Hey Russia fags, why do you still hate us?
Is it because:
>Cold War
>Better Economy
>No Slavs
>Russia Investigation (BS Witch hunt)
Hey Russia fags, why do you still hate us?
Other urls found in this thread:
are we really that bad?
State TV brainwashing. Putin needs something to blame economic stagnation on other than his regime's power abuse and ubiquitous corruption. You can notice that every long running regime does the same: Cuba, Iran, North Korea.
That brainwashing also inoculates Russian people against wanting to live without dictatorship and under rule of law like the West which is a big threat to Putin's power.
>muh russia
everyone in the world fucking hates you desu
Why still have NATO and even expand it if Russia is no longer a threat? It will always been a threat to the (((NWO))) unless subjugated
Only now that we've got Trump in. Most everyone loved us back when we had Onigger in office. Just further proof that the world's faggy opinions of us don't matter
>Why still have NATO and even expand it if Russia is no longer a threat?
How can you tell your new allies that they can't join NATO if they really want to?
BTW, the only reason Putin hates NATO is that those countries, no matter how small, he can't easily invade because of article 5. That's the only difference between NATO and non-NATO. So he's showing his intentions when he lashes out against NATO.
You know that about 30% of those countries have a much higher living standards that you, right?
sorry kid but trump and the shithole usa are the ones who are irrelevant here or any other cuck us president or a larping government official shown on your jewish tv lol
They're winning in Syria.
Cold War is still ongoing.
Least they're not a multi cultural shithole like USA. They have Russian traditional values that will survive for centuries. whereas USA will be speaking Spanish in few years and being run by niggers and women. American White Man gets humiliated everyday.
Trump has been bitch slapped by Putin at every turn.
Nice propaganda post. This is what a brainwashed Russian sounds like. All lies but it makes them feel good.
>t.hohol with meme flag
> fund bolshevism
> dont end bolshevism in 1990, extract Russian resources instead and undermine Russian gene pool and economy in multiple ways
> fund ukroshit to kill Russians just to get foothold against EU
> bomb Serb in their war against mudslimes
Russians don't really give you much thought in their day-to-day. Owen gets it.
We don't hate you. Russians don't hate anyone except each other.
Everybody knows what's going on in Russia not just hohols. But this is also a common response from brainwashed Russians.
Number one enemy is America, number two is Ukraine. ISIS only after those. This is real polling data.
All of it. Also, soviets were cucks who thought that you are people, not vermin that will parasite on the rest of the world.
You know how the Russians have the "butthurt belt" of the Baltics that constantly criticizes everything they do despite being irrelevant and easily conquerable by them?
The entire world, including Russia, is our butthurt belt
>fund bolshevism
Actually, not, since they are STILL salty about commies existing and making them do the "duck and cover" expecting soviets to blast them.
>dont end bolshevism in 1990
Oh, but they did. They effectively exchanged it to randroid neocon crap. Russian fags like Chubais, Gaydar and similar were inspired both by Chile and the hatred for general Russian populace, being ready to shoot at people if they will start bitching.
>fund ukroshit to kill Russians just to get foothold against EU
Dude, they fucking helped durkas when soviets were funding them, you are really surprised by ukroshit support?
>bomb Serb in their war against mudslimes
Fuck the Serbs, to be honest. Бpaтyшкoвaниe c бaлкaнcкими живoтными - этo oднa из caмых дeбильных идeй, иcпoльзyeмых вo внeшнeй пoлитикe Poccии зa вcю eё иcтopию.
>Russians don't really give you much thought in their day-to-day.
That's a lie. Daily Russian TV news programs consist of propaganda about America and other designated enemy countries like Ukraine. Almost nothing about Russia.
Yeah, and that's why in EVERY fucking youtube video about russia I found one or two buttblasted hohols.
Also, maybe hohols shouldn't be so smug with the "watch out, vatniks, here is how the european nation does this things" before they fucked up due to their own greed and niggership?
>81 81 0
Well, for stability *sips vodka*
Post-Soviet NATO expansion. Just after the fall of USSR there was a huge pro-US sentiment, but it went to shit after Yugoslavia. Russians are really pissed about US trying to play a neo-Roman Empire
the same reasons everyone else hates us
>Russians are really pissed about US trying to play a neo-Roman Empire
Sent from Intel processor PC or iPhone knockoff smartphone on an American created website over America developed internet while drinking something from Coca-Cola company.
Don't you think we should develop something cool that isn't from Soviet times before criticizing the US which does all the innovation for us shitholes?
That would be a valid argument if it was Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Elon Musk installing medium-range missiles on Balcans.
The question was "why Russians hate US", not why we shouldn't (because we obviously shouldn't)
That is only because you are unable to match them. Not because it's generally bad.