Little Witch Academia

It's just like one of my mexican telenovelas

19 Hours left for Episode 19 "Quality" Subs...

100000000000% MAD

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>Diana always mads at Akko with a soft, tough love voice
>Diana mads at her aunts with FULL METAL ANGRY AS FUCK voice

Diana is really, really PISSED.

Literally background witches

Maybe they could use this time to bond with Hannah and Barbera while their respective harem leaders are gone.

>Is this what we've been reduced to, Lotte?

>waiting for asenshi

dios mio




>H&B being such doormats that they wouldn't come visit just because Diana said not to

They really are the worst friends.

>evil aunt
Yeah, pretty much. Imagine the Cavendish estate as a large hacienda that was bequeathed to the young master, which in this case is Diana, but the evil stepmother/aunt wants it for herself. Akko is the love interest who bumbles into the scene and is despised by the family but is protected by the young master here.

Hell, they even have horses and smarmy servants with a heart of gold like in real telenovelas!

Oh hey, they can actually touch the Shiny Rod.
That's confirmed.

Yo, can I get some Diana facts?

>Diana finds Akko and Andrew kissing
>No! No! Not that damn retard!

>Diana getting cucked by Amanda


five facts diana:
-this diana
-diana hungy

The rod senses how dorky Croix is and doesn't let her cum crusted hands touch it

This never fails to make me smile


>no familiar arc

Pray hard enough and you might get another season so you can see Sucymom.

I can't wait for the ending of Episode 20 where Diana is going to confess her feelings to Akko but then Amanda arrives and picks up Akko.

Barbara redemption when?

Needs the violin, though.

she won't even show up for her best """"""""""""""friend""""""""""""""""

Best friends!

i feel like we should be watching the spanish subs just to get the complete experience.

Delete this

>implying Barbera would be attracted to that ugly bitch.


Sad bullies!

I cant wait for the doujin where Amanda sends Diana a USB containing videos of her mindbreaking Akko. The ending scene shows Diana watching with tearful NTR rage at Akko saying "Sorry Diana, but I can't live without the burger now"

I need more Croix & Ursula interaction.

Is it just me or Barbara looks so fucking happy and smug in that pic?

Man now I feel bad for Diana.

Make me, fag.

They have no strong feelings toward Diana. Akko admires Diana and considers her her rival. One of her motivations during the festival was to make Diana acknowledge her.

I guess you can say, they know that this is journey is something only Akko must do on her own.

She just wants Hannah.

Will Andrew play Rusty Anchor while Akko looks on clueless?


Croix needs more screentime

At least that magazine artwork promises some more of her and Chariot mode Ursula

Why is Diana so awful to Akko? Why cant she be friendlier?

And hopefully more flashbacks

Han Megumi's sperging on twitter is even worse than some of the shipperfags and fanartists.

she truly is an Akko

She'd need to know what friendship is first.

Can someone put white frosting on their faces?

She's just projecting her frustrations toward Akko, whom she knows will never turn against her.

who are these characters?

hannah gonna get comforted

She is friendly to Akko (in a harsh way)

Do you see episode 12 ?

I want to comfort these poor cuties!

how can you be so dense? there's a chart that labels all the background witches

She's autistic and tsundere

Is Diana going to show akko her horse?

Diana wants to live her stupid boring rich girl life, but this witch filled with yay keeps trying to forcefully inject it into her.

And she hates it.
Why can't this dumb witch just be calm?

Diana is getting married!

Diana a slut. A SLUT!

Diana will surely warm up to Akko once she sees her Chariot Card collection

>Akko admires Diana and considers her her rival.
Not even Akko takes the rival nonsense seriously. She only said that because she didn't have an answer when Diana asked why she wanted to stop her. Also, she looks up to her in the sense that she thinks Diana is better than her. It's more like an inferiority complex than admiration. That's why Ursula told her to not compare herself to others.

>One of her motivations during the festival was to make Diana acknowledge her.
Because Diana explicitly put Akko's resolve in doubt in the previous episode. Let's not forget about the context here.

Does Diana just accept her getting dracula eyes and phasing into the walls as 'normal'?


Its a witch family user.

She and Sucy's VA are pretty obnoxious about it, to be honest.

She's a witch, user.

hasn't diana seen her play with her cards once before

>Not this faggot again

You gonna denied all the way to end of the world eh, AntiDianaFag ?


To Akko:
>I never consider you my rival
>I have to leave but it's not like I hate Luna Nova nor the people I've meet here

>Even if I have to leave school it's ok because I've already made lots of fond memories there

She is classic textbook Tsundere. Would it kill her to admit she actually likes Luna Nova?

You again? Why don't you make the world a favor and kill yourself already.

i thought *i* was the antidianafag

why am i being cucked

What is she sperging about?

She'd rush for her glasses when she notices Akko

Are they sad about all the Blurays and DVDs no one is going to buy?

Why does she look so frightened?

Everyone and their mother is an antidianafag for that little shit.

Do you think Diana Cavendish would ever admit to being a Chariotfag at school?

Hannah told her that she doesnt love her.

Spanish subs out... How they do that soo fast

She'll only admit it to Akko.


So Diana is the man of this relationship huh.

Diana and Akko's interactions area always the best.

Well she doesn't love love her. It's just a joke haha

They just argue. Their interaction lacks the cute moments like when Andrew was watching Akko dance in the fountain.


>Diana is half a head taller
Is Akko a womanlet or Diana just tall?

How salty is Diana about not being chosen by the Rod?

Padded shoes

Lot less salty than Croix was.

Got you senpai

Diana isn't a dork like Croix, just a nerd about magic

how to FUK am i going to read it?


I don't think she resents Akko, she's more dissapointed with herself. The scene where her mom tells her that she'd be the one to open a new door cuts to her looking over her empty desk, she feels like she has failed her mom.

I just realized if you use this word, it will change to senpai
>inb4 newfag

Holy shit, I thought people stopped making these ages ago

If you use other word it changes to desu.

How did Chariot even meet Croix if shes such a antisocial nerd?

>traditions of Cavendish family
Like do nothing and live only from family's pride? It sure worked well for them...