Hello Sup Forums. I'll answer all the questions from the previous thread and then say a permanent good night.
Final deep state thread
Previous thread.
Nah, we're good. Sage.
Zero point energy manipulation in Antarctica, real or a psyop to cover for something else?
OP loves black dick.
Who really killed JFK?
Every time you are reminded about meteors or Aliens from now until the upcoming indictment openings, I want you to remember that John Podesta is a blood sucking pedophile and that he along with Obama, Hillary & Co. and the rest of the establishment will fake these events ala Project Bluebeam to get away from justice.
Been there. Done that. You have no interest. See you on the playing field.
this dude answered a few questions of mine in the last thread in very compelling ways that make me think if he's not DS (that part might be a larp) he's certainly something.
t. been round the block since rio halto
you said the last thread was the last, holy shit stop, no one believes you
I think he's just wrapping up the unfinished questions and not taking any more
fake and gay
You cant escape karma. Neither your ''top gods'' nor the entitys they worship can.
So let me get this straight.
You fucked up on POL in an earlier thread. Now you are here on a honeypot mission to see what we know to show your boss it wasn't that bad.
Information is knowledge and knowledge leads to power. However, beware because having such knowledge makes you a target.
Trump could have taken you fuckers out but fucked up his advantage and now you niggers will survive the storm.
Is that about right so far?
fake and gay larp faggot
that's cool rmanZlVx
wrong. Trump is taking out the shills.
>What's your opinion on the Baby Boomers
Some ok, some not so ok.
>Is your favorite movie Enemy of the State?
Hehe. No. Mission Impossible series.
>Tell me about the Stargate program. How many times has SG-1 saved the world without us knowing it?
I don't have access to such information
>The deepstate of the US having any semblance of independent control is an absolute myth,
There are good actors and bad actors among us.
>So is a history of Sup Forums posts a qualifier or disqualifier from working with intelligence agencies?
No. Intelligence agencies don't care if you shitposted on Sup Forums. Your posts will be monitored and discussed in meetings to shame you into stopping, but no, it doesn't disqualify you.
>Is *real deal* AI a thing yet, and if or if not, should we have concerns?
True AI will never be realized.
>I ain't talking about the nigger you nigger
Then who?
>Why do you think they dont use AIs on Sup Forums
Sup Forums no longer important enough to monitor. AI is used for other social media websites with more digital content.
>lol ill bet CIA are all racist anti semites after 2 weeks on here.
I've been lurking on Sup Forums for 4 years, and I'm not an anti-semite yet. There are good and bad people among them as well. They seem to be addicted to public approval and I think that's the bane of their existence.
>Does make SA a failed state help the deep state for money purposes?
No state is a failed state for the deep state. Just potential future successes.
>They were using MS13 I think within Miami Dade Police Department, nearly harvested the son of a wealthy American buisnessman (mistook him for homeless person, was actually war hero in college going through a bad break up with his girlfriend) This was August of 2013
Right, they won't be doing it now. That's what I meant to say.
>Regardless I enjoy their company due to them being easy to trigger.
This is why I like Sup Forums.
you answered my questions in post why is a wife and kids a regret now? what's stopping you from finding a partner and reproducing?
Say a permanent good night and kys larping faggot
also who are your top 5 music artists of all time?
) #
Should I be afraid of the future? I’m not that smart man I have potential but all this deep state shit makes me scared.
Also another question, is the deep state secretly our saviors by stopping world ending or very big bad events from happening? Like do they stop some REALLY bad shit from happening to keep themselves, and us by association is normal joes?
Don't do it, user.
Was Oswald a good shot?
Was he able to pull off those 3? shots within that slip off time?
Also, bye fag
Should I be afraid of the future? I’m not that smart man I have potential but all this deep state shit makes me scared.
Also another question, is the deep state secretly our saviors by stopping world ending or very big bad events from happening? Like do they stop some REALLY bad shit from happening to keep themselves, and us by association, alive?
