How would you confess your love to JCs?
How would you confess your love to JCs?
In a bombastic way
What is JC?
Can someone explain the "what is JC" meme?
i'd tell her she is cute, then shed "but no one has ever said that to me" "you are so gentle"
sex ensues
"hmm you look like prime breeding material"
>JC Staff
Mind = blown.
I wouldn't be able to, I have no reason to believe a JC would accept my confession.
What the fuck is a JC?
>Eyyy girl you want some fuck.
She's a JC so likely to accept.
You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.
Oh my god JC a bomb.
JS is for criminals
JK is for really boring people
JC is for people who think three steps ahead
Do you prefer loli JC or old hag JC?
Old hag JCs might as well be shitty JKs
>old hag JC?
Pardon me?
A JC who is an old hag, aka not a loli.
I tell mine I love her every day, because she's my daughter. I hope you mentally deranged pedophiles are happy with yourselves.
JCs are pubescent, user so pedophiles wouldn't be interested in them.
JC is a group age, it has nothing to do with body type.
This. JCs are the peak female form, still small enough that they are cute and sweet but also developed enough their body is starting to show clear signs of feminity and fertility.
Fist them first, think about it later.
JC is an educational level. Most of the time it can describe a certain age range, but I agree that it doesn't necessarily imply a body type. Consider the following though, what if a little girl that's super smart for her age skips a few grades and enrolls into middle school? Technically she'd be a JC since she'd be enrolled in middle school. Kinda like how Chio from Azumanga Daioh is technically a JK despite being really young, but she's also able to be one because she skipped some grades. The reverse can also be true, if an old hag, cake or whatever, decides to go back and enroll in middle school whether it's through pulling strings or some other bullshit, she'd also be a JC since she'd be enrolled too.
Shit Chiyo, not chio.
Why are they staring at me like that?
It makes me nervous.
Where is this from? I cannot find it in sadpanda.
Thanks to Eromanga-sensei threads, newfags suddenly discovered JS/JC/JK/JD terms that were used and/or known here for years by anyone with decent power level. And as expected of newfags, they started to ask questions like "what is JC?" which got lots of (you)s, jump on the bandwagon, or try to prove that this terminology is new/weeb/pretentious/reddit.
This turned into usual shitposting and now we get a shitload of posts mentioning JC, resulting in oh-so-funny "what is JC?" responses.
kids love candy
So, what is JC?
Juicy Cunny, JC characters are known for getting wet very easily.
>It's just newfags who don't know what it means
Or people who don't want /jp/ leaking out of /jp/.
Some pretentious anons with too much free time started using those unnecessary and obscure acronyms in this board in order to look more elitist. People here enjoy anime but not many know japanese nor actually care to use such complicated vocabulary, the ones who do often are people that know some japanese and decide to be flaming faggots about it because they have nobody IRL to show it off to. If they really knew so much they'd probably be browsing 2chan instead.
It's better to play along or just ignore them.
>such complicated vocabulary
Its only complicated if you're a severe newfag.
Stop false flagging, idiot.
People here are too busy enjoying anime to actually care.
JC is the last stage you have before they turn into full on semen demons.
>obscure acronyms
>complicated vocabulary
RIP my dick
Initially I found it weird why so many people on Sup Forums obsess over simple abbreviations of normal Japanese words.
Then I remembered most of you are subhuman EOPs that watch anime translated by Crunchyroll, so you don't know even the simples of Japanese words aside from maybe "imouto" and "senpai".
You clearly don't enjoy it enough to pay attention to the vocabulary.
With my dick.
Sure, if you like old hags and in this case girls who please old men for money.
Turned your JS into JCs.
She's only 15. And Rin might look like it but she doesnt engage with EK, i bet she doesnt even know that term
How new can you be to think those acronyms are "obscure"? Sup Forumsnons have always strived to act like chinks.
Also, no one actually enjoys anime here.
>Also, no one actually enjoys anime here
I bet you think Sup Forums is only pretending to be racist as well.
Donut penis always works.
EOPS shouldn't watch anime. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
>Sup Forums suddenly likes JC
what happened?
>hating JC
Bob Page pls
Newfag spotted
So is JC Staff full of JCs?
Cute 11 year old dude
I have watched anime and used Sup Forums for 5 years and never saw these terms
You see them in hentai all the time, if you read the original text. People just translate them as elementary schooler or shit like that
Yeah what this guy said
Why aren't there any doujins of Rika fucking her classmates?
Not just hentai anymore senpai. I'm not complaining either way.
What should I feed to my JC?
Drag into a dark alley to play a game.
the fuck's a JC?
> Sup Forums fucks the JC
Fixed your dyslexia, user.
Good bait, I'm going to use this one.
It used to ;__;
The best way is in a church.
>/jp/ cancer
What the fucking shit is a JC?
Juicy Cunny
What's the one on the right smirking about?
Joyful cunny