subjects?

You can't score higher than a perfect. Even if you ace one part of an exam if you can't even handle the basics of another part then your overall score will be dragged down.

Best girl chapter

They will be forever be /sci/, /lit/ and Sup Forums for me

When you call girls by /sci/, /lit/, and Sup Forums, the Jinsei girls comes to my mind first.

I say it brings to mind the lack of originality when creating archtypes by harem authors.

Let me guess.../lit/ is the one with the big tits in that pic right?

Imouto finds a way.

She was talking about Kobayashi, and who could blame her, honestly.

Oh god how did I not realize until 3 chapters in this is by nisekois author

>this is by nisekois author
No, this isn't by Komi.
It's by the guy who made the Nisekoi Spin-off.

Oh. It looks just like nisekoi.

>>My sister at home has that same feeling... so... don't worry about it...
>My sister at home has that same feeling... so... don't worry about it...
>My sister at home has that same feeling... so... don't worry about it...

What did he mean by this? That his LITTLE sister rite?

Author is an Incestfag

>do you want udon
Top kek

Tomboy is winning, right?

Feels refreshing.

see: their failing subject isn't the only other subject besides the one they're good at, dumdum

I'm pretty sure any decent school wouldn't accept a student who scores in the 0-3 range on any of their subjects entrance exams.

Imagine you're in school, get an F (a hard 0 points F) on any class and see how it affects your gpa even with A+ in every other class.

What would be worse?

Yuiga meaning his little sister, or him meaning the twin?

Who has the better winning percentage in manga?

>childhood friend

Brown Ryuko
Cockroach Ayase
The other one

God why must this be a harem

I just want a good old love triangle.

I want more interaction with /chem/.

>tfw we never update
jaimini pls ;__;

Brown a shit.

Pretending to be retarded is really fun isn't it

>another chapter wasted on Sup Forums
When are we going back to the actual premise of the story?

I hope they actually get to do some studying in the study camp amidst the shenanigans.