Has to repost as the other comment I left had a issue and I couldn’t delete
don't forget
>DS using marxism/feminism in US to pacify citizens and make them placate. OP did state multiple times that the values (so Atheists are welcome) of Christianity can embolden to "lynch the politicians", his quote not mine
>Science (as in Bill Nye the SJW guy, kind) will be the new "religion"
but most importantly
>he was trying to teach us to regain old Sup Forums sense of info gathering, following the trail and seeing where it all leads as opposed to just being spoon-fed and willingly accepting any and all info like a bunch of hungry baby birds
Hello valued coworker :^)
>Any tidbit of info surrounding this specific occurrence proves something.If you'd answer, I could get on with the real questions.
Then let's not get on because I can't give you any information that would compromise me.
>So thi particular red pill you are specifically referencing and the djt choice made was when hemet with Obama and came out of that meeting white as a ghost.
No, it wasn't that meeting. But yeah something similar.
>What's in the box that turns great leaders into withering children?
What would turn a great leader into a withering child? Information. Key information. What is it? I don't know. Really, way above my pay grade.
>Im still confused, who exactly do you stand with? The deep state or us? If the latter then is there anything you can do to help us besides the info dump?
I want to serve my country, but that also requires me to follow orders I don't like.
The best I can do is to teach you how to think for yourselves and be able to extract info.
>Could a war happen anyway even if the deep state doesn't allow it?
>one about how you want us to think for ourselves and now this, I'm going to hypothesise that the reason why whoever you work for wants you to analayze Sup Forums with peramiters you have set up is for future reference;
That wasn't my purpose, but it won't hurt you to think like that.
>Fucked me up though, I've been thirsty ever since. Always. Even while I'm drinking something, I'm still thirsty.
I'm sorry to hear that.
>Why are the Jews so powerful? Is it just generations of wealth accumulation or is there more to it?
There are many gentiles who are powerful as well. Wealth is only a form of power, but information is also another form of power.
>What's your favorite "unmarked transport vehicle" of choice? Freightliner tractor trailers, box trucks/vans, or Ford Transits?
Box vans are usually popular. I don't deal in any of that stuff though.
Is Nork a CIA asset? Rogue CIA asset?
What about Iran?
Is Zuckerberg a spook and/or AI?
Will there be anything done about bullshit data collection and disclosure/sale online?
Is the Muh Rushing Cuhlooshin going to wrap up anytime in the near future?
Favorite cereal?
checked and shamelessly exposing how you failed to answer my questions in the previous thread
for shame GITD
my apologies DS I posted the same comment not knowing you answered it in the last thread.
But since I have another opportunity to state into the void per say and ask a question I just gotta ask, what career would you recommend? I honestly have 0 idea what to do for the rest of my life and I’m haunted by it. What career is the best in pay and enjoyment?
>Should I be afraid of the future? I’m not that smart man I have potential but all this deep state shit makes me scared.
you always use this line in the beginning of your posts in every thread OP has made so far
Hello Valued coworker :^)
You fappin rn?
Here is a question.
You are so sure you will survive the Trump presidency - Why?
Could he not try again within the next 7 years?
Was a deal made to make sure you stay in tact for something in return?
>the best I can do is to teach you how to think for yourselves and be able to extract info.
that's definitely a short version of what i meant
Also--how do your superiors feel when they make you post on Sup Forums about how miserable you are workin for them? What's the bullying like at work?
Like I said I didn’t know he answered it until after I posted it. The first time I asked the thread closed after. And I missed the follow up thread.
Again, my apologies like I said I’m not that smart and just want hope
>I've been here for 14 years, I stopped caring about obfuscation a year and a half ago. You can emulate ideolect, but not intention.
>Is the United States concerned about the growing chinese infiltration of western Canada at high tech companies?
No. Canada is not a concern.
>What is the United States doing to stop chinese infiltration of Canada?
>Is Justin Trudeau compromised by George Soros?
Really? Even I don't have to tell you that he's Fidel Castro's son. It's obvious. You can figure out the rest with Pierre and co.
>I'm looking for the compromised righties in hollywood.
I can't give specific names.
>would not lynch their politicians
>You lack faith, the guilty wont pay as they are too old but the future can still be saved.
I don't lack faith. I analyze data on the people I was talking about. I know I'm right. Americans have become soft. Only adversity will harden them again.
>Resources are hard to find, and for good reason. Some other user will tell me in a month anyways. Lots of misfits of all stripes on this board.
Good luck.
>Dunno what you're into, but enjoy the time you have left.
I hope you enjoy your time as well.
>Will the Democrats use tricks to steal the 2018 midterms like they did in Alabama?
The deep state will. It doesn't have to come from the democrats alone.
>No doubt watched. Don't care. Would join patriot Intel any day. And tech is launching. Patent was published.
Good luck.
>Quit your job tomorrow and renounce your sins
Haha. I appreciate your sentiment, but it's not that easy.
>I think something they haven't accounted for will slip out of their control, and that'll hurt them badly. It's a bit of a large operation that they're trying to keep under wraps.
That would be hard. The deep state's strategies are built on trial and error. It's hard to beat them from the outside.
>A particular strength and weakness of American deep state is individualism.
You might be on to something here.
get smart, it's not that hard, just get enthused with many various topics, honestly get infatuated with knowing, even a retard like you can accumulate a fascinating catalogic knowledge of many subjects
understand the arcane, the esoteric, the pedantic, the logic, the pragmatic
Even hearing your self evaluation of your intelligence, I see you have true potential
To be honest idk everyone I meet at some point tells me I’m very smart but, ok let me say right now I’m not saying that to like gloat about intelligence I’m sure I’m not some golden child and no one else has been told that in their lives, I don’t know what to do with it. I’ve got no money so as DS said you need wealth as one Power and Knowledge as the other. I basically have half power and I’d say I have half of that half.
I’m too ambitious and my over thinking is my cripple. I could do so much but I am my worst enemy, as well as any other people who get in my way.
Perhaps I’m just a lazy fellow and I’m making excuses but idk
If you weren't smart, you wouldn't know how much of an idiot you are.
>The deep state wants him gone, but killing him would prove the deep state's existence.
>Just have Clinton kill him or take the fall for it since no-one could touch her for it anyways?
It's not that simple. Clinton won't take that deal.
>why do you think DJT will be impeached
>He is dividing this country and you know it, or if you don't then you guys are not really doing your fucking job.
DJT is not part of the deep state, and so I know he's not the one dividing the country.
>am 6'2''
>OP is Julian.
user, you're amazing, but I assure you. I'm not Julian. You deserve another chocolate factory nonetheless.
Hahaha, no.
>What do you have to gain by killing all the Boers?
There's a nice 1949 movie with Marilyn Monroe.
>What's the point of having North Korea shoot all the missiles close to Japan? So they buy more of our weapons?
China controls NK, not us.
>Will Antarctica be of increasing importance/relevance in the next decade?
You may think that, I cannot comment.
>so then what's to stop weaponized autism from reeee-combing your previous shit? And if there is some coded deep-intel there, then distributing it on our alt-channels or even on Sup Forums at large, if it is by anyways decent/true/revealing?
I've been at an agency for 15 years. I don't let secrets slip that easily.
>Also I like how you stopped replying to me and I called you out for your alcoholism, though to be fair it was obvious
I'm sorry. I've tried to reply to all anons who asked me a question. I left anons who were having a side discussion alone. I am an alcoholic. I won't feel bad if you say that. It's the truth.
>was it really necessary to promote degeneracy and immigrants to force an ideal? Was there really no other way?
If there was an easier way, then it would have been implemented.
>what do you guys think of the National Socialist Azov movement in the Ukraine?
Deep state is pretty hands off till it gets serious.
Funny I was thinking that in my head as I posted the comment. I just need to figure out a way to stop overthinking and simulating shit in my head constantly, get off of nicotine, and just really focus.
Which just curious to any anons or maybe even DS, will vaping (Juul, Phix, Suorin Drop) have extremely bad side effects on the human body?
are traps gay I asked you in the last thread yet you ignored me
How does a high IQ but extremely lazy pol user assure their safety in this funny old world?
>hard mode
have morals and cannot ignore criminality or degeneracy
Love Happy you bastard, love that flick.
>Turkey is a threat to Iran and Syria. Iran and Syria are Russian assets. Russia is a threat is it not? The msm says it daily.
Turkey hasn't been a threat to anyone since WW1.
>but if the American people ever wake up and regain control the ensuing revolt here could lead to another revolution there once our economy falls (thus by extension theirs also).
Yes, but the Chinese government consists of corrupt officials who are far more corrupt than the U.S. and the Chinese citizens don't like their government. They have more to lose than us.
>Quite the opposite is happening, take that as a heads up.
Thank you. I will write this down and put in my drawer and take it out when it's true.
>How do you feel about microwave and radio frequency manipulation to shift moods/behavior/make people go crazy?
Results are inconclusive. Power lines can damage people with certain genes, but it doesn't adversely affect everyone. Not enough data and the effects are too varied.
>Is Justin Trudeau the son of Fidel Castro?
Hahaha. Do you even have to ask? Just compare their photographs. That is sufficient.
>Tell us what you know about the Vegas Shooting.
Sup Forums has figured out the truth.
I normally vape to focus, I think it's more of a sensory thing than anything, but I haven't had any side effects. My chest gets a bit tight if I smoke cigarettes now, like in high school lmfao
I'll bite :^)
stay away from nicotine and vapes, unless you like them obvi. in which case, do you senpai
Good night Sup Forums. You are of no concern to my agency.
But remember, don't paint bullseyes on your head.
What does the CIA do about people like Ron Paul and the Mises Institute? Do they not make enough noise to worry about?
What companies and industries should I invest in to align myself with the DS? Over the next 20+ years what companies and industries will the deep state allow to flourish and what companies and industries will decline?
he answered, they are in fact gay. sorry user.
nn spook fren
>>What do you have to gain by killing all the Boers?
>There's a nice 1949 movie with Marilyn Monroe.
this one stumped me. i get the whole diamond part but the Boers are mostly farmers, they're not the ones who own the mines. why?!?!
I’ve been doing it for awhile but have only now been really thinking as to its side effects. Like fuck will this give me some terrible disease years from now or cancer? Like my god what the fuck have I done to my future self,
"""?cover up? """
I think you'll be able to realize what AYE mean, I see you are tru/pol/ if a little novice
think big game, like on CIV level, you have the background in culture and current events to realize the greater truths. It's not going to be hard, since the largest interest globally operate out of financial interest, just follow the money and see how the social-architects would use info to steer the direction of political movements internationally, especially with any amount of financial backing imaginable
I'd say more, but I'm not a larper, and I know this is public domain
there goes 100gb of boi pucci :(
Good night. Stay /comfy/, whoever you are.
Another question how can you suppress overthinking in the mind? I can’t fucking stop and it’s killing me.
we comfy fuhreel
Smoke weed
Do any elements of the deep state desire a socialist or communist society?
Is the organization aiding in the infiltration of cultural marxism into the west, or is the deep state one of the forces fighting against this?
Ah well you’re right in that but in my state where it’s not legal it’s quite hard to just casually smoke out in public and even worse when the people you live with don’t agree that it’s good and treat it like a demon
Goodnight user. Good “luck”. Godspeed.
so glad i didn't post in that thread
Sounds like education is the only near and long term way to fight.
What are you, 16? Go buy a chillum and drive around the block a few times
It’s cold here man. Plus my car has a broken headlight so I could get pulled over at any time at night and having weed in the car and having it smell isn’t a good idea
If you were to give a number, a LEGITIMATE number, for the chances out of one hundred that Sup Forums, white nationalism, the european identitarian movement, etc have of succeeding, what number would you give?
And I’ve got a glass....idk that design of Sherlock Holmes smoking bowl thing
I had fun.
why? it was retardation all the way through
it was just a Sup Forums frequenter trying to deliver his limited intel in a creative way a la Q/5 technique
Two parts:
Has the democratic nominee for 2020 already been chosen?
How big of an issue is voter fraud truly? Is it as bad as republicans make it out to be?
If it is that, pretty good intel on how deep state might actually function with some other tidbits.
When are they going to start project bluebeam?
You're thinking too hard. It's not a LARP. I did it for kekkery only.
If I knew how to program it'd be a different story.
These are just excuses you're coming up with to not do anything
>Fix your headlights
>Wear a coat
>Drive around during the day
Excuses don't negate solutions
people really are morons.
>i wonder how well data-mining iris' goes in tangent with Apple's facial recognition software
also if alphabet's can now track who posts on Sup Forums due to matching that shit together?
yeah, I think there was some organization behind it to be honest, and the timbits* were tasty
just a cool Sup Forumsack having a drink and sharing some intel, the narrative was pretty weak
but hey I could be wrong
>Only adversity will harden them again
Same with the rest of the world, which is why I cant decide on how to feel about Soros.
The cia are constants manipulating civilians. Even when previously classified files incriminate them, the population does nothing. why? I blame flouride. It's literally in everything and is used as an opiate. No revolution will happen. You see it in europe with the refugees and soon the US. We might have bought 8 years, but the ever creeping shadows of marxism are smart. It's coming and this time it's permanent.
If he is "legit" and isn't a larp... I noticed he only answered political/History type questions and nothing with a technical bent.
Irises are better than fingerprints from what I know. They don't wear thin, smudge, or change from prolonged wear and tear.
Apple absolutely does iris recognition. It's old tech seen as far back as the 1980's from what I know. Computers are way better at quantifying a value of a color than we ever could. If I moved the dropper tool two pixels I'd get a completely different color value. That's what hardware and software solutions can make out nowadays. I'm pretty sure they'd be able to get your pulse from your eyeball if they really wanted to.
Fine, ya got me I am making excuses. I’ll attempt attleast for my sake to medicate more often. It’s been in my thoughts constantly to just smoke to stop worrying and I feel as though part of me is just screaming for me to just do it.
Do you believe in God and how do you?
you sound real stupid, but I do see where you're coming from. The true objective though is prevention
honestly, it's a bullshit plan, it undoes itself from the get go. Have you seen the Marxist promoters? These are the people who have been mentally deranged by the fluoride. The Orchestrators of this scheme seem to have forgotten where true political power lies, volition is not to be discounted
>I'll say that
two options:
>die with religion
if theres god you're in heaven
if not meh.
>die without religion
if theres god hell
if not meh
pretty obvious which option is safer
Okay, you want to serve your country. What country? USA? Or are we talking about the usa corporation?
Are you an oath keeper? Will you have our backs and do the right thing or would you kill innocent people, or set up innocent people that reveal the truth about the deep state and corruption that we know goes all the way to the top?
Who is still protecting the child trafficking and the pedophiles from the pope to hollywood and government including former presidents?
Do you have DJT back and will or are you protecting his life?
Thank You
Now is when all the real monitoring would begin. Makes sense to do it after they stirred up the hornets nest with the previous few threads. Easy to link direct networks, ideas, people, IPs., etc. Have a nice clean record to go off of that isn't contaminated with tradthot threads and shit. Still not sure if real or larp though.
Obviously, every tru/pol/ is a believer
>like seriously what?!
flouride doesn't cause mental issues, it's used to make people relaxed and submissive. The nazis used it on jews in the camps. Look it up I'm not lying
Its not stupidity, its rumoured he enjoyed the Reich. Its not entirely insane to believe he could be funding everything wrong in the world to push the complacent populace to fight back against the ones who embrace it, also one of the few ways to topple an established system.
This is the same method this deep state guy has been talking about.
Also why bother with complex matching algorithms when IP addresses do the work for way less effort?
Contrary to popular belief, user is not behind seven proxies.
Are CTHULU cults running your brain from the dimension of ultimate darkness.
What's that cheesy stuff on bell ends taste like.
Does the CIA use bumming as part of its initiation.
How do you spell antidisestablishmentarianism